Ruthless Monarch Read Online Ava Harrison

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Dark, Mafia, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 107
Estimated words: 107265 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 536(@200wpm)___ 429(@250wpm)___ 358(@300wpm)

Hell, the more I get to know him, and the more time I spend with him, the more I see and the more I realize I think I might have already fallen for him.



* * *

I fucked my wife twice, and now that I’ve had a taste, I fear I’ll never get enough.

Fuck kryptonite, the woman is pure crack, the kind I’d like to get my hands on and distribute to achieve world domination.

Even now that we just finished round two in the shower, seeing her bundled up in my robe has my dick springing to action.

Down, boy.

It’s not like she’s going anywhere.

Not anymore, at least.

The moment she confessed to me was like a light switch was turned on.

This whole time I’ve been fighting back my attraction for her. Yes, of course, I wanted to have sex with her, but I wasn’t allowing myself to think about it. It was mainly a way to get her to fall into my plans. It was almost like I thought of sex with her in a clinical way, but then she told me everything.

Now that I know, everything will change.

All the plans will change.

I can’t be using her.

Tomorrow, I’ll need to speak to my men. We’ll need to brainstorm what this means. Tonight, I do no such thing. Tonight, I’m going to lie next to this woman and probably continue to have my way with her.

She seems to be as insatiable as I am. Innocent but insatiable.

Which, in my opinion, is the perfect combination.

“Come on, let's go to bed.”

“You . . .” she trails off, and she has this cute little face. I lift my brow and wait for her to continue, although I know what she’s going to say. She’s like an open book, which is surprising that I didn’t realize she would tell me about her father, but maybe she changed her mind, and that’s why. She made it sound like it was more than that, but I’m too tired to dwell on it.

“You want me to sleep in here?” In all the weeks I have known her, I have never seen her eyes grow so large.

“Viviana. As my wife, this is your room now.”

Her eyes drift across the space in front of her. Then she shakes her head.

“What about the room I was staying in?”

“That was never your room.”

“Then why did I stay there?”

“I was waiting for you.” My comment makes her smile, not a regular smile though, this one is contagious, and it spreads across her face, touching her eyes.

“You did wait, didn’t you?” Her voice is soft.

“I was never going to take you by force. Not in the ways that mattered.”

“Do you have something for me to wear? All of my pajamas are in my room . . . My old room.”

“You won’t be wearing pajamas in our bed.”

If she’s shocked by my declaration, she tries to school her features. However, it’s the way she nibbles her lips that I know.

“Drop the robe, Viviana.”

Now she lets her mouth open, but I’ll give her some credit. She does it.

The big, white, fluffy robe falls to the ground, and a very naked, beautiful, and extremely nervous Viviana gets into the bed.

As soon as she does, she lets out a tiny little moan. My bed is much more comfortable than hers.

“You like that, right?”

“Oh my God, this is the most amazing bed ever.”

“You’re welcome.”

She giggles. “You are such a dick.”

“What did you say?” I drop the towel from around my waist and get into the bed, lying on top of her. “Did you say you want my dick?”

“That’s not what I said.” Her voice hitches as I use my knee to spread her legs.

My cock is now resting on her bare skin.

“I think it’s exactly what you wanted to say.” I lean forward, trailing kisses along her jaw. She squirms under me, but I keep up my ministrations, my hand snaking between our bodies and opening her to my attack.

She lets out a moan of pleasure, and I take that as an invitation.

This woman will be the death of me.

When I wake up the next morning, I almost forget where I am, which is strange since this is my bedroom, but I see brown hair fanning the pillow. There’s an arm lying across my stomach. Normally, if I’m going to sleep with a woman, I’ll do it in my apartment in the city, not the one that Viviana has been to.

No, I have an apartment that the sole purpose of is just to get me laid. I normally don’t trust women enough. They are a liability.

Fuck, until last night, I didn’t trust her as well.

Everything looks different in the light of day.

I stretch my arms out and stifle a yawn. I don’t want to wake her. She looks too peaceful, and as much as a certain part of my body wants to, she needs to rest.


