Sanctuary Found Read Online Sloane Kennedy (Pelican Bay #2)

Categories Genre: Funny, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Pelican Bay Series by Sloane Kennedy

Total pages in book: 107
Estimated words: 101155 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 506(@200wpm)___ 405(@250wpm)___ 337(@300wpm)

“Wanna taste you,” I breathed against his lips.

Maddox nodded but said, “Show me how to touch you first.”

I was about to tell him he was touching me just fine when he moved one of his hands to my front and pulled my underwear down, freeing my pained cock in the process. His hand was hot and rough as he encircled my shaft. I put my hand down to cover his and said, “Tighter.”

He tightened his grip.

“Do to me what you do to yourself,” I murmured. “I guarantee I’ll like it.”

Maddox’s intense eyes held mine as he firmly began to stroke me–so he could read me.

So he could know he was bringing me pleasure.

Oh God, I could fall for this man so easily.

I was scared I was already halfway there.

I forced myself not to focus on any of that and instead began pumping Maddox’s dick to match the pace he’d set on mine. He was a quick study because it didn’t take him long to figure out the things I liked that drove me higher. Like that I loved it when he flicked his thumb over the ridge just below the head of my dick. I was learning too. Maddox was extremely sensitive at the base of his shaft and he moaned every time I twisted my wrist just a little on the upstroke. Within minutes, we’d moved so our bodies were flush and our hands were brushing each other’s as we pleasured one another.

“Fuck, need you,” Maddox bit out, then he kissed me hard and deep. I let out a little squeak when he suddenly grabbed my ass and held me to him as he climbed to his feet. I wrapped my legs around him and they were still that way when he lowered me to the sleeping bag he’d laid out by the fire.

“Is this okay?” he asked when he was lying full on top of me. I didn’t know if he was asking about the position or the sleeping bag or what, but my answer was the same either way.

“It’s perfect.”

Somehow between us, we managed to get Maddox’s pants and underwear off. I’d been forced to unwrap my legs for that to happen, but I was kind of glad I had because once my hands found his ass, I never wanted to move them. He was so much bigger than me but there wasn’t an extra ounce of flesh on him. Even his ass was incredibly tight. The difference in our height meant our cocks weren’t quite rubbing against one another as he ground his body against mine, but I was definitely okay with that because I got to feel the perfection of his muscled abs sliding over my weeping dick. My underwear was still wrapped around my lower body, but Maddox quickly took care of that with a sweep of his hand.

Finally, finally, we were skin to skin. The cool metal of his dog tags felt good sliding against my body as he kissed me all over my face, neck, and chest.

“Tell me how to get you ready,” Maddox said.

I shook my head. “Nuh-uh, you promised me a taste first, remember?”

To my surprise, Maddox grinned.

And it was so damn adorable.

“So I did,” he said. For someone who was about to have a man’s mouth on his junk, the guy didn’t seem the least bit worried. But I wasn’t about to point that out to him.

“How do you want me?” he asked.

I had so many answers to that question, but there was one thing I really wanted when his cock was stuffed down my throat.

To see his eyes.

Not so I could know if he was disgusted, because I knew he wouldn’t be. No, I wanted to see his pleasure and know I was the reason for it. So with that in mind, I put my hand on his chest and gave him a tiny push. “On your back, soldier.”

Chapter Seventeen


I expected his mouth to be like those of the women who’d given me blow jobs in the past, but it wasn’t.

It was so very different.

In the best way.

He knew exactly how to tease, when to apply suction, when to ease up, which parts of my cock were just a little more sensitive than the others… it was like I was a finely tuned instrument and he knew exactly how to play me. But when he sucked me to the back of his throat, I lost all semblance of control and thrust my hips up. I immediately felt bad when Isaac gagged, but when I tried to drop my hips, his arms slid beneath my ass and he was sucking even more of me down. He swallowed around me and I shouted in response to the pleasurable sensation that raced up and down my spine and landed in my balls. I reached down to run my fingers through his hair and held onto him as I fucked his mouth. I used my elbow to lever myself up so I could watch him.


