Savage Union (Brutal Universe #2) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Brutal Universe Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 105936 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 530(@200wpm)___ 424(@250wpm)___ 353(@300wpm)

“Seems like you had to think about that, Cass,” he growled softly. “You wouldn’t be running from something, would you? Maybe you committed a crime or pissed off the wrong person?”

“Nothing like that,” I said steadily, meeting his eyes. “My family wanted things for me that I didn’t want.”

“I see.” He nodded knowingly. “Let me guess—your family sent you for piloting lessons and you happened to display this incredible talent for Cross Dimensional Navigation. But your Sire wanted you to stay home and run the family business instead of exploring the stars. So you got itchy feet and decided to come looking for adventure.”

I nodded my head.

“You’re very perceptive, Captain. I want to make my own way in life,” I said, which was the truth. I just happened to leave out the fact that I was scheduled for an arranged marriage that I wanted to ditch as well as “exploring the stars.”

Turk beckoned for me to come to him and I did, walking up to stand beside the captain’s chair. To my shock he shot out a hand and took me by the throat—something he never would have done if he had recognized me as his “little bird”—the nickname he’d given me after the incident at the club.

His grip wasn’t so tight I couldn’t breathe, but it was firm enough to make me feel thoroughly dominated by him. My neck felt fragile in his grip—breakable.

“Come here,” he rumbled and pulled me even closer.

Heart pounding, I leaned in, as he seemed to want me too. Indeed, I had no choice since his long fingers were still curled almost completely around my throat—I hoped he didn’t notice that he couldn’t feel the fake Adam’s apple the Synth implant was projecting.

“Listen to me, Cass,” he growled softly, looking me in the eyes. “You better be telling me the truth. If I find out you lied to me and you’re actually on the run from the Imperium or some shit like that, I will fuck you up.”

“No, Captain,” I gasped. “I swear—it has nothing to do with the Imperium!”

“Good. Because I have a pain whip in my quarters and I will use it if the situation warrants it,” he said, his eyes flashing. “The Illyrian is owned by Clan Savage—we already have enough trouble evading the law.”

I swallowed hard, looking into the molten depths of his copper-bronze eyes.

“I…I wouldn’t lie to you, Captain,” I said—which was, in itself, a lie. In fact, my whole appearance was a lie. But I couldn’t admit that—he would call Slade or my father to come get me and never trust me again, even if he was my Fated Mate. I only wished he could recognize that—the way I had the very first time I touched him.

And speaking of that, being so close to the male I was sure was my Fated Mate was playing havoc with my hormones. I could feel my nipples getting tight and my pussy getting wet because he was touching me and I was close enough to smell his warm, spicy, masculine scent. Goddess of the Four Faces, I shouldn’t be getting turned on in this scenario with his hand wrapped around my throat, but I couldn’t seem to help myself!

“Please, Captain,” I whispered, my voice coming out breathless. “I…you’re making it hard for me to…to breathe.”

Turk looked deeply into my eyes for a moment more, as though trying to read me. Then he released my throat.

“All right. I’ll take your word for it—it just better be fucking true,” he growled. “Go back and stand by Gurflug again.”

That was the last thing I wanted to do—I felt weak in the knees from being close to my Fated Mate. But I knew I couldn’t disobey.

I went back to stand beside the huge Galafruxian and waited to hear what Turk would say.

“All right, Cass and Gurflug,” he murmured, studying us both. “I have a proposal for the two of you. Cass, you have a definite talent for navigation but Gurflug has far more experience. I can’t make up my mind between you. Therefore, I would like to hire you both.”

“What?” Gurflug gurgled—why did he always sound like someone gargling with wet cement? “How dare you?” he demanded. “Why, I could go anywhere and get my full asking price. Not to mention much more respect than you’ve offered me here on this stinking, piece-of-shit ship!”

Turk’s eyes narrowed and for the first time, he bared his fangs.

“Be careful how you talk about my ship, navigator,” he growled and there was a deep menace in his voice that sent a shiver down my spine, even though it wasn’t aimed at me. “The Illyrian might not be a beauty, but she’s got grace and speed and she’s seen me through more conflicts and troubles than I can count. She deserves your respect.”


