Savage Union (Brutal Universe #2) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Brutal Universe Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 112
Estimated words: 105936 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 530(@200wpm)___ 424(@250wpm)___ 353(@300wpm)

Drinking water didn’t help and my yearnings to touch Turk and suck him—to take him in my mouth and feel him spurting down my throat—got stronger and stronger. By the time dinner was over and we were on our way back up to his quarters, I was feeling half crazy with Need—though of course I didn’t know what it was.

Ignore it, I told myself sternly. It can never happen. You have to stop thinking like this—stop imagining such things!

But I couldn’t seem to help myself—my mind was filled with images that simply wouldn’t go away. I had heard of obsessive thoughts before, but I had never experienced one—until now. The thought of sucking him just wouldn’t leave my head. It was getting so bad I was afraid I might blurt something out—which I was sure would be unwelcome since Turk had been determinedly treating me like a navigator and a Crewmember and nothing more all day long.

I need to get away from him! I thought as we entered his Ready Room. I’ve been near him all day—if I can just breathe some air that doesn’t have his scent in it, I might be able to calm my mind.

Though what I was going to do for my dry throat, I didn’t know.

“Excuse me, Captain, but I’d like to check something with the nav band before we go to bed, if you don’t mind,” I said to him.

“Hmm? Well, all right—if you want to. Just don’t mess with the autopilot’s program,” he said to me.

“No, of course not. I just want to see tomorrow’s route,” I said quickly.

“Suite yourself.” He shrugged, maybe a little too casually. “See you in a bit.”

I hoped I wasn’t hurting his feelings. He probably thought I was trying to get away from him—which I was—but he had no idea of the real reason why. And it wasn’t like I could explain that I’d suddenly developed an intense desire to suck his cock and swallow his cream.

I sat in the nav chair and put on the nav band, plotting the next day’s course but actually thinking of Turk. Being away from him wasn’t nearly as helpful as I’d hoped. True, I could no longer smell his warm, spicy scent which drove me crazy with desire, but I still couldn’t stop thinking about him…couldn’t stop imagining what it would be like to taste him and touch him while he groaned and stroked my cheek…

At last, I gave up. It was getting close to lights out and I still needed to take my shower. Sighing, I placed the nav band carefully back in its place and headed through the Ready Room, my head whirling with illicit ideas.

I was so distracted, I didn’t notice that Turk wasn’t in the bedroom. My only thought was to go in the bathroom and get dressed for bed as quickly as possible so I could crawl under the covers and try to sleep. Getting some shuteye seemed like the only way to banish the obsessive thoughts that haunted me. Though possibly they were so intense and intrusive they might even follow me down into sleep. If they would only⁠—

My thoughts were cut off when I opened the bathroom door and came face to face with Turk, standing naked in the shower.

His big, nude body was glistening as streams of water ran down his muscular torso. His eyes were closed and I might have been able to slip out of the bathroom again without him knowing I had ever been there…except that was when I saw something that stopped me from leaving.

Through the glass door of the shower stall, I saw that he had one big fist wrapped around his shaft. It was fully erect and he was stroking it slowly up and down and pumping his hips at the same time.

“Gods!” I heard him groan and there was a look of almost pain on his strong features. “Gods, Cass…want you so fucking much! Why can’t I stop wanting you?”

I couldn’t ignore his words…or the emotions they unleashed in me.

Dropping the bundle of nightclothes and the towel I held in my hands, I walked straight into the shower and dropped to my knees in front of him.



Inearly jerked in surprise when I felt something hot and wet enclose the end of my shaft. I looked down with a startled grunt and saw Cass, still fully clothed, on his knees before me. He was looking up at me, his amber eyes huge with an emotion that seemed to be a combination of lust and longing.

And his soft lips were wrapped around the head of my cock.

“Cass…what—?” I began but then he took more of me in his mouth and Gods, his lips and tongue were so soft and warm! He was tentative, as though he was afraid I would push him off me or maybe even hurt him for daring to claim this intimacy. But hurting him was the last thing on my mind.


