Sawyer Read online Samantha Whiskey (Carolina Reapers #2)

Categories Genre: Chick Lit, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Carolina Reapers Series by Samantha Whiskey

Total pages in book: 83
Estimated words: 80203 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 401(@200wpm)___ 321(@250wpm)___ 267(@300wpm)

I spun, flipping Echo to her back in the middle of the bed.

Our kiss broke long enough for her to gasp, and then we were right back at it as I settled between her thighs. The kiss turned carnal as her leg wrapped around my hip, my tongue thrusting against hers in the same rhythm my cock pulsed behind the fly of my jeans.

Then I moved down her neck, licking and sucking the same places she’d loved the last time as I made my way to the neckline of her leather vest.

Her hand reached between us and pulled at the zipper, clearly down with the way we were headed. Her breasts appeared as the vest fell away, perfect mounds encased in soft blue lace that seemed completely at odds with her choice of outerwear.

This woman was an enigma. Every time I thought I had her figured out, she showed me that I wasn’t even close.

She shrugged out of her vest, and it landed somewhere. I didn’t care as long as it wasn’t covering her up.

“Damn.” I cupped her breasts in my hands and ran my thumb over the pert nipples already pushing at the lace of her bra. “You have incredible breasts.”

She gripped the back of my head and tugged my mouth to her nipple in answer. I obliged, using my tongue and teeth to torture her flesh through the lace, and when her fingers tightened in frustration, I rid her of the bra and worshipped her bare skin.

Then I followed the cherry blossom side piece she had inked down her right side, pausing to kiss each blossom on my path down her body. She hissed when I reached the top of her hip, and I played again at the spot until she writhed under me.

“God, that mouth,” she groaned, running her thumb over my lips. I nipped the flesh, then sucked it inside my mouth to ease the sting.

“You haven’t even felt my mouth yet,” I told her in quiet promise, then kissed the line of smooth skin just above the fabric of her skirt as my hand swept up her thigh.

“I’m…” She swallowed when my hands reached the top of her leggings. “I’m supposed to be tucking you in and taking care of you.”

“Trust me, you are.” My eyes locked with hers as I gripped the fabric and slowly started to remove them. She nodded as the leggings slid over the curve of her ass, and my mouth watered as each inch of her skin was revealed.

Once her leggings joined the growing pile of clothes on the floor, she surprised me by pushing me to my back and then stripping off my jeans. I bucked when she traced my length with her fingertips, my boxer briefs barely containing my erection.

“Fuck, Echo,” I groaned as she gripped me in her hand. Pleasure, sharp and raw, clawed through me, tightening my balls and pooling at the base of my spine.

“Not tonight,” she answered with a grin. “But this?” she whispered as she slipped two fingers beneath my waistband. “This, I have to have.” I arched my hips, and my boxer briefs hit the floor, leaving me naked.

Her stare more than heated my skin as she looked me over. Then she closed her hand over me, her fingers not quite meeting around my shaft as she pumped me lightly once. Twice.

I sat up before I lost all semblance of control and brought her mouth to mine, kissing her deep and hard. Her breasts rubbed against my chest with a maddening friction, and my hands reached for the zipper at her waist. Then the only thing between us was a soaked scrap of lace that served as her underwear.

“God, you’re wet.” I swept my fingers over the lace and her hips rocked, following the motion.

“I want you,” she admitted as I rolled her over and settled between her soft thighs. My muscles locked as I fought the instinct to sweep her thong aside and plunge into her so I could stroke us both to completion.

At least I could get one of us there tonight.

I kissed her as my fingers slipped beneath the lace to find the sweetest, softest flesh I’d ever felt in my life.

She arched when my fingers found the swollen bud of her clit. Fuck, she was drenched with need, already slippery and ready. My cock throbbed against her thigh, and I cursed when she reached for me again, swiping her thumb over my head before she stroked me.

“Echo,” I warned, losing myself in those desire-hazed turquoise eyes.

“Sawyer,” she challenged with a smile and did it again.

I slipped one finger inside her, and that smile transformed to an O as she cried out under me. I worked her clit as I moved my finger slowly inside her, savoring the clench of her muscles around me as she rocked against me.


