Single Mom for the Bikers Read Online Stephanie Brother

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 80902 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 405(@200wpm)___ 324(@250wpm)___ 270(@300wpm)

Her backpack is already over my shoulder, and I have her pillow—that she insisted on bringing—crammed under my arm. I could take it in two trips, but that would mean either leaving her alone in the car, or leaving the house unlocked with her inside, which I wouldn’t have thought twice about last week, but now…

“Hey there, pretty lady. Need a hand?” a jovial voice calls.

I turn to find a man leaning on the outside post of the fence that separates my yard from the neighbor's. He's burly, in that way that looks like it would be chubby if the extra fluff wasn’t packed on top of muscle. He has an easy grin, and while he’s definitely checking me out, it’s not giving me the same little thrill that I got when Havoc and his friends eyed me up and down. He's got a bit of a shadow covering his jaw, and he's wearing jeans and a black hoodie.

“Um, thanks, but I've got it. Just part of being a mom,” I call, trying to hit that balance between being friendly, but not encouraging. He doesn't look dangerous, but they rarely do. I've had enough strangers showing up at my house for a while, and you never know with men. They’re a lot like vampires—once you invite them in, it can be really hard to get them out without a stake through the chest.

“Cute kid,” he continues, not taking the hint. “I live just down the road. Moved in not too long ago. You lived here long?”

I feel a little guilty. He’s not being creepy really, just a little overly friendly. “Not really. Sorry, maybe we can chat another time, I've really got to⁠—”

Mia wakes up with a start and looks around with wide, confused eyes like I pulled her through a portal to another world. “Where are we? Are we home?”

“We are, sweetie. Can I let you down?” She considers it for a long moment before she nods. It's a relief. She's getting so big. The instant her feet touch the ground, she’s off towards the house like a bolt of lightning.

Wasn't she just asleep?

The man laughs, still there. “Man, I wish I still had that kinda energy. I heard someone say that if adults ran around like little kids did, we'd die of a heart attack in minutes. Dunno if that's true, but I'm willing to believe it.”

I laugh politely. “Me too.”

Since he seems determined not to leave before we've said a proper hello, I put Mia's things down, and meet him on the sidewalk in front of the house.

“Matt Kelsey.” He holds out a hand and smiles widely. “Pleased to meet you. If I knew there was such a beautiful woman in my neighborhood, I would’ve headed this way sooner. It’s all divorced dads and retirees the other way.”

“Nice to meet you, Matt. I'm Shelby.”

“That’s a pretty name. Never met anyone called Shelby before. Your husband inside?” He makes a show of looking towards the house. “It's a shame for you to have to handle this all yourself. Let me get that.” And before I can stop him, he's picked up Mia's backpack and Mr. Bear.

“That's mine!” Mia snaps and comes running, her platinum brows furrowed in frustration. She stops just out of range of him and holds her hands out.

“Mia, that's rude. Mr. Kelsey was just being helpful.” I scold, hating that I’m passing on the same lessons that have me standing out here being polite.

Matt doesn’t seem to mind which is a point in his favor. He laughs and holds out Mr. Bear. “Here you go, little lady. I didn't mean to make you angry, but good for you for watching what's yours and standing up for yourself.”

She takes Mr. Bear and squeezes him close while she sidles up to me and hides behind my leg, still not convinced by this new man. Is this really the same little girl that wanted to hold hands with the bleeding biker who barged into our house with a gun tucked in his belt?

“I'm sorry, Matt. I think someone needs a nap. She was at a sleepover last night and I bet there wasn’t much sleeping.” All true, but it doesn’t explain her sudden shyness.

“No problem. Being a little skeptical of strangers is healthy. My little girl is too.” He's still holding the backpack.

“Oh, you have kids, too?” Not that being a dad is an automatic green flag, but it’s less worrisome when a guy with kids tries to flirt compared to when childless men target single mothers. So long as he isn’t married, that is, which doesn’t always seem to stop them.

He nods and smiles down at Mia. She glares back. “I do, actually. About your girl's age, but she lives with her mother. You know how it is.”


