Something So Unscripted Read Online Natasha Madison (Something So #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Drama, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Something So Series by Natasha Madison

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 84802 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 424(@200wpm)___ 339(@250wpm)___ 283(@300wpm)

We walk into the arena and down the steps, and I try not to look around too much. We get to the glass, and the boys start knocking at the players. Phil comes over and gives them a high-five through the glass as a couple of them come over, and they are all trying to give them high-fives. Then Matthew comes over with Max and Zack. I smile at them, and then Max knocks on the window. “What shirt are you wearing?” he yells, and Matthew puts his hand on his stomach, throwing his head back and laughing.

“Changing shirts,” Matthew says, laughing. “You know what that means, right? It means they are having sex,” Matthew taunts him.

“Shut up.” Max points at him, then turns to me. “Go change your shirt.”

“Not a chance in hell,” Zack says, winking at me. “See you later,” he says, and then the three of them skate off, and I go to the boys who walked off to the side. We walk up the stairs and start to walk out when Jack sees Chantal. His hand tightens on me. She doesn’t even pay attention to him. Instead, she only spots me, not even noticing that her son is beside me.

“There she is, the home wrecker,” she says, her voice getting louder as people look around at us. “You think you could come up and take my man away from me?”

I push the kids behind me to shield them from her and her venom but don’t have to because Shirley pushes herself between us. “You have some nerve,” she says, her voice now going from low to high. “Coming here and doing this whole woman scorned when you cheated on my son.”

She rolls her eyes. “So dramatic,” she says, and now I step forward.

“I’m not doing this with you here. I’m not doing this with you ever.” I advance on her, and she suddenly steps back. “Because you see, I have something that you don’t have nor can you buy. I have class.”

She folds her arms over her chest. “Please. You smell like trailer park trash.”

I throw my head back and laugh. “That’s the best you’ve got?” I forward on her. “You’re a sad excuse for a woman. You are so filled with chemicals, you can’t see that you had the whole world in your hand, and instead of holding it and cherishing it, you decided to go for second best.” I shake my head. “I should thank you.”

“He isn’t that great,” she says to me.

“You’re right; he isn’t that great. He’s even better,” I say and then turn around to Shirley. “Take Jack to the lodge. I don’t want her to see him,” I whisper to her, and she just nods her head and turns, taking Michael and Jack. I then turn back to her. “You not only gave away the best man I’ve ever met, but you also gave away the sweetest, most loving, and strongest little boy I’ve ever met.”

“We’ll see about that,” she says, standing her ground.

“Yeah, what you’ll see is me standing by my man while I hold his son’s hand,” I tell her, “with a big smile on my face.”

“Bitch,” she says.

I laugh. “I’ve been called worse. Enjoy the game,” I tell her, walking away with my head high and my man’s shirt on my back.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


I walk into the arena, and instead of dread, I’m holding my head high. I nod at a couple of people and make my way to the changing room when I see Colton walking down the hallway.

We come face-to-face, and he just shakes his head. “I had no idea,” he says. “I swear when I found out about her calling ZMT, I kicked her out.”

“Why?” I ask him.

“What she did is just wrong,” he starts saying, and I have to laugh.

“So you sleeping with a married woman wasn’t wrong, but her leaking a story was?”

“Listen,” he says. “I didn’t chase her; she chased me.”

“And what, you have no self-control?” I ask him. “Was it hard to fight off a woman who weighed a hundred pounds?” He tries to say something, but I put my hand up. “I mean, after all, if you hadn’t fucked my wife, I wouldn’t have met Denise.” I shrug my shoulders. “I think we can call it even. I get Denise, and you get to keep Chantal.”

“Listen, all I’m going to say is if you need anything, or if your lawyer needs any information, I’m willing to help.” He looks down. “Just watch it,” he says and walks away with his head down.

I shake my head and walk into the room. The guys look up when I walk in, but none of them bring up anything, when Mark finally comes in. “Jesus,” Phil says when he strips his shirt. “What the fuck happened to you?” he says, pointing at Mark’s chest, five hickeys all down his chest leading to his dick.


