Total pages in book: 27
Estimated words: 25089 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 125(@200wpm)___ 100(@250wpm)___ 84(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 25089 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 125(@200wpm)___ 100(@250wpm)___ 84(@300wpm)
Tammy lost her virginity to her boyfriend in her room while her parents were gone with all the lights off and said it was completely underwhelming. Christa’s favorite position is missionary, and she also likes the lights off because she’s embarrassed being naked in front of her boyfriend. Maybe Amy would relate, as she says she likes to dress up in lingerie for her man, but still–compared to this bunch, my freak-o-meter is off the charts.
Still, I have to give them something, or they’ll never stop.
“Okay,” I groan. “You’re right.”
“I knew it!” Amy says, clapping her hands excitedly.
“Sort of,” I correct her. “The truth is…I met someone. But I’m not sure where things are going to go just yet.”
“What do you mean? He’s not married, is he?” There’s Amy again, cutting through the bullshit.
“No, he’s not–” Jesus, I actually don’t know if he’s married. Despite my best attempts to pull the Uno-reverse-card on Parker and stalk him to discover his secrets, I really found out nothing about him. It’s almost like he has no life outside of work and stalking me. I never saw him make any phone calls or have any visitors. Could it be possible he does have a family somewhere and that he’s simply come to Gatree to get away from them? Or maybe they’re back at home in some other state, waiting for the right time to move out here with him.
Why am I thinking this way right now?
I shouldn’t even be thinking about Parker. Not after how he treated me last night.
I was bawling my eyes out when I left his building. The way he slammed me up against the wall and held his knife to my throat was frighteningly exhilarating. And the sex…well, that was phenomenal. So many guys go on and on about how gross it is to go down on girls, but Parker didn’t hesitate. His tongue did things to my sex that I never even thought possible, and then when he stretched me with his massive cock–well, let’s just say I was in heaven.
And just like that, he snatched me back to earth. It was like having an icy fist stabbed into my stomach as he snatched me to my feet and ordered me away. Tears fell from my eyes, waterfalling down my cheeks as I somehow managed to put one foot in front of the other and stumble out of his building. People outside probably thought I was drunk or on something as I floundered down the street to my car.
When I got home, I curled up into a ball and lay there in the fetal position for hours, my body cold, my heart barely beating. I couldn’t even keep my eyes closed. I keep staring at the window–his window–waiting for a flicker of movement, his shadow. Anything indicating his return. Of course he was going to realize what a mistake he’d made, right? And like in the movies, he would rush over to my place, wrap me up in his arms, and tell me how much of a fool he’d been.
But that didn’t happen.
I lay there alone in the dark for hours and didn’t fall asleep until the sun was almost up.
Even now, I’m still wondering if he’s watching me from afar. From some nook somewhere, through one of the windows with his binoculars, or waiting in the hall for me to emerge so he can follow me to class. I know I’m being ridiculous. Why would he be watching me after basically throwing me out of his entire life last night?
“That’s right. You’re just a fuck. Now I’m done with you. Get out.”
Those words will be imprinted on my heart for the rest of my life. I can almost feel them there now, like they were seared into the muscle with one of those brands they use on cattle. I’ll always belong to Parker now in some way. Even if I’m no longer with him.
“So who is he?” Amy presses. I look down at my salad and realize I’m no longer hungry. “What’s he do?”
“He’s a…security guard,” I reply. But is he actually? All those tattoos. The ruthless way he stormed into his apartment last night, gun drawn. How he didn’t even hesitate before grabbing me and holding a piece of lethal metal to my neck. I have a feeling a security guard–someone who probably worked law enforcement prior–would have handled things differently.
“Security guard.” Tammy smiles. “Hot.”
“So what’s the problem?” Christa asks. “Is he ‘just not sure he’s looking for a relationship right now’?”
I have to laugh. Christa is right, but for all the wrong reasons. Shit, I don’t even know what his reasons are, but he’s not just the typical fuck-boy going around trying to screw as many women as possible. Even though he may have tried to act like that last night when he threw me out, it’s obvious there’s something more there. Something deeper that caused him to behave like he did.