Total pages in book: 27
Estimated words: 25089 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 125(@200wpm)___ 100(@250wpm)___ 84(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 25089 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 125(@200wpm)___ 100(@250wpm)___ 84(@300wpm)
I’d go overboard protecting her. Keeping her all to myself. I already lose my mind when I catch a guy at her school checking her out. If she actually belonged to me, I would only get worse.
But that doesn’t change the fact that I can’t stop fantasizing about her being mine. Even now, as I sit in my guard’s chair by the firm’s front door, my cock is painfully hard, pressing against the fly of my pants. I wear two pairs of compression briefs now that work requires a suit. My multiple daily hard-ons were too obvious through the thin fabric.
I’m staring at my favorite photo of her, one of the thousands filling up my phone’s storage. It’s Ali at school, laughing adorably with a friend, wearing bright blue shorts, a white oversized T-shirt, and some tan Birkenstocks. The way she’s standing, with her hips arched and her plump little ass sticking back right at me, never fails to get me hard. The shorts hide nothing, and when I zoom in, I can make out the v-lines of her thong.
Whenever I used to look at this photo, my sick mind would go into overdrive, flooding my psyche with a deluge of sick questions a sane man would never think. What does her pussy look like? Is it bare? Wet? What shade of pink is it? Those thoughts, and countless others, would infest my brain every time I zoomed in on this angle of her ass.
And then last night, those questions were finally answered.
Ali was sleeping on her back for the first time when I snuck into her room and pulled the sheets back. I nearly had a heart attack when I saw her completely naked, her tits more perfect than I could ever have imagined. Her pussy was perfect and bare, a tiny slit gleaming with wetness. My mouth was instantly watering. I was two seconds from jumping on her. The only way I could restrain myself was by putting the covers back and escaping out her window immediately.
It was a close one.
And she doesn’t even have a clue.
“Hey there, Parker!” I realize I’ve completely spaced out while staring at the photo of Ali and quickly lock my phone and look up to see Janice, the blonde who works the front desk, smiling at me. She’s wearing another low-cut top today and heels. She’s pushing the limits of professional dress, if you ask me. But the other guys who work here don’t seem to care.
“Oh, hey. What’s up?”
“Same ol’.” She shrugs. “You know everyone’s gone, right? Bosses left fifteen minutes ago.”
I glance at the time and realize she’s right. I was so focused on Ali’s photo that I completely missed all the traders from upstairs leaving the building. Some security guard I’m turning out to be. I keep this up and I’m gonna get fired.
“Look at that,” I reply. “Guess I should get going.”
Before I can head out, Janice grabs me by the wrist and oddly strokes my forearm like she’s petting a cat. “Doing anything tonight? I could sure use a drink. Anything to keep me from going back to that empty apartment, you know?”
This isn’t the first time Janice has hit on me. I’ve done my best to make it clear that I’m not interested, but she’s either not gotten the hint yet or she’s just insanely persistent. Neither would surprise me.
“I can’t,” I reply. “Thanks for the invite, though.”
Before she has a chance to respond, I gently tug my arm free and step out the front door, shaking off the ick I get every time she comes on to me.
I exit the building and head up the block toward my car. And that’s when I feel it again. The unmistakable sensation that I’ve felt for the last six days. The chill up my spine. The hairs on the back of my neck standing up. The unshakeable feeling that I’m being followed.
My hand instantly goes to the Glock on my hip, and I whirl around, ready for anything. An old woman just about faints and lets out a yelp like a dying penguin as she braces herself against a tree. “What’s the matter with you!?” she screams. “You trying to kill me?”
“Sorry, ma’am,” I reply, taking my hand from my holster. “I thought you were…I’m sorry.”
She continues to curse me out under her breath as I scan the block, searching for threats. But just like the last six days, I see nothing. Am I just losing my mind? Maybe all this time I’ve spent not sleeping and watching Ali is taking its toll on me.
I’ve got a wicked headache as I walk back up to my car, but just as I’m reaching for my keys, I’m stopped dead in my tracks. My body simply stops responding as a familiar scent wafts into my nostrils. Almond cherry. The shampoo Ali uses. But it’s not just that. There’s something beneath. Deeper. Call it her essence, call it pheromones, call it whatever you want. But beneath that manmade scent, I smell Ali. The realization crashes down on me.