Step-Savage (Wanting What’s Wrong #6) Read Online Dani Wyatt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, Sports, Taboo, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Wanting What's Wrong Series by Dani Wyatt

Total pages in book: 57
Estimated words: 53605 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 268(@200wpm)___ 214(@250wpm)___ 179(@300wpm)

“Daddy.” Nancy hums holding her hand toward me. “Come, sit.”

I manage to squeeze onto the edge of the bed, wanting them as close to me as possible.

“What’s her name?” She asks and I shrug.

“I like Traci. The lady at the stadium that first night that gave me your jersey to wear. Felt like we started that night and I liked her. I liked her name at least.”

‘Then it’s Traci. Whatever you want baby. You just gave fucking birth. That’s never fucking level shit there. Woman are,” I give her the chef’s kiss motion with my hand at my mouth.

“Good thing, I’ve got plenty of milk already.”

“Enough for two.” I brush her hair from her face. “I’m marrying you on the way home from here. Where do you want to get married? I don’t want to walk into our home with our baby without you having my last name. Or, how about here?”

I grab my phone, start punching the screen. “There’s a guy, he’ll do it, twenty-four seven it says. Let’s do it, tonight. We can all leave the hospital as a family. Then, if you want a big fancy wedding, you can have it, but I want you to be my wife. Now, okay baby?”

She shakes her head on a little smile. “I look like shit.”

“You are a fucking twelve out of 10. I’m calling. You just lay there, let that baby suck on my milky tits and I’ll set it all up.”

“You are impossible James White.”

“I am, but I’m all yours. I love you sis.”

“I love you to big brother.”

Family is everything.




Epilogue 1 ~ One year later...

It’s been a long and tiring day for us all, but a happy one. I can still feel the excitement dripping off Nancy as we unstrap Traci from her safety seat. Nancy lifts her into her arms, cradling her and already starting to sing softly as I take her arm and help her up the steps to our house.

I’ve added on in preparation for a boat load of little savages running around and Nancy loves making the house a home. She’s got a ways to go on the cooking deal, but no matter how burned, how over salted or crazy her meals are, I eat them with glee and always, always as for seconds.

We’re not too far from my mom and Nancy’s dad. Family is important, and it’s also an extra support network that I’d never want to be without. But having my own family, in my own home, is something I never thought I’d have.

I thank God every day for giving me such perfection, and such happiness.

As we step through the front door, I kiss Nancy on the cheek. “You were awesome,” I tell her. “My star stepsister. My perfect wife.”

She grins. “I can’t believe I did that.”

“Believe it. It’s the next step on the way to your dreams, baby.”

The television interview was booked a week ago. Just long enough for the excitement, not long enough for Nancy to decide she couldn’t do it. They wanted me to come on with her, but I politely refused. Maybe in the future, but right now I don’t need to overshadow my girl’s burgeoning singing career.

Under the studio lights, I could tell she was nervous, but the moment the cameras started rolling, it was like she became herself, the Nancy I know and love. She sang her little Kewpie doll heart out and I had to brush away a few tears before the camera turned my way.

I’m so fucking proud of her.

Her confidence, her brilliance and her beauty shone through.

The world is going to love her.

I watched from the sidelines holding Traci, as the girl I’ve been in love with from the moment I met her launched herself into the world of country music and from the reaction of the fans, she’s going to fill those stadiums she always dreamed about.

My careers is balls out. She’s only made me better in every way. She hates when I get hit but my little tiger princess loves when I do the hitting. Makes her horny as hell so there’s been a lot of guys knocked out on account of getting my wife hot for me.

Sorry guys.

The team is flourishing under my leadership, and I’ve taken to fatherhood and being a leader on the team like I’ve got a PhD in both. Came naturally once I dove in and I can’t wait for our next baby.

We keep in touch with Mason and he’s doing as well as expected. He’s studying law in prison and running some other numbers games under the table. They’ve got him working I the kitchen as well and that seems to give him some small amount of joy. We are going to have Traci call him Uncle Mason when the time comes and hopefully, someday, we will tell her the unique story of how her mom and dad got together and the even stranger story of how she was conceived.


