Storm Damage Read Online C.P. Smith

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 109
Estimated words: 101501 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 508(@200wpm)___ 406(@250wpm)___ 338(@300wpm)


He reached out and ruffled the top of my head. “Just good to see you happy.”

It was such a relief to have my old friend back, I stuck out my tongue to cover my embarrassment, but I was secretly smiling as well. Being able to joke with Ty again, instead of worrying when he would blow up at some guy who had hit on me, was a relief. Knowing Ty had given up his own happiness these past two years to look out for me, still boggled my mind. I’d known deep down he wasn’t still in love with me. Could feel it in our interactions. So I wasn’t overly surprised when Logan explained everything to me on the ride up to Yellowstone, but I was still shocked he cared enough to put his own life on hold.

“We need to find you a woman,” I joked, half-serious.

Ty’s attention shot behind me and I swear his face heated with some unknown emotion. When he cleared his throat and mumbled, “See you at seven,” before turning on his heel and exiting the bar, I knew something was up.

I puzzled over his reaction and looked over my shoulder. Was there someone here who already held his heart? There were numerous women in the bar, along with Jamie, Kenzie, and the rest of her group, so I let it go. Ty was a big boy. If he liked someone, he could figure it out all by himself.

With Jared now behind the bar pouring drafts, I sent my brothers packing with Max and my truck keys so they could get home. I could get a ride with Logan after the bar closed or sleep here with him once he was done.

Since Jamie was gabbing with Kenzie and the girls, I headed over to have a word before they left. I’d been so busy the past two days, I hadn’t had time to help with any of the preparations for the carnival.

“What can I help with?” I asked when I joined their huddle. “I feel bad you’ve done all the work so far.”

“What did Logan say?” Jordan inquired nervously, ignoring my question. “Any word on Duke?”

It was clear I wasn’t the only one holding out hope Duke would be found safe and sound. “Nothing yet,” I answered, reaching out a hand to squeeze hers. “He stopped by to let me know he was headed to Old Rip’s place. Logan said he fell last night and died.”

A collective gasp sounded in the group.

“Rip Jackson?” Kenzie questioned. “He used to be Justice’s foreman and right-hand man.”

I’d forgotten that. Rip had seemed old for years, so it was hard to think about him as anything else, but now she mentioned it, it all fell into place.

“Doesn’t he still live on part of the ranch?” Jamie asked.

Kenzie nodded. “Justice had an old hunting cabin not too far from the main house. He let Rip live there when he worked for Justice, and he stayed after he retired.”

“Wait, you’re telling me Logan is headed to the Bear Claw?”

“Oh, boy,” Kenzie mumbled with wide eyes. We both remembered what had happened the night before at the football game.

Without another word, I headed to my office so I could hear. I needed to warn Logan what he was walking into.


Logan followed emergency services off the divided highway and through the main ranch gate to Bear Claw ranch. He could see Chance’s sprawling house off to his left and noted with the coming darkness it was lit from within. He’d only had a few minutes’ notice about where he was headed, thanks to Skylar’s phone call, though he hadn’t needed it. He knew she was concerned they’d have another run-in, but Logan welcomed it. There was plenty he still needed to say to her brother, but now wasn’t the time or the place. He’d shelve his irritation with the man while he was wearing Duke’s badge.

The road forked in front of him and the ambulance turned right, away from the main house. Skylar had said Rip Jackson lived in a hunting cabin not far from the main residence, so Logan wasn’t surprised when they’d turned. The trail to the cabin was slow going due to the snow, and Logan wondered how the kid had gotten through with Rip’s food. When they arrived, he caught sight of a four-wheeler and had the answer to his question.

Logan parked a distance away from the front, so the ambulance had room to leave, then climbed out of his truck and took a good look around. There was an old truck parked to the right of the cabin, he presumed was the victim’s. He scanned the area for footprints and found one set leading from the parked four-wheeler but no others. He didn’t know why he was looking for foul play, except for Skylar’s observation Rip Jackson’s death made five in one week. She was right, Logan decided, in a town with less than a thousand people, five in a short period of time was excessive.


