Stumbling Into Love Read Online Aurora Rose Reynolds (Fluke My Life #2)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Funny, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Fluke My Life Series by Aurora Rose Reynolds

Total pages in book: 70
Estimated words: 67095 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 335(@200wpm)___ 268(@250wpm)___ 224(@300wpm)

“We can’t miss the Fourth of July at my parents’ house. I’ll just go see if I can’t find a dress or something,” I say. I yawn, covering my mouth.

His eyes fill with concern.

“I’ll go get you something to wear.”

“You’ll go?” I repeat.

He shrugs, turning to his side to face me. “Yeah, I’ll go. That way you can take a nap. I know you were up most of the night.”

“That’s because your son sleeps most of the day and is up all night using my bladder as a soccer goal.”

“I know.” He wraps his hand around my stomach. “I keep telling him to let you rest, but he doesn’t seem to be listening.”

“He’s stubborn,” I agree, placing my hand over his on my stomach.

“I wonder where he gets that from.” He smiles, and I narrow my eyes on his.

“Shouldn’t you be on your way?” I snap.

Chuckling, he kisses my nose. “Do you have any requests?”


“Do you know what you would like me to get for you?”

“Something big.” I look down at my stomach and revise. “Really big.”

“You’re not big, gorgeous. You’re pregnant with our son.”

“Yeah, your son who is already nine pounds.” I remind him of the news the doctor delivered two days ago at our last appointment. “Our boy is now the size of a bowling ball, and we still have about five weeks until his due date.”

“His dad is a big guy.” He winks, and I roll my eyes.

“So arrogant.”

“You love me.”

“Yeah,” I agree softly as he glides his fingers across my forehead and down behind my ear. “How did I get so lucky?”

“I ask myself that same question every day.” He rolls me to my back and looms over me. Looking up into his love-filled eyes, I feel tears sting my nose. I don’t know that I will ever get used to him loving me the way he does. So completely. “Don’t cry.” He laughs, wiping away the tears.

I cover my face. Since becoming pregnant, I cry all the time about the dumbest stuff, which is so annoying.

“I’m not crying,” I sniffle.

I hear him laugh.

“I’m not . . . ,” I gripe.

“Good.” He pulls my hands from my face, kisses me once more, then sits back. “Let me go so I can get back here.”

“I’m not holding you hostage.” I sit up and scoot back to rest against the headboard.

“You’re mostly naked.”


“And it’s distracting.” He circles my nipple with his thumb, and my eyes slide closed. “Gorgeous, I need to leave.”

My eyes fly open, and I find him smiling at me. “So go, then.” I cover my chest, and he laughs.

“Do you love me?”

“No,” I tease.

His grin widens.

“Whatever.” I push at his chest. “Hurry and come back.”

“I won’t take long.” He kisses my forehead, then my lips before he pushes up out of bed.

Watching him as he leaves the room, I smile. Then I reach down, pull a quilt up over myself, and lie down.

“Hey, gorgeous.” I blink my eyes open and find Wesley sitting on the side of the bed. “I’ve been trying to wake you up for about ten minutes now,” he says, studying me.

I sit up, then scoot back in the bed. “Really?” I rub my eyes.

“You’re tired.” He rests his hand on my stomach. “Are you sure you want to go out to your parents’ house?”

“I’m sure. Besides, I can sleep in the car on the way there, or take a nap there if I need to,” I say.

I can see in his eyes that he doesn’t like the idea.

Tipping my head to the side, I rest my hand over his. “I’m okay.”

“I know you’re exhausted.”

“I know, but that’s because I’ve been growing a human,” I joke, but Wesley doesn’t laugh.

He takes his job of taking care of me very seriously. Getting up on my knees, I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss his cheek.

“I’m fine,” I say.

He turns to look at me, then slides his hand up my back and into my hair. Pulling my mouth down to his, he touches his lips to mine.

“Promise me that if you need to rest, you will rest.”

“I promise.” I give him a salute. “Now let’s see what you got for me.”

I hold out my hand, and he picks up the bag and passes it to me. Opening it up, I fight back a laugh as I pull out the dress to get a better look at it.

“Well, it’s definitely festive.” I stand up and hold the red, white, and blue dress up in front of me. The top of the dress is dark blue with white stars, and the bottom part is red and white stripes.

“There weren’t a lot of options,” he says, sounding unsure. “Is it okay?”

“It’s perfect.”

I go to him, wedge myself between his spread thighs, and his hands move to my stomach. He drops his forehead and rests it there.


