Sugar Pop – The Riot Crew Read Online Alta Hensley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 81
Estimated words: 76365 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 382(@200wpm)___ 305(@250wpm)___ 255(@300wpm)

I couldn’t suppress my shiver. I didn’t want that dick to know what my dick looked like. My phone buzzed in my pocket, but I ignored it, keeping my eyes on Troy the entire time.


“That advance I gave your team was a drop in the bucket to what others are paying for tickets.” Troy tapped the paper I gave him. “And we both know exactly why they’re paying big bucks to get invited.”

Two hot women all over each other and fighting to a possible death? All on top of the best underground fighters putting their bodies on the line? Clearly, this was the fight of the century. I was sure some prominent assholes from all across America had already jumped at the chance to spend 50K on a ticket for the show of a lifetime.

I would have felt the same if it wasn’t Ari who would pay the price.

“I’m not saying to cancel the event. Just to take Ari off the docket.”

“I don’t think so.”

I frowned. My phone buzzed again but I didn’t bother looking. It was either Bones, Lotto, or Ari. Lotto, probably, since that motherfucker was too smart for his own good.

But I needed to do this.

I wasn’t letting Ari ruin herself like I’d ruined myself.

“Maybe you should read your own contract, asshole,” I spat and settled back in the chair. The bodyguard at the corner of the room eyed me. “Especially the clause about possible contract cancellations due to injury.”

“And Ari isn’t injured. Not officially.” Troy threw the paper back at me. “Maybe you should read your own evidence, asshole.”

“And if she is?”

“Are you going to bribe a doctor to give you what you want? Clock her upside the head? Or maybe call Joanne and have her do it again?” Troy’s smile was straight poison. “Ari put on quite the show last night. Too bad I wasn’t able to make it myself.”

My jaw strained at the mention of last night. Fuck this guy. I had just gotten the image of Ari’s unconscious body out of my head. I didn’t need a reminder of that “show.”

“Imagine the money she’ll make me,” Troy continued when I didn’t give in to his taunting. “You think I’m going to let some possibility fuck that up? Come back when she loses a limb. That might be possible, since Misty Perk is threatening to rip her arms off.” He eyed me as he fiddled with a golden duck paperweight near the corner of his desk. “From a video posted just this morning. Do you know how many more investments I got after that? Enough to buy Ari about seven prosthetic arms.”

Troy’s laugh filled his office and drilled into my ears. This wasn’t going to be easy. He would say no. That was why I’d made some calls on the drive over to have an ace in the hole. It was a shitty gamble, but I didn’t need Troy to agree but to simply hear me out and give me a possibility.

“Vince Milani.”

At the name, Troy slipped back down into his leather chair, any joviality gone. “What about him?”

“He’s leading the polls for the governor of Washington. Probably the only politician that can’t be paid off in the entire state.” I shrugged and set my hands on the arms of my chair. “Big on crime, that guy. Looking for ways to prove himself and all that.”

“Get to your point.”

“I think he’d be happy to hear about an underground gambling and fighting ring. A little murder, maybe? It would be the perfect scapegoat to bolster his campaign promises.”

Troy stared at me like I had grown three heads. His answer was an incredulous laugh as he leaned back in his chair.

“You realize what you’re threatening?”

I nodded. “Yep.”

“And how you and your little lovers make money.”


“You’re willing to throw yourself in jail to save Ari? Are you insane?” Troy laughed again, running a hand over his square jaw. “The evidence? Come on, Frankie. What makes you think I can’t stop you before you even start? You better make it good, too, because I’m running out of good will.”

I drew a few deep breaths. I needed to tread carefully here, or else I’d go “missing” like Nero.

“It would be a shame if our Heathens Hollow contract got sent in as an anonymous tip, wouldn’t it? It’s a legal binding contract. Or at least that’s what I assumed since you were keen to get Ari to sign so quickly.” I stared him down until my eyes burned. When Troy didn’t say anything, I shrugged. “You have plenty of men on your roster, Troy, but plenty of enemies, too. I’m sure a few people would be more than willing to flip on you and your little empire once the dominos start falling.”

“We both know you aren’t really going to do this.” Troy mimicked my stance and narrowed his eyes. “So I’ll humor you. What’s your end goal here?”


