Sully (Henchmen MC Next Generation #13) Read Online Jessica Gadziala

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Henchmen MC Next Generation Series by Jessica Gadziala

Total pages in book: 78
Estimated words: 75478 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 377(@200wpm)___ 302(@250wpm)___ 252(@300wpm)

Oh, he had those little indents of muscles that led right toward his…



I was not going to follow those lines. And I certainly wasn’t going to wonder about what they might be directing me toward.

“Sorry I took up so much of your time.”

“You kidding? I was bored off my ass. This was a welcome distraction. You want more company, or you want me to get my ass out of here?”

“I wouldn’t mind company.”

“Movie night?” he asked, sounding excited. And I was reasonably sure he wasn’t faking it either. “Snacks included?”

I’d never agreed to something so fast in my life.

Not because of the snacks or the movie.

But because of the company.

To my utter delight, after acquiring the ‘mandatory’ snacks that included popcorn, chips, candy, snack cakes, and drinks, Sully simply walked up the bed from the bottom—still gloriously shirtless—and sat against the headboard with me.

I sat there snacking and listening to his running monologue about the best movies in each genre until he, finally, chose some obscure movie from the ‘80s that he swore was going to ‘change my life.’

I didn’t care about the movie.

I was too enraptured by the company.

And the fact that he wanted to spend his time with me.

One movie turned into two.

But before the second could even get to the good parts, I was out cold.

For the first time in a really long time, it was a deep and dreamless sleep.

I was out so cold, in fact, that I was almost certain I was dreaming when, sometime later, the pattering of water on the shower floor gently pulled me back toward consciousness.

My mind was slow and thick enough that I was confused by my surroundings for a long moment.

Until a figure moved into my line of vision.

Sully stepped out of the now silent bathroom with nothing but a low-slung towel on and bunched-up clothes in his free hand.

He stopped at his closet, tossing the dirty clothes in a hamper. Then, without any hesitation, he grabbed the towel tuck and whipped it off.

He whipped it off.

I was thankful the TV was still on, or I was sure he would have heard my gasp as my gaze took in every inch of him.

Every glorious, thick inch of him.

Realizing what a creep I was being, I forced my eyes to shut. But I only saw the image of him on the backs of my eyelids.

That heat that had been blooming through my core earlier started again, spreading until I had to press my thighs together to ease the ache.

It was bad enough that I was considering waiting for Sully to leave, then taking a shower myself and, well, getting a little relief from the ache.

Only Sully didn’t leave.

He moved around for a bit, likely getting dressed and cleaning up the bathroom. He went toward the door, but only to flick off the light.

Then he was coming back to the bed.

And gently crawling up to the top.

Shock shot through me, but it was quickly chased away by more need as that peaches and vanilla scent overwhelmed me up close.

Sully didn’t scoot up to me.

He didn’t reach for me.

But his voice did reach out to me, soft as a caress.

“I’ll be right here,” he said, making my belly flip-flop. I wasn’t sure if it was pleasure or fear that he knew I was awake, that I’d been ogling him. But then he added, “if you wake up and need me.”

I was positive that sleep would be the last possible thing I was capable of then, with him up close and scrambling my logic with his warmth, his scent, his mostly bare body. And what I now knew was underneath.

But it wasn’t long before I drifted back off.



I was up first.

In more ways than one.

Bonnie was still beside me, her breathing deep and even in sleep, her lips parted just slightly.

But I was wide awake.

And hard as a fucking rock.

She’d scooted closer in her sleep, her little body plastered up against me, her breath warm on my arm.

I needed to get out of the bed.

Then I needed to go deal with this problem. Again. I’d already taken matters into my own hands in the shower the night before.

It was a miracle I’d lasted that long after the whole coloring my back thing.

But now, it was a new day. And I had the same problem. Only now I was kind of trapped. If I moved at all, there was a good chance I would wake her. Then there would be no way to hide my little situation.

I took a few deep breaths, tried doing some fucking math problems in my head, anything to distract myself from all that pretty just inches from me.

I was busy trying to remember if I carried a two or not when Bonnie let out a little sigh, then shifted.


