Sully (Henchmen MC Next Generation #13) Read Online Jessica Gadziala

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Henchmen MC Next Generation Series by Jessica Gadziala

Total pages in book: 78
Estimated words: 75478 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 377(@200wpm)___ 302(@250wpm)___ 252(@300wpm)

“You were a real fucking handful as a kid,” Reign said, his smile wicked. “This is the universe evening shit out. Hair’s getting a little gray there,” he added. “Just wait till the girls start dating.”

“They’re never fucking dating,” Fallon grumbled.

I had to admit, seeing the two of them interact made me suddenly very aware of my own tense, barely existent relationship with my own father. There was no lighthearted teasing. All I’d ever known were exacting and impossible standards and getting the belt when I didn’t meet them.

I dunno.

Maybe, if I hadn’t enlisted, if I hadn’t seen and done the shit I had in the name of my country, if I hadn’t been determined to leave all that dark shit behind once I left, I could have reconnected with my old man, seen if there was a different dynamic now that we were both adults.

There was no going back now, though.

I had a different family here.

Better, in a lot of ways.

And while I’d never have what Reign and Fallon did, I did get a bunch of random fatherly figures when the OG members were around.

Hell, maybe one day, I’d have my own kids. And we’d have that same dynamic Fallon and Reign had.

It wasn’t the first time I’d considered kids.

The club kids and I, we all had a hell of a good time when they were over. Sure, their parents might have had some objections to the permanent marker tattoo parties or the whipped cream shootouts. But, hey, that was an uncle’s job, wasn’t it? To be a bad influence.

What was new now, though, was I suddenly had a face for the mother.


Now, wasn’t that some shit?

“You look like you need a drink,” Callow said, holding out a beer.

“Think I do,” I agreed.

Sure, I’d known Bonnie was different almost from the jump. But imagining the kind of future with her that involved kids? That was new.

“Know that look,” Callow said.

“What look?”

“That deer-in-the-headlights, how-the-fuck-did-this-woman-get-in-so-fast look. Been seeing it happen to all the guys around here for years. Saw it in the mirror a while back too.”

“It’s not…”

“Sure it ain’t,” Callow said, smirking. “Coming in here strapped with a bomb is a Henchmen meet-cute, if I ever saw one.”

The meeting went on for another hour or two, concluding with Fallon telling me that he wanted me up at Hailstorm later that week to go over whatever they found.

I couldn’t help but think that Bonnie would love that trip. If for no other reason than to enjoy the fuck out of playing with all those dogs up there.

Speaking of…

“Hey, Niro,” I called, crossing the crowded common room.

“What’s up, man?”

“Any chance Andi knows of any dogs who could use a new home?”

“You’re getting a dog?” Niro asked, dubious.

“Hey, I love dogs.”

“What with being one and all,” he said with a smirk. “Andi doesn’t have any dogs. But her mom just rescued a mom and her litter. The babies all got a home, but no one wants the mom.”

“What kinda dog?”

“Something fluffy. Shepherd and retriever mix, maybe?”

“She friendly?”

“Yeah. Fucking hates the macaws over at Rey’s place, though. You planning on getting any birds?”


“Then I’ll see if she’s willing to drop her over here. Maybe a foster-to-adopt sort of thing.”

“Perfect,” I said, nodding. “Thanks, man.”

“Hey, Sully,” he called when I started to walk away.


“What’s the girl’s name?” he asked with a knowing smile.




I wanted to stay awake.

Because as much as those ugly thoughts in my head wanted to make me feel weird about what happened in the glass room, they were now drowned out by other ones. Ones that were overjoyed that Sully clearly wanted me back, that it wasn’t just a heat-of-the-moment thing, that this was actually happening.

Unfortunately, though, I’d always been someone who went to bed somewhat early. And the late nights at the clubhouse were catching up to me.

I’d barely gotten a chance to brush my teeth and wash my face before I fell into the bed, out cold in minutes.

It was crummy sleep, though. I was back in my nightmares, only now they had a new locale: the clubhouse. As per usual, just to add some extra spicy terror, there was no light. And a faceless man was chasing me through the only partially familiar territory, his breath warm on my neck, his hands reaching out to…

“You’re alright,” Sully murmured, reaching to roll me onto my side. “I got you. No creepy dream demon stands a chance against me. Though, I’m pretty sure holy water might burn me too at this point,” he added, making the traces of the dream fall away as I smiled at him.

“Hey,” I whispered.


He looked surprisingly well-rested. Clearly, he’d been able to climb into bed without waking me at some point. But maybe he’d been beside me for longer than I’d realized.

“What time is it?”

Sully leaned up, glancing past me at the nightstand. “Just after six.”


