Surrounded by the Beasts – Sin City Beasts Read Online Stephanie Brother

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 67
Estimated words: 63741 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 319(@200wpm)___ 255(@250wpm)___ 212(@300wpm)

Zeb picks up the serving spoon right after Griffin lays it down and takes a similarly-sized second helping. “Not really. Just hungry.”

Later that night, alone in the bedroom, with the door firmly closed, I dare to open the pink-striped shopping bag. The lace I saw earlier is indeed underwear, and it’s much more frilly and feminine than anything I would choose for myself.

I envision Frank and Zeb standing in the store, and wonder if they tried to imagine what style of panties I wear, or did they just pick out what they prefer?

The skin on my arms is tingling as I pull out several more pairs. No flesh-tone basic cotton here. Nope, there’s black, red, and several shades of pink, all of it silky, sheer, and sexy.

There’s more in the bag, but to my relief, there aren’t any bras. Instead, I find two pairs of pajamas, one for cool nights and another for warmer weather, and a short robe in a beautiful, silky champagne-colored fabric.

I’ve never had a man buy clothes for me before, much less intimate things. I slip the robe on over my shirt and go into the bathroom to look in the mirror. My skin is flushed pink and my brain very unhelpfully wonders what it would feel like if Frank or Zeb’s arms were around me instead of this fabric. Then I imagine one of them taking this robe off of me, with nothing underneath.

Shit. My lockbox just got busted wide open.


A week goes by, and things at the house start to fall into a new routine. Ember is the ideal guest, quiet and considerate. She insists on taking her turn at cooking, even though I tell her it’s not necessary, and she pitches in with housework every chance she gets.

She’s a beam of sunshine in our sometimes too-serious mancave, lightening the mood in a much better way than Griffin’s ridiculous behavior.

We played poker tonight—regular poker, not strip poker, unfortunately—and with chips instead of real money, since we know Ember’s saving up for a deposit on a new place. She did all right, ending the night up from where she started.

It was a good time, but it was hard to focus on my cards with Ember wearing the low-cut red shirt Frank and I picked out for her. The swell at the tops of her breasts, and the occasional glimpse of the valley between her breasts, had my dick sitting up and begging repeatedly.

I’ve turned into a fucking perv with her living here.

Now it’s the middle of the night, and I just woke up from an honest to god wet dream. For fuck’s sake! I haven’t been fifteen in a long time.

I get up and change my sheets, carry the dirty ones to the laundry area, and detour through the kitchen on the way back to get a drink of water. Only, when I get there, I see Ember had the same idea.

She’s standing by the sink, glass in hand. And Griffin, who’s sleeping on the couch this week, is up and talking to her.

I don’t know what stops me—maybe the way he’s standing too close to her, or the way their voices are quieter than normal, even for the middle of the night. Whatever, I pull back until I’m just out of sight. And instead of returning to my room, I listen.

Quieter than normal is not so quiet that I can’t hear them from this distance. “I don’t want to talk about it,” Ember says.

“Come on, Emmy. Are we really going to dance around it forever?”

Her sigh sounds exasperated, which is my normal state when I’m around Griffin. But then she says, “It shouldn’t have happened, and it definitely can’t happen again.”

My ears perk all the way up then.

“Why not?” Griffin says.

“You know why.”

“But you can’t tell me you didn’t enjoy it.”

“That’s not the point!” Her voice gets louder, and then she’s almost whispering when she adds, “It’s not appropriate for us to be involved that way. Or any way.”

“We’re both adults. We’re attracted to each other. What’s the harm?”

“We work together! And I’m your manager.”

“So? We can be colleagues with benefits.”

I’ve heard enough. I back away and head for my room, because if I listen to any more of this, I’m going to explode like a rocket and tear Griffin’s head off.

Right at this moment, I hate him for having been with her. He touched her, he was inside her, he heard the sounds she made while he fucked her.

Nearly blind with rage, I pass by the bedroom where Frank is sleeping, and on impulse, I go in and nudge his shoulder.

He comes fully awake so fast it’s almost scary. The glare he sends me is less than friendly, but that’s the kind of mood I’m in myself. “What the fuck, Zeb?”

“Griffin fucked Ember.”

Frank goes still. His voice, when he speaks, is low and dangerous. “He did what?”


