Surrounded by the Beasts – Sin City Beasts Read Online Stephanie Brother

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 67
Estimated words: 63741 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 319(@200wpm)___ 255(@250wpm)___ 212(@300wpm)

“Sounds incredibly important,” I say with a heavy dose of skepticism.

Standing behind her desk, she opens her laptop and pulls up the scheduling software. Funny how it wasn’t already open on her screen.

“You don’t have to pretend, Ember.”

When she looks up, her eyes are big and her cheeks are flushed pink. “What do you mean?”

“Was she making you jealous?” Keeping my voice low, I tip my head toward my station. “I was barely listening to her.”

“I’m not jealous!” Her whispered response comes quickly, but her eyes tell me she’s lying.

I lean in close. “It’s okay. I like it.” When she bites her lip, I steal a quick kiss, because I can’t help it. My hand finds her ass and I give it a good squeeze. “In fact, it turns me on.”

“Zeb, you can’t do that here.” She puts a few inches between us, her blush deepening.

“We can talk more about it in bed tonight,” I tell her. “And I’ll show you just how much I like you being possessive.”

It’s work to wipe the grin from my face as I return to my station. I’m always happier on the days when it’s my turn to spend the night with Ember.

As I finish the tattoo, I half listen to the blabbering client, and half process what Ember’s jealousy means. Would she want commitment?

I could easily promise her that I’m not interested in anyone else—haven’t been for a while, especially since we started working together at this new location. Commitment is more than fidelity, though.

There’s everything that goes into a relationship, and I’m crap at all that. I don’t do relationships, but maybe something about our crowded situation could fill in the gaps.

Frank and Griffin being involved takes the pressure off me. Because of them, I have space—often more space than I want, on nights when I’m aching for Ember. Maybe I don’t need to be the perfect boyfriend when Ember has two spares.

Boyfriend. Is that what I want to be?

I let out a long breath and glance over at the woman who’s turned everything upside down, and she gives me a smile that parts the clouds, making it all clear.


“I’ve never posed for anyone before. What do I need to do?”

“Nothing in particular. Just be your beautiful self.”

God, I don’t even know if I’m going to be able to make it through this. Ember’s wearing a short silky robe cinched at the waist, one of the items we bought her when she moved in. It’s always a turn-on to see her wearing something that we provided, but in this case it’s obvious there’s nothing but her beneath it.

The fabric is taut over her nipples, accentuating every mouth-watering detail. Though it’s not my usual medium, I could write poetry about the swell of her breasts, and her bare legs have me thinking filthy, dirty thoughts.

I’m torn between wanting to capture her beauty in clay and carry her off to the bedroom, caveman-style. It’s our day off, so I’m planning to do both.

“Are you sure you want to do this outside?” I ask. “I could set up in the living room, or even the bedroom.”

“I’m sure. I’ve always liked watching you working in the sunlight. Today, I’ll have a close-up view.”

She’s been watching me while I sculpt? It’d be hard to underestimate how good that makes me feel, and I wonder how I never knew.

When she steps out onto the patio, I’m immediately grateful for her desire to pose outdoors. Even though the sun isn’t shining directly on her, it still does incredible things to that silky robe, adding a transparent quality that brings me close to rearranging the day’s events.

While I enjoy her stunning body, I’m assured that no one outside of our household will see her. We’re set up on the patio, and the tall walls that surround our back yard ensure her privacy.

She settles onto the cushions I arranged on the bench, and when her robe parts, my dick goes hard. I made it through an entire life drawing course in art school without having a reaction like this, and that was when I was in my late teens.

But nothing with Ember has been business as usual.

I’ve wanted to sculpt her for as long as I can remember, and the day’s finally come. I’d prefer to do a large-scale work or even a series, but this might be my only opportunity to have her model for me.

I’m continually aware that I’m on borrowed time with her.

“How would you like me to pose?”

“However you’re comfortable. Would you like to lie down?”

She tries out a few positions, and ends up on her side, her upper body elevated by the cushions. “How’s this?”


Smiling shyly, she gets to her feet and undoes the knot at her waist, shrugs off the robe, and sets it aside before lying back down. Twisting her torso, she bends an arm above her, reminding me of a classical painting, though she’s more beautiful than any I’ve ever seen.


