Taming Lia – No Safeword Read Online Claire Thompson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 88350 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 442(@200wpm)___ 353(@250wpm)___ 295(@300wpm)

She turned toward the large ensuite bathroom, eager to see what he had in store for her. “Shall I get the water going, Sir?” she asked, attempting to channel good little sub girl.


He seemed to come out of some kind of momentary trance. Following her gaze, he shook his head. “Oh. No. No, you’ll be showering in the slave quarters. You may also use the toilet if you need to.” He glanced at his watch. “It’s already after one. I’ll meet you downstairs in the front hall in thirty minutes. We can grab a bite to eat and assess where we go from here.”

The sexy shower fantasies evaporated at his words. She gave herself a mental shake, glad he’d pulled her back from the brink. Her wild sex fantasies were not helpful. If anything, they were distracting. Very distracting.

“Yes, Sir,” Lia said. Turning on her heel, she left the room quickly and made her way down the stairs.

She tried not to assign too much import to his sending her away. She so didn’t want Beau to turn out to be just another Enclave Master, putting her through her paces and then dismissing her without another thought. She didn’t want to be just another interchangeable trainee.

There were fewer people milling in the living room now, but the dungeon was in full swing. On her way to the basement stairs, she poked her head into the dining room, which was again set up buffet style because of the event.

She looked around for Lucia but didn’t see her. She considered going into the kitchen to find her friend but decided she’d better get a move on. Taking the basement steps two at a time, she hurried down the hall past the bedrooms to the large communal bathroom at the end of the hall. It sported a row of doorless toilet stalls against one wall. The adjacent wall contained the open shower area, with six showerheads installed side-by-side, a drain set in the tiled floor. There was a huge sunken tub in one corner of the room.

Lia was intimately familiar with every tile, nook and cranny of the space, having spent one long, laborious afternoon on her hands and knees, ankles hobbled together with chain. She’d scrubbed every inch of the place with a bucket, a rag and an old toothbrush. Her knees still ached with the memory.

To her unexpected delight, Lucia was in the bathroom, along with Katie and the four trainees. They were in front of the sinks, the countertops piled with makeup and various brushes, along with some body jewelry.

Katie was blowing out Juliette’s short dark hair while Madison knelt in front of Nick, fitting a black metal cock ring over his semi-erect shaft. They all looked up as she entered.

“Lia,” Lucia exclaimed, momentarily pausing in the task of rouging Kinsley’s pale pink nipples to a deep red. “I was wondering if we’d see you today. How’s it going?”

“Pretty good, I think,” Lia hedged, not quite ready to parse her feelings aloud, especially not in front of the other trainees. “What are y’all doing?”

“We’re getting ready for the play auction that’s taking place after lunch,” Katie volunteered. “Our community guests will get to bid on the purchase of a one-hour scene with one of our trainees. The money raised will go to one of our local charities.”

“Sounds fun,” Lia replied. “Y’all nervous?”

“No,” Nick and Madison replied in unison.

“Yes,” Kinsley and Juliette said at the same time.

Everyone laughed. Lia experienced a tug of longing tinged with regret. She missed the intense camaraderie she’d felt with her fellow trainees during her brief tenure at The Enclave. They’d shared the immediate closeness you feel when you’re thrust into a difficult situation and come through it together. Except she hadn’t come through it with the rest. She’d run away, tail between her legs.

But I’m back now, she reminded herself.

“I love those rope patterns,” Katie gushed, pulling Lia back to the moment.

“Very sexy,” Lucia agreed.

Lia glanced down at herself. The marks were already fading, she observed with a pang. While she hadn’t especially enjoyed being paraded past the vendor tables on a leash, she had adored the sensual way Beau had wrapped her body in those beautiful knots beforehand. As he worked, she had surrendered to the sensations, thrilling to the paradoxical embrace of restraint and the liberated way it made her feel.

“Are you joining us for the auction?” Madison asked. Lucia was now spraying Madison’s skin with a fine mist of gold oil that made her look like a gorgeous, bronzed statue brought to life.

“I’m not sure what Master Beau has planned for me. He sent me down for a quick shower.” She glanced at the large wall clock. “I need to be back up there by 1:40.”

“Let’s connect when we can,” Lucia said. “I want to hear everything. If there’s anything you need, let me know.”


