Taming Lia – No Safeword Read Online Claire Thompson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 88350 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 442(@200wpm)___ 353(@250wpm)___ 295(@300wpm)

The subs exchanged meaningful glances, carrying on a brief telepathic conversation that included secret smiles and sidelong glances at himself. Girl talk, he thought with an indulgent smile.

He bound Lucia first, wrapping the supple rope in a pleasing pattern around her torso and between her legs. She was quiet but compliant as he worked, shifting her body or leg just so without his need to guide her in any way. Finally, he selected a piece of Kinbaku rope from his gear bag, which he used to secure her wrists to a low hanging suspension ring. As he worked, he couldn’t help but notice Lucia’s peaceful stillness, in contrast to Lia, who fairly vibrated with barely contained energy beside her.

Beau grabbed a second coil of the conductive rope from the cabinet top. At first, Lia fidgeted as he worked. But after a while, she calmed, settling into the rope with a small, contented sigh.

Anthony, meanwhile, had plugged in two violet wands. Instead of the glass electrode attachments Beau was familiar with, he was fitting the wands with what looked like flattened aluminum knitting needles attached to metal handles.

“Those are different,” Beau commented.

Anthony ran a finger along the attachment on one of the wands. “These are laser blades. They’re made from anodized aluminum, the base a highly conductive carbon fiber. They deliver a stronger jolt than glass, both through the rope and directly on the skin. Still perfectly safe, of course,” he added.

He handed the wand to Beau and picked up the second one for himself. Moving to stand in front of the women, he appraised them with apparent satisfaction.

“Nicely done,” he said with an approving smile.

He flicked his wand through the air, as if calling his orchestra to attention.

“Shall we?”

Lia’s mouth was dry, her heart hammering with nervous excitement. From the way Master Anthony had described it, Lucia and she were in for an intense experience. Hopefully, she could handle whatever they meted out without making a fool of herself.

She glanced at Lucia, who seemed as serene as always, calm radiating from her like a gentle aura.

“Eyes on me,” Beau directed. He flicked a switch at the base of the wand, and the thing sprang to life.

The metal attachment glowed purple and threw off sparks. Lia’s breath caught in her throat as she watched the crackling energy move closer. Her heart raced with anticipation.

Beau ran the edge of the blade along the conductive rope circling her breasts. The rope seemed to come alive against her skin. The sensation was electric—quite literally—hovering on a knife’s edge between pleasure and pain. Lia gasped, her body arching involuntarily against her restraints. The charge left her skin tingling and her nerves singing.

He alternated his touch, moving from the rope to her bare skin and back again. Sparks of violet light danced along her flesh, creating a mix of tingling and prickling sensations. The experience was at once deeply arousing and unsettling. Though she knew what was coming, each touch of the wand caused a surprising jolt of sensation that left her breathless and off-balance. Each pass of the blade made her shudder, her body reacting to the unpredictable path of the electricity. Having her wrists bound, arms pulled taut overhead, only added to the intensity.

Lucia and Master Anthony faded into the background as Lia focused solely on Master Beau. His gaze burned into hers with each sweep and tap of the wand’s charged tip, sparking a frenzy of sensation throughout Lia’s body.

He dragged the blade again over Lia’s bare skin, leaving a shower of electrified sensation in its wake that was almost too much to handle. Sweat tickled under her arms and at her hairline. She was on fire with lust, every sparking kiss of the wand a reminder of her vulnerability at the mercy of her erotic torturer.

Her body became slicked with sweat, her breath catching in her throat as Master Beau continued to trace the blade over the metallic rope and along the curves of her body. The electric pulses mingled with his breath, warm against her skin as he leaned close. There was a crackling energy between them, borne of more than mere electricity. Surely, he felt it too.

He flicked something on the side of the wand, making it hum louder as the current intensified. “Keep your eyes open and on me,” he instructed as he lowered the wand so the blade hovered between her legs.

She cried out in anguished pleasure as the electrified tip made contact with the rope pulled taut between her labia. Body trembling, she jerked at the touch, involuntarily twisting away from the blade. A whisper of panic tickled along her skin.

“Breathe,” Master Beau soothed. “Focus on submission and take what I give you. Embrace the pain. You can do this, my brave girl.”

His words both calmed and thrilled her. Yes, she would embrace the pain. She was brave. His brave girl.


