Taming Lia – No Safeword Read Online Claire Thompson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 88350 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 442(@200wpm)___ 353(@250wpm)___ 295(@300wpm)

“You’ve made an excellent start.” Anthony clapped Beau on the back. “Lia still has a way to go, of course. But your methods have unlocked something Lucia and I were sure was there. I know your informal contract was just through today, but you’re welcome to stay and continue working with her, your schedules permitting, of course. While Julian will be reclaiming his suite tonight, we do have a guest bedroom you could use for as long as you like.”

“That’s very generous of you, Anthony,” Beau replied sincerely. “This has been an amazing week and your hospitality is through the roof. Unfortunately, I have to get back to my real life. I’ll still be available for ongoing Kinbaku training as we’ve discussed. But I need to buckle down on a paper I want to get completed and submitted to the Journal of Asian Studies before the new semester starts.”

“Understood,” Anthony replied. “I sometimes forget there’s a ‘real life’ out there beyond our private Shangri la here. But consider it an open invitation.”

After Anthony and Lawrence took their leave, Mark stayed behind to help Beau put his rope away and tidy the scene station.

“I think you might have performed a miracle,” Mark said with a grin. “I know Anthony and Lawrence believed she could be redeemed, but between you and me, I wasn’t at all sure there actually was a submissive lurking in that hardcore masochist soul of hers.”

“Gee, thanks,” Beau said with a laugh. “So, you gave me what you thought was an impossible task?”

Mark shrugged, still grinning. “I was quietly skeptical, but Anthony was right, as usual. She just needed a different approach. I don’t see her as a good fit as an Enclave slave, though. She wouldn’t be happy serving all and sundry. But one-on-one, she’s starting to exhibit the serene grace of a true BDSM slave.”

“She’s definitely made progress,” Beau agreed.

In spite of himself, he couldn’t help but feel proprietary pride in Lia’s graceful handling of the physically and mentally challenging Kinbaku session. She hadn’t powered her way through it as she might have only the week before. Instead, she’d embraced the situation, surrendering with as much grace as any subject he’d worked with before.

“So, what’s next?” Mark asked.

While Beau understood Mark was asking a broader question, he answered in a narrower context. “I’m actually going to her parents’ house tonight with her for dinner. Since our informal contract extends through the evening, I plan to give her a few challenges to see how she handles submission outside the confines of a training session.”

“Her parents’ house,” Mark exclaimed. “How the heck did you manage that?”

Beau told Mark about the meeting with Lia’s mom. “I couldn’t have refused that invitation even if I’d wanted to. Loretta Duvall is a force of nature.” He paused, thinking about the first time he’d met Lia. “Remember, I mentioned I met Lia at a big society wedding?”

Mark nodded.

“She was with my baby cousin. He’s totally into the whole Who’s Who of Asheville society. And there was Lia beside him, all decked out in a silk gown and pearls. Now, I realize her mom probably had a hand in that. While I was at her place, Loretta showed up with a bunch of dresses and basically instructed Lia as to what she would wear for this dinner.”

“No kidding,” Mark mused. “Now I’m getting a better understanding of the pink hair and the tats and the kickass persona Lia projects. She’s trying to distinguish and maybe even separate herself from the whole Southern high society vibe.”

“Probably,” Beau agreed. “It just highlights how young she is. Still trying to separate from Mommy and Daddy.”

“Whoa,” Mark said. “That’s kind of harsh.”

Beau shrugged a little sheepishly. “Maybe you’re right.”

“So,” Mark said. “I repeat my question. What’s next? Maybe it’s time to move from a pure trainer/trainee relationship to something more…personal?”

Beau shook his head. “Not in the cards.”

“No?” Mark said, sounding genuinely surprised. “Maybe I’ve got it all wrong, but I could swear there’s a definite spark between the two of you. Jaime thinks so, too.”

“Maybe,” Beau grudgingly admitted. “But that doesn’t mean I’m going to do anything about it. I mean, let’s get real here. Lia’s over a decade younger than I am. She’s basically still a kid.”

“You keep harping on this age thing,” Mark replied, frowning. “I didn’t see a kid today during that awesome Kinbaku demonstration. I saw a woman who responded with passion and grace. I also saw the way she was looking at you, bro. She’s into you. I guarantee it.”

“Nah,” Beau said dismissively, ignoring the sudden, bright flare of hope Mark’s words had ignited. “She’s into the experience I gave her. I’m sure you’ve seen it a lot as a trainer. It’s not me she’s into, even if she might think it is. It’s having someone connect with a core need and help her bring it into focus. I’m more of a mirror or a conduit. It’s not personal.”


