Tarnished Empire Read Online Ava Harrison

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Mafia, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 106
Estimated words: 104729 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 524(@200wpm)___ 419(@250wpm)___ 349(@300wpm)

“For today’s lesson,” I say.

“Today’s lesson?”

“Well, yeah. Yesterday you told me about Polaris, and today, you’ll teach me something else to survive. If we’re stuck here for another ten days, I might as well learn the tricks of the trade.”

“Is that what you want, dove?”

“It is. What else is there to do to pass the time?” I ask, but the moment I do, I realize I have walked right into a trap.

“I can think of better ways to spend our time.”

I can feel the warmth spreading across my face, and if I didn’t know better, I’d say he lit the fire, but seeing as he hasn’t, I know I’m blushing.

I don’t respond to his blatant sexual innuendo. Instead, I let my imagination run wild. I have to stop, but I can’t. I would swat my hand and shoo them away if that didn’t make me look insane. But it would, so I don’t. Instead, I take a deep breath and will my heart that is flip-flopping in my chest to stop so I can look straight at him.

Show no fear, Phoenix Michaels. Show no fear.

“I think my time on this island would be better spent learning how to survive.”

“Whatever you want.”

I continue to stand in place before he motions for me to come closer. I hesitate for a minute before he opens his mouth. “Do you think you can learn all the way from there?”

He’s right. As much as it pains me to admit he is right, from where I am perched, I won’t be learning anything.

I do what he says and move closer. And just out of spite, to show I don’t care, to convince him I’m not affected by him—or maybe to convince myself—I stand so close that I can feel the heat of his body. I want to shiver, but I don’t. I stand perfectly still. Stoic. He turns to face me, his eyes playful and his lip tipped up.

“Let’s get started. I’ll tell you and then demonstrate for you, and then you will try, okay?” he says, and I nod my head.

“Sounds good.” Sort of, anyway.

“You need to build friction where you rub, and it will turn the wood into a hot ember. Once that happens, you will quickly transfer the hot ember to your bundle and blow. This will ignite your tinder. Grab the kindling and use the burning tinder bundle to ignite it. Keep adding more dry sticks until you have the fire you want.”

I watch as he does just what he said he would. Staring at his fingers, his wrists, and up to his forearms, I’m mesmerized by the flexing of one of his tattoos. I want to ask him what they all mean. I will tonight at the fire, but right now, I need to concentrate.

His fire is blazing when he moves behind me.

My breath lodges in my throat as his arms wrap around me and his front presses against my back. Warm hands wrap around my hands, and once he’s secure in his position of my extremities, he starts to turn our hands so the friction builds.

The movement is sensual as he guides me around the wood. It feels like an erotic dance. His breath tickles my skin.

His lips are close enough that I wonder if he’ll kiss me.

I wonder if he wants to.

I turn my head toward him to see what he’s thinking, but just as I do, he jolts.

“You did it. Look!”

He pulls back, letting me go so I’m the only one holding the sticks.

“Blow,” he commands, and although I think the moment is gone, I can see the look of lust heavy in his eyes now.

“Blow,” he says again. “Ignite the flames.”

He’s no longer talking about a stick.



The next few days follow the same pattern. I teach her the skills she will need to survive if she ever finds herself alone without me on a deserted island. Today is a bit different.

Today, I lead her toward the lake to the clearing right by the banks of where the water is.

“What are we doing here? Are you going to teach me how to—what swim? I already know how to do that?” She laughs.

“No. Today, I teach you how to protect yourself. How to never find yourself in a bad position again.” The meaning of my words isn’t lost on her. She knows I’m talking about how she’s stuck here with me. “If you really want to work with your father, which I don’t suggest you do, you need to know how to defend yourself and fight back.”

She lifts her brow at me. “I don’t need to learn to fire a gun. It’s not rocket science.” Her hands rest on her hip in defiance, but I don’t miss the way her fists clench to hide their shaking.

“You need to. But at the very least, you need to learn how to fight. If you remember the day you found yourself alone on my boat, guns aren’t always available when we want them.”


