The Bodyguard (Silver Spoon MC #10) Read Online Loni Ree, Nichole Rose

Categories Genre: Biker, Insta-Love, MC, Romance, Virgin Tags Authors: , Series: Silver Spoon MC Series by Loni Ree
Series: Silver Spoon MC Series by Nichole Rose

Total pages in book: 41
Estimated words: 37450 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 187(@200wpm)___ 150(@250wpm)___ 125(@300wpm)

"Jerk," I mumble, fighting a smile.

He grins at me.

Crash lifts his head, growling.

"I'll give you eggs, too, buddy," I promise, laughing. He's getting a little spoiled.

He ignores me and jumps to his feet, his hackles rising. I watch, not understanding as he starts to pace in restless circles, barking and growling.


A hint of wood smoke wafts toward me, seeming to come from nowhere.


I jerk my gaze up to Callum, his sharp tone cutting through the confusion in my mind.

"Take my cell and go to the panic room," he orders me, his face a grim mask. He smells it too.

Cold dread sinks its claws in deep, turning my blood to ice. Something is wrong. Seriously wrong.

"Go," he says, shoving his phone into my hand. "Call 911, then call Cormac."

"Callum," I whisper, shaking as he pulls a gun from his waistband.

"Go," he growls.

I bolt down the hall, terror pounding like the strike of a gong in my chest. Crash follows behind me, still growling. I run into Cormac's office, heading straight for the closet.

As soon as I'm inside the panic room, I set the phone down and heave the door closed before cranking the wheel to lock it into place. It works like a bank vault. There is no opening it from the other side without the code.

The panic room is small but comfortable. It's bulletproof, fireproof, tamper proof. If someone is out there, they aren't getting inside, not without a whole lot of time and equipment.

I grab Callum’s phone from the floor and scurry to the small sofa. Crash climbs up with me, as if sensing that I need him close. I wrap one arm around his body, trying not to sob as I hit the button to light up Callum’s screen.

He doesn't have a lock on the phone.

It takes three tries before I manage to dial 911.

"I need help!" I cry as soon as the dispatcher answers. "I think someone is on the property, trying to burn the house down."

"I understand, ma'am. What's the address?"

My heart sinks. Cormac told me everything from codes to the panic rooms to the lock on the gun safe, but the giant jerk forgot to give me the address.

"I don't know," I sob, trying to remember the numbers on the mailbox. "221 County Road 74, I think. It's Cormac Carmichael's house."

"Okay, good," the dispatcher says. "That's good. We know the place. What's your name?"


"Can you tell me what happened, Bella?"

"I witnessed a murder back home. Now someone is on the property and Cormac isn't here."

"You're there alone?"

"Callum," I rasp. "Callum is here."

"Good." The dispatcher sounds relieved. Does everyone know everyone in this town? "Are you in a safe room, Bella?"

I guess everyone does know everyone if he knows about the panic rooms.

"Yes. On the bottom floor."

"Good. I want you to stay there until the fire department gets there. The panic room is fireproof. You'll be safe in there. Don't come out until I tell you that you can."

"I have to call Cormac."

"I need you to stay on the phone with me, Bella."

"I'm sorry," I whisper and then disconnect. It's the last thing I should do, I know that, but if I die, I don't want the last words between me and Cormac to be the ones we spoke this morning. I want him to know that I love him and that I'm sorry. I'm so damn sorry.

Chapter Eleven


"Are we getting this fucking plane in the air today or not?" I demand, scowling at Andreas as soon as he emerges from the cockpit.

"Jesus," Hacker mutters beneath his breath, leaning his head back against his seat. "Wake me up when he's done bitching."

I flip him off even though he can't see it. It doesn't make me feel any better. My mood is pitch fucking black. As soon as I left the house, I regretted threatening to tie Bella to the bed. She's independent and strong-willed, and fearless. And she loves her twin fiercely.

Of course she wants to help look for her. Of course she's worried about her. I owed her understanding and patience. That's what she needed from me. Instead, I barked orders and told her what to do.

Like an asshole, I put my needs above hers. She needed me to talk to her. She needed me to give her a voice. Instead, I decided for her. Just like Mac did when he sent her here.

That worked out real well for him, now didn't it?

"The wind had us grounded," Andreas says calmly. "But it's died down now. It shouldn't be much longer before we get clearance to fly."

"About fucking time," I mutter.

Andreas purses his lips, staring at me.


"You still have time to call her and apologize for whatever you did," he says, sliding into the seat across from mine.

"What makes you think I did anything?"

Hacker snorts.

Andreas gives me a look that screams cut the bullshit. "I know you," he says. "You're only this goddamn grouchy because you're mad at yourself. So stop being a fucking idiot and fix it already."


