The Breaking Season Read online K.A. Linde

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Billionaire, Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 100
Estimated words: 96513 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 483(@200wpm)___ 386(@250wpm)___ 322(@300wpm)

“Stop! Carlyle, stop,” Elizabeth cried out, wrenching on her husband’s arm.

But the two were immovable.

Then I was there. I pushed myself between the two men. “What are you doing? Are you out of your mind?”

But Carlyle didn’t look at me. His gaze was fixed on Camden. He grabbed me as if he were going to throw me out of the way to get to his son. I wrenched away from him and toward Camden

“Tell her,” Camden taunted behind me. “Tell her why you assaulted your son.”

“You are no son of mine,” Carlyle snarled.

I retreated in disgust. What the hell was he talking about?

But I didn’t even have time to ask that question, because the hospital police had arrived. They barreled down the hallway, right for us.

“He’s the one,” I said, pointing at Carlyle.

His eyes widened slightly in shock. That I’d actually called the police. That they’d actually arrived. Maybe he was finally realizing his mistake. He should have realized it long before he threw that punch.

“Sir, you’re going to need to come with us,” the first officer said, reaching her hand toward him.

“Don’t touch me,” Carlyle said, wrenching his arm out of her grasp. “Do you know who I am?”

“Sir,” the woman said calmly, “we’re going to have to ask you to leave.”

Carlyle glared at the police officer. He looked like he wanted to throw a barrage of curses her way. Instead, he straightened his suit. “My daughter is giving birth right now.”

“I understand, sir,” she said. “But you were reported, assaulting this man.”

“It was… an accident,” he lied through his teeth.

“It was assault,” Camden growled.

The woman nodded at Camden. “Would you like to press charges?”

“No, he would not!” Carlyle spat.

“Yes,” Camden said flatly, “I would like to press charges.”

Carlyle’s eyes narrowed. “You wouldn’t. You know how that would look to the company. You know what it would do to you.”

“Sir, please come with us,” the woman said, grabbing his arm now and directing him toward the exit.

“You taught me to never back down from a fight,” Camden said, lethally calm. “If no one else can stop you, I will.”

Carlyle shook off the police officer and started toward the exit. He looked like he wanted to yell back a cartoonish, You’ll never get away with this. But instead, he raised his chin and strode out confidently. As if he had nothing to fear from his son. He was so very wrong in that regard.

When he was out of our sight, Camden’s hand finally moved to my waist. “Hey, what are you doing out of bed?”

I turned in his grip. “Me? Why the hell did your father hit you? Why did he claim you aren’t legitimate?”

“It’s a long story. Maybe you should sit down,” he said gently.

“I don’t need to sit, Camden. I’m fine.”

I heard sniffling behind us and looked to find Elizabeth had collapsed into a chair nearby, crying. Lark sank into the seat next to Elizabeth, and absently patted her back. Lark looked at us in distress. I sighed. I wanted to deal with Camden first, but Elizabeth seemed to need us both now.

I took the seat opposite Lark. “Hey, are you okay?”

She looked over at me with raw emotion in her eyes. “I just watched my husband assault his son and then get arrested. No, I’m not okay.”

“Right. Of course. Is there anything I can do?”


“We’re here for you either way,” Lark said gently.

“We are,” Camden said.

“I’ve… been there,” I admitted reluctantly. “Not exactly the same. But I was there the day my father was hauled away, and I know the trauma of watching someone you love turn out to be a liar.”

“I don’t know what could have possibly prompted him to do this. He’s such a kind, caring man,” she said. Her eyes lifted to Camden’s, who stood by silently. “Was what you said true? Did he… hit his other wives?”

Camden solemnly nodded. I braced against that revelation. Carlyle Percy was an abuser. Fuck that man.

“I don’t know what to say,” Elizabeth said.

“You don’t have to say anything,” I assured her. “You don’t have to do anything today either.”

“There’s plenty of time to figure out where we all go from here,” Lark told her.

Elizabeth brushed the tears from her cheeks. “No, I won’t be the woman who claims he’s never done it to me. Because, one day, he will.” She looked at Camden wistfully. “One day, he will, won’t he?”

I wanted him to lie for her benefit. She was already hurting so much. But Camden wouldn’t.

He just nodded.

She swallowed hard and then seemed to steel herself. “Well, that’s unfortunate.”

And I saw her make her decision. She didn’t tell us that she was going to divorce Carlyle over this, but I saw the resolve in her expression. She’d been single, living her best life as a designer for long enough to know she didn’t need a man to be happy. And that she couldn’t live with a man who acted like this. Eventually, he’d come for her. Elizabeth Cunningham wasn’t a victim.


