The Broken Protector Read Online Nicole Snow

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 138
Estimated words: 138981 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 695(@200wpm)___ 556(@250wpm)___ 463(@300wpm)

“I guess that makes sense. If it happens again, I’m adding surveillance cameras to your place.”

“Oh, cool. Next it’ll be robo-gun turrets and killer drones,” Delilah teases with a little laugh. “That reminds me, though—the motion sensor lights didn’t come on when we were moving around the yard today.”

“They won’t by daylight. They’re solar powered, so if they’re gonna conserve and store energy they can’t turn on all the time. Only when the light sensors know it’s dark.”

“Ooh.” She purses her lips. “Fancy. You really went all out.”

“Anything for a New York-sized pain in my ass.”

There it is again.

That cute little falter, the way she can’t handle it when someone’s real with her.

She gives me an uncertain look.

I fucking love the way she blushes.

This is how it should’ve been before we went hog wild ripping each other’s clothes off. These quiet moments, getting to know each other, figuring out how we fit.

And she fits real damn nice against me as I stretch one arm along the back of the sofa, offering a place against my side.

Delilah doesn’t hesitate to tuck herself against me, pulling her legs up onto the sofa to snuggle into the crook of my arm. Her scent wafts up like perfume, drenching me as I flick the TV on and scroll through the selection until she insists we do Hercules.

I know this one word for word.

Nell’s in love with Megara and wants to be her when she grows up, assuming Delilah hasn’t stolen Meg’s place in her heart.

Apparently, Nell’s not the only one. Delilah loses herself in the story, watching so transfixed it’s almost innocent, bringing out the sweet young woman under the hardened New York boss girl she tries to be.

While she watches the movie, I’m watching her.

Goddamn, does my heart skip when she sings along, mouthing, At least out loud… I won’t say I’m in love.

Yeah, Miss Lilah.

Me too.

I give her a little surprise of my own, belting out a flawless rendition of “A Star Is Born,” even if the high notes kill me.

It does the trick when she flops over laughing.

It’s so warm and cozy, and by the time the movie’s close to ending, we’re teasing each other more than we’re paying attention, halfway sparring and half feeding each other bites of dessert.

Then, as the closing credits roll, she kisses me.

I suddenly forget all about the son of Zeus even if I’ve got his thunder in my vein when she slips over my lap and straddles me.

My cactus girl melts me with that hot little body, her thighs struggling to even fit around me, that little skirt so tempting I want to rip it the fuck off.

Only takes an instant to turn me into a monster of pure lust.

When I slip my hands under her skirt, digging into her ass cheeks, pulling her closer, kissing her, I’m intoxicated.

Judging by the way she’s breathing, she’s drunk on me, too.

She just holds on tighter, wrapping her legs around my waist.

I lift her up and carry her to the stairs.

This dizzying young woman stays with me all night, long after I tumble her down into the sheets and worship every inch of her body until she screams herself hoarse.


Red Blooded (Delilah)

It’s not fair.

It’s so not fair for Lucas Graves to be this effing cute.

It’s probably no surprise that date one led to date two.

We kind of already got the wild monkey sex out of the way—and now I guess we’re realizing that we can actually stand being around each other without going to war.

Since he did dinner for our first date, he left date two in my hands. But since I don’t know much about Redhaven yet, I’m not exactly bursting with brilliant ideas.

I do, however, have a great view of the lake from my house. Including a little boat launch and its hand-painted wooden sign with rental prices for the tourists.

Considering it’s offseason, getting a reservation is as easy as a quick phone call.

Which is how we end up here.

Floating on the center of a lake as smooth as glass.

Still Lake earns its name honestly.

The rowboat gently bobs in the slow, almost invisible current. The sun beats down on us, warm and soothed by the cool breeze skimming over the water.

Lucas sits across from me, completely soaked, his hair plastered into his eyes and his dark heather-blue t-shirt clinging to him like a second skin.

It’s almost obscene how it outlines every carnal delight of his body, accenting every muscle that strained over me in hard, flexing thrusts just last night.

I’d be turned on just looking at him, if only I wasn’t trying not to laugh until I snort.

With his mouth set in a grim line, Lucas lifts both hands and pulls his wet hair aside like he’s pulling back curtains.

“Glad you find this so entertaining,” he grumbles.


