The Broken Protector Read Online Nicole Snow

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 138
Estimated words: 138981 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 695(@200wpm)___ 556(@250wpm)___ 463(@300wpm)

From my inner thighs to the throbbing pearl between my legs.

He tastes me, invades me with his tongue, and makes me come again and again with domineering lashes that claim me in ways I didn’t know I could be owned.

Holy, holy shit.

When he pins me down to lick me harder, growling against my pussy, seizing my clit between his teeth, there’s nothing left but Lucas and his heat and the sound of my own barely muffled scream.

I’m so close as he slows down wickedly, teasing me until I squirm.

My voice flies over the quiet lake, soaring into the clear blue sky.

When my ears start working again, the water slaps and sighs against the side of the boat in echoing rhythm.

I swear, it’s like the entire world syncs up to me as Lucas takes me higher, higher.

Oh, God, higher.

I think I can touch the sun.

“Fucking come for me,” he whispers.

I stare down blankly, trembling as I see the feral look in his eyes, and obey.

I’m coming again.

His broad shoulders part my thighs until they quiver.

Until I’m a prisoner for every last sugar-lash of his tongue, and soon, every stroke of his slow, punishing cock.

Until I don’t think my nerves can take any more of his magic.

Until he proves I can.

He’s a force of nature, a summer storm made flesh, grunting like a bull as he rocks the boat.

There’s as much choice as a leaf gets before the wind rips it off a tree.

I can only surrender and be swept away as Lucas crashes through me again and again, pillaging me from the inside out, leaving me absolutely spent.

I don’t know how I come one more time, but I do when he thrusts so deep.

His body flexes and he releases with a vicious, “Fuck!”

Yes, yes!

I hold on so tight I can’t feel my fingers, both of us one exploding pulse, feeling him fill me as his cock swells and heaves again and again.

We’ll worry about how we forgot the condom later. For now—

Holy hell.

Holy hell, I’m more content than I’ve been with a man in a very long time.

No, more than ever.

Possibly happier than I’ll ever be again.

When he’s done torturing me with heaven, we curl up in the boat to rest and enjoy the lazy afternoon.

I feed him more strawberries and he reads to me from a fantasy novel he brought along.

I’m thrilled that he’s resting so easy, so calm, after turning my bones to jelly.

This man really is too much.

While he reads to me, I run my fingers across his brow, watching the intent concentration in his forest-green eyes.

I’m not really processing the words about knights and dragons.

Not when I’m so focused on him.

There’s something about Lucas that’s inherently good, kind, and I almost feel like—

No. Don’t go there.

My reverie breaks as he stops, tilting his head, looking at me upside down. “Hey. What’re you staring at me for?”

“No reason.” I duck my head, tucking my hair behind my ear.

“Bull. You only say 'no reason' when you’re trying to pretend you don’t like me, Miss Lilah.”

Scowling, I poke his nose. “Maybe I don’t like you.”

“After that? You serious?” He catches my hand and draws it in to kiss the center of my palm. “If you coming fireworks wasn’t liking me, then I can’t wait to see what it looks like when you finally do, gorgeous. You’re falling hard as hell and I wish you’d just admit it.”

I gasp.

My heart stalls.

My mouth goes dry.

I can barely fumble a response. “You... you think I’m going to fall in love with you that easy? C’mon.”

“Not easy, no. Nothing worth having is ever easy.” His lips trace back and forth over my palm, ticklish and sweet. “So don’t be easy on me, Miss Lilah. Make it fucking hard. You’re worth a heaping lot of hell and then some.”

No words.

I can’t even identify this wild feeling throbbing through me, lighting me up from the inside more breathlessly than the fizz and pop of champagne.

So I just smile, curling my fingers around his and drawing his hand in to kiss his thick, coarse knuckles.

“Stop flattering me and finish the chapter,” I tease softly. “I want to know what happens.”

“Do you even know what happened? Swore you zoned out there.”

“...a little,” I admit. “I—”

I can’t name the thing that cuts me off, that makes me stop cold.

It’s a feeling, this heavy sensation I’ve had of being watched that’s haunted me so many times since I came to Redhaven. It’s like a thick blanket thrown over me, blurring my vision, coating my skin with this awful feeling and turning the colors of everything around us wrong.

I jerk my head up, holding my breath, heart thudding as I search the shore.

Lucas goes tense in my lap.

“Lilah, what’s wrong?”

I swallow hard, feeling naked in my thin clothing. I reach for the blanket, drawing it around me tightly.


