The Crush Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 37
Estimated words: 33586 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 168(@200wpm)___ 134(@250wpm)___ 112(@300wpm)

“Not that it’s anyone’s business since we’re both adults, but we’ve only just found each other.” They know what the fuck I mean.

“Or so you say.” Here we go.

“Wait now Cathy don’t go accusing the boy of such things.”

“Well what else am I supposed to think?” I kept my silence because I had prepared for all of this, the anger, the recriminations, but none of it mattered because there was nothing no one could say or do to take her away from me, to wrench away what I had only just found.

It’s never easy going against the ones you love, feeling like you’re disappointing them, that’s a heavy fucking burden to bear. But I had a lot of time to think about this and the only thing that mattered, was her. I wasn’t gonna let anyone hurt her, not even her own mother or my dad. Strangers I could give a fuck. They have no say in what the fuck I do and everyone knows it.

The two of them had been going back and forth on the subject of whether or not I’d been fucking an underage Mellie I guess, but I had no time for that shit either. Anyone with half a brain would know I was hardly here by the time they moved in, and when the fuck would I have had the chance? Since we’ve hardly ever been alone together for fuck sake.

“Before this deteriorates any farther I think I should tell you, it’s not up for debate. I’m not here for your blessing as much as I am here to tell you what is. I have the greatest respect for both of you, but this decision is ours, not yours. I’m asking you to be there for her, this is not going to be as easy as she thinks, people will talk. I need you two to be there for her. I’m going to do everything I can to protect her from this shit but she’s going to need you.”

I was probably being a selfish fuck but there was nowhere else to go with this. I wasn’t letting her go so what was the point of a long drawn out discussion, that was going to end up the same place anyway? They were both a little taken aback I think, but I’ve never been one to back down from a stance and they know that too.

In the end we discussed the best course of action. Cathy was more worried about public opinion, which I guess was normal, while I was more interested in protecting my woman and who knows, child, from ignorant ass people. Dad was taking it all in and holding his cards close to his chest. “I’ll move her away from here if it comes to that.”

That ought to put an end to that shit, since I was sure there was no way she wanted her only daughter moving away from home. She finally plopped down in her chair and took a sip of her now piss warm coffee. “This all just seems so sudden. Couldn’t you two just wait and see instead of jumping into bed together like this? Oh what a mess.”

I reminded myself that I have always liked this woman and that she was just reacting out of shock, it wasn’t working though. “I’m sorry that your daughter’s happiness and mine causes you this much distress.” I got the words out through gritted teeth as I stood to leave.

“Sit down son, everyone just calm down and keep a cool head. Now listen, son, you have to expect a little fluster on our part, we never expected this. You know the society we live in, the kind of people we surround ourselves with, not to mention the business. You know a thing like this could upset the apple cart in a big way, that’s all I think Cathy’s saying.”

“I’m not about to sacrifice my happiness and hers on account of what people are gonna say. You don’t want to hear this that’s cool, but Melanie and I are getting married as soon as I can arrange it. If you choose not to support us, do not be surprised if in the future when you come to your senses the door is no longer open.” There was nothing else to say after that, so I left.

That did not go at all like I expected. I don’t recall the last time I had to defy dad or had any kind of strain between us, not since I was a toddler anyway. But I think it’s me knowing how soft she is, remembering the shy introverted girl who had hidden herself away from the world. I didn’t want anything hurting her.

I snuck back into the house with new purpose. I will tell her that our parents were aware but that we’ll give them some time. If by the end of the weekend they still weren’t on board, I’ll just have to come up with a reason why we needed to move, and if their pride was worth more than her happiness, then they were fucked.


