The Magic of Heart Mountain – Heart Mountain Read Online K.C. Lynn

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Novella Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 40
Estimated words: 38335 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 192(@200wpm)___ 153(@250wpm)___ 128(@300wpm)

“You ain’t kidding,” she says, stuffing the money into her pocket. “I’ve already looked it up on my tablet, and let me tell you, flights don’t come cheap these days.”

“They sure don’t,” I laugh, unable to deny the truth of that statement.

“I’m not worried about it, though,” she says, her small voice brimming with determination. “It might take a while, but I’ll get there. I just hope I can convince Mountie Mike to take a vacation. That’s gonna be the tricky part.”

I have to agree, especially when he finds out that vacation involves seeing me.

The two of us haven’t spoken much since the night he drove me home. While he no longer eyes me with such contempt, he is far from friendly. He keeps any and all interactions between us to a minimum, making pick-ups generally quick, which is probably for the best because the way my hormones respond to that man is downright ridiculous. It doesn’t help that I often find myself thinking back to the warning he gave me in his truck a week ago. It lingers in my mind, playing on a loop.

For the record, Hollis, I don’t wear panties. Actually, I don’t wear underwear at all, and if you don’t want me to prove it by bringing you over here to ride my cock, I suggest you watch what falls from that pretty mouth of yours.

I should have been furious over that threat, but I wasn’t, far from it. Instead, it made body parts tingle that shouldn’t have been tingling; made me question things I have no business questioning.

Does he really not wear underwear? Does he genuinely find my mouth pretty? Does he want me to…ride his cock?

I’ve done nothing but obsess over these questions, and it has made me realize I need some serious therapy. It’s the first thing I plan to do when I get back home.

Pushing aside my unsettling thoughts, I refocus on the matter at hand. “Well, if anyone can convince your brother to take a vacation, it’s you.”

I truly mean that. The love he has for his sister is undeniable.

“I sure hope so, because if you ask me, the guy could use one.”

He could probably benefit from a few vacations, but I decide to keep that to myself.

“He also deserves it,” she adds, her voice softening with affection. “Especially after all he does for me.” Her face lifts to mine, the love she has for her brother prominent in every feature. “I know he seems like a real grouch sometimes, but he isn’t, at least not all the time. He’s actually a really good guy. The best I’ve ever known.”

Guilt strikes deep that she feels the need to defend him to me. “Oh, Poppy. You don’t need to convince me your brother’s a good person. I can tell that all on my own.”

Despite our turbulent encounters, I’ve always been able to see the good. His unwavering dedication to his sister speaks volumes about his character, and so does his profession. He also didn’t have to help cover my tab at the bar, but he did. Heck, even giving me that stupid snowbrush was a nice gesture. Not that I’ve needed it, since every morning I walk out to find my car has already been swept clean.

At first, I thought it was Mr. Gentry, my elderly neighbor who I share the duplex with. He’s always up shoveling first thing in the morning, but when I thanked him, he had no idea what I was talking about. Neither did any of my other neighbors.

Now, I can’t help but wonder if it might be a certain grumpy officer. It seems unlikely, given his feelings toward me, but he’s the only person I can think of who would go to such ridiculous lengths to make sure my windshield is clear. What I don’t understand is, why? Why do this for someone you don’t particularly care for? It doesn’t make any sense. Then again, little about that man makes sense.

“Really, you can tell that?” Poppy’s hopeful tone breaks through my reverie.

“Yep. Want to know how?”

She nods, curiosity brightening her eyes.

“By how amazing you are.”

The sweetest smile illuminates her face. “Thanks, Hollis.” She wraps her arms around my waist. “I’m glad you know my brother isn’t a complete butthead.”

A chuckle escapes me as I hug her back.

At one time, I did think he was a major butthead, but now I think he might just be a grump who loves his little sister.

Poppy breaks our embrace, looking up at me expectantly. “So, what do you want to do now?”

Checking the time, I see we still have an hour before Mike shows up. “How about dinner?” I suggest. “I heard the pizza place down the street is good.”

“Oh yes. Rocky Mountain Flatbread is the best,” she exclaims, her excitement fueling my own.


