The Player I Want to Date (Elite Players #3) Read Online Jillian Quinn

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Elite Players Series by Jillian Quinn

Total pages in book: 59
Estimated words: 56213 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 281(@200wpm)___ 225(@250wpm)___ 187(@300wpm)

“No, baby. Duke isn’t playing tonight.”

“Can we go to one of his games?”

“If his team makes the playoffs this year.”

“Once Duke is back, Daddy says the team will start playing better.”

“Let’s hope so.”

“Daddy says Duke is the team, and they suck without him.”

“Max,” I say, surprised by her comment. “We don’t talk like that. It’s not nice to say people suck.”

“You just said suck,” she says with laughter in her tone.

“Max,” I warn.

Looking down at her screen, she groans. “But they do, Mommy!” She raises the iPad and shows me the Capitals statistics as proof. As usual, she’s right. “They lost the last five games.”

Before the game begins, the cameras sweep over the Capital One Arena. My mouth falls open in shock when it lands on Duke… and Ted. Together. At the game. What the hell?

Max screams and throws her arm out at the television. “I told you! Daddy and Duke are friends.”

I have no words right now. Why are they at a hockey game together? They’re in the team’s luxury box, and from the looks of it, there are women inside it. I lean forward, straining my eyes to get a better look. Two women, wearing red-white-and-blue uniforms, are talking to them. Are they cheerleaders? If so, why aren’t they closer to the ice instead of in their box?

My stomach knots at the thought of Duke seeing another woman. Before we were together, he was content on having one meaningless relationship after another. Except he changed. So, why hasn’t he tried to call or text? He’s given me more than enough space. I thought by now, I would have heard from him. Duke isn’t one to follow the rules. No, my man likes to break them.

My heart hammers inside my chest, beating so fast it feels like it could explode. What did I do? I thought dating my patient and getting caught was the biggest mistake I’ve ever made. It turns out letting Duke walk away was even worse.

Chapter Twenty-Five


Senator Banks took his sweet ass time coming through on my favor. Seven days have passed since I was forced to endure the game with Ted. He got what he wanted, and I get my girl back.

Lila called an hour ago to thank me and then told me I better get my ass over to her house. I knock on Lila’s front door. My stomach is in knots, sick with fear that I will lose her again. I can’t go through this a second time.

Lila opens the door. “Hey,” she says, toying with the hem of her canary yellow sweater.

I lean against the doorframe, invading her personal space. “Hey, yourself.”

Lila smiles and then steps to the side to allow me to enter the living room. I shut the door behind me, and within seconds, I scoop her up and into my arms. Pressing her chest against mine, I wrap my arms around her, afraid to let her go.

I brush my lips against hers, and her lips part for me. Slipping my hand through her hair, I pull her mouth to mine and kiss her so hard my head spins. She moans into my mouth as her hands travel down my arms to grip my biceps.

When our lips separate, she says, “Max is at Ted’s tonight. We have the house to ourselves.”

“I know. I worked it out with Ted.”

“I saw you two at the game.”

“He wanted to meet a cheerleader.”

“Of course, he did.” She laughs. “That’s how we met.”

“You still have your old cheerleading uniform, right?”

She bobs her head.

I set her on the floor and give her ass a light tap. “Put it on for me.”

Lila gives me a sly smile. “What for? You’re only going to take it off.”

I give her ass another slap. “That’s part of the fun.”

Lila runs her hands up my chest, and I can feel her nails through my shirt. “Did you have a thing for cheerleaders in high school?”

“Yeah, I guess. I didn’t care.”

“As long as they put out,” she deadpans.

I roll my shoulders, giving her a wicked smirk that should answer her question. I never said I was a saint. Lila knows all of my secrets. We have nothing to hide from each other.

“Do you want a drink?”

I shake my head.

“You hungry?” Lila drags her nails down my arms, and her delicate touch makes my skin tingle. “I could make you something to eat.”

I bend down to press my lips against hers. “Your pussy is the only thing I want to eat.”

“Well, then.” She laughs and then blush creeps up her chest and dusts her freckled cheeks. “You must be famished.”

“Starved,” I say, and then I kiss her.

“I missed you,” she whispers.

“I bet I missed you more.”

In one swift motion, I lift Lila up and throw her over my shoulder. Her nipples are hard. The tiny buds poke through her shirt and rub against my chest. I bet her panties are already soaking wet for me.


