The Rancher’s Vengeful Heart – Billionaires of Evergreen Texas Read Online Marian Tee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 43
Estimated words: 40741 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 204(@200wpm)___ 163(@250wpm)___ 136(@300wpm)

It's going to be fine, Tassy tried to convince herself. Change was the only constant thing in the world, and it was something to be embraced.


The soft whir of the lounge's air conditioning was a sound Tassy usually found relaxing, but all it did this time was twist her heart in agony. The A/Cs in her workplace made a similar hum, and the thought of not hearing it again suddenly felt foolishly unbearable.

Oh, man.

I'm really going to miss working there.

Is there no other way out of this mess?

Tassy loved everything about her job, and she loved everyone at the office.

Well, mostly everyone, but still.

Tassy hated having to think of how her resignation would look when she had just been promoted. It would reflect badly on Samantha, to say the least, and make her department VP seem incapable of determining the right person for the job.

Tassy wanted to think there was a way for her to make it up to the older woman, but... what if there was none, and that was just pride and wishful thinking on her part?

Doubts and fears warred inside of Tassy as she continued typing, and she could practically see her best friend Stella shaking her head in loving reproof. Her fingers trembled against the keys, betraying the turmoil beneath her composed exterior.

Pray, Tas.

It's supposed to be our first resort, not our last.

So pray.

Stella had been telling her that countless times over the years, and since Tassy did mean it about taking her faith seriously...

Tassy sent her iPad to sleep before slipping it back into its keyboard folio, and her short dark hair fell forward as she bowed her head.

Hello, God.

Praying like this suddenly seemed too intimate, and it made her feel terribly vulnerable and exposed.

I'm sorry if I'm doing this wrong.

I'm still not sure how this works.

Stella keeps saying you're 'our' Father in Heaven, but I don't really know much about dads...which, of course, you already know since you know everything.


I just really don't know how to do this, God.

All I know is that my life has changed, and I don't know what I should do next.

Or what you want me to do next.

But I do remember Stella telling me that it's okay to ask for a sign, so...

When I open my eyes, I'll have my sign.



I think I'm supposed to hear your voice by now, but maybe the line's choppy?

But since you're God, I'm assuming you can hear me, and so, okay...

Ask and receive, right?

And I asked for a sign when I open my eyes, so...




Tassy's body reacted before her mind could process what she was seeing. Heat burst in her cheeks, and it was as if a jolt of electricity had struck her body and made her tingle all the way at her fingertips.

I think I'm having hallucinations.

Or the Devil's out to trick me.

Tassy quickly closed her eyes even as her heart began to hammer against her chest. Every nerve ending in her body seemed to be working overtime, and just the slightest touch would have her...

Well, she wasn't quite sure what would happen, but she was sure it would be something...unexpected.

Deep breaths, Tas.

She did her best to calm herself before counting to three one more time.



And...oh no.

Billionaire Lucius Young was still standing in front of her, which meant he was neither a hallucination nor an illusion from the devil.

He was real.

All 195.58 centimeters of him that radiated with power, wealth, and overwhelming virility—-

It was all real and within touching distance and so...

Why was he standing in front of her still?

There was no man in this world whom her boyfriend ex more admired...or resented. There were times that Xylan would even spend the entire dinner just talking about the billionaire, praising and dissing him in one breath as if he had yet to make up his mind on whether Lucius was his idol or rival.

The relationship between the two, if it could be called that, was complicated...just like how Tassy herself had something to work out.

Am I really going to do this?

To allow her mind to dwell on him even for a single second was to reach a point of no return. But with Lucius Young still standing in front of her like some Greek god who was graciously giving her time to gaze at him adoringly—-

Okay, why not?

Something seemed to click in her mind, unlocking the door, and flooding out of this once-hidden place were all the memories Tassy had suppressed of Lucius Young.

Tassy and Xylan had just started dating when the billionaire was invited by their then-university as a speaker. That was, what? Six or so years ago? And yet the memory was still enough to affect her right this very moment, with her body already throbbing with the most forbidden sensations.

Tassy remembered how his brief speech had everyone in the hall eagerly getting to their feet to give the billionaire a standing ovation.


