The Savage Rage of Fallen Gods (Savage Falls #1) Read Online J.A. Huss

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Savage Falls Series by J.A. Huss

Total pages in book: 103
Estimated words: 99201 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 496(@200wpm)___ 397(@250wpm)___ 331(@300wpm)

It’s not like I have other options, but the new me and the new him aren’t the same people who’ve been sleeping together for weeks and weeks.

It feels different.

“Don’t worry,” he grunts. “I won’t bother you.” And then he turns his back to me and sighs.

If I think too hard about this it’ll make it all that much more uncomfortable and awkward. So I just get up, walk over, and lie down next to him. The blanket is plenty big enough so that when I turn my back to him, we’re not even touching.

“Good night,” he says.

“Good night.”

“It’s been kinda fun, so… thanks for bringing me along.”

“It’s not like there was a choice. The whole ordered list thing, remember?”

He chuckles. But it’s clear he’s tired because it’s a half-hearted chuckle and it comes with a yawn. “Yeah. Forgot about that. The hallway feels like a million years ago…”

And the next thing I hear is soft snoring.

He’s asleep.

But I am not so easily lulled. I think about how I felt this morning when I woke up. And the man-boys who brought us a door. And the new clothes that I picked out. Which Eros appreciated, I could tell by the way he was looking at me.

And now we’re here. In some strange land, or some strange time, or both. With a pegásius, of all things, as our beast of burden. And we’re going somewhere.

We… did it.

We changed our fates.

And it wasn’t even that difficult. I do realize that finding a door like the one we found is a bit of strange luck, and not all people who want to change their lives can just stumble into a door.

But I could’ve made a door. I think. I was going into the fog, which wasn’t on track with making my own door. But I see things different now. I could’ve done more. Participated in my own destiny more. Still, when presented with an opportunity, I did take the leap of faith.

Next time I’m dissatisfied I will try that approach first instead of allowing myself to go crazy with regret and shame.

But after I think about that, I mostly think about him. The god of love. And how his bare back feels against mine, since we are now touching. And how his breathing evens me out. And how I’m not alone, I’m on a team.

And how happy I am.

I think about how one day can do all this.

And there are so many more days ahead.


I wake up to humming. A melody that feels familiar, but I can’t place it. I turn over on the fur saddle pad and crack an eyelid open. Callistina is standing under the tiny waterfall, washing herself. She’s naked, but she’s been naked this whole time, wearing nothing but that dress made of silver chains. Which also feels familiar, but an actual memory about it eludes me.

The sun is up and bright. Glinting off the silver of those chains as Callistina maneuvers her body under the water. The chain dress comes in three parts—the crown, which attaches to a veil and a collar, the top over her breasts, and the skirt around her waist. None of it actually covers her, just gives off the illusion of coverage.

But she’s a chimera again, so the chains, in combination with the velvet covering of fur all over her body, are enough to make her look clothed.

Feel clothed too, I imagine.

She turns, sees me, and smiles. “I didn’t know how to take it off.” She points to the chain dress. “But the water shouldn’t hurt it, right?”

I shrug. I have no idea. I don’t even know why she cares. It’s not like it belongs to her. Once we find the next door, she’ll leave it behind and whoever really inhabits that body can deal with the tarnish. If it does, in fact, tarnish.

She goes back to her shower, still humming. Apparently, my sour mood isn’t enough to ruin her happy one.

I get to my feet and sigh, rubbing my hands down my face, then look down the road. Ire—I have to correct the pronunciation in my head to Erie after last night’s discussion—Ire is grazing a patch of grass just a little way off. He could’ve run and he didn’t. So that’s good. I don’t like keeping animals so I don’t ever bother tying them up. If they want to leave, go. I don’t give a fuck.

But it would kinda suck to have to walk all the way down this road, so I’m glad he stuck around.

I roll up the fur, fold it over, and carry it and the saddle and the bridle down to Ire. I tack him up, lead him back over to camp, and then start fastening our bags to the appropriate rings on the saddle.

By this time, Callistina has finished her shower and is sitting on a large boulder, sunning herself with her eyes closed, like a cat.


