The Sweetest Chirp – IceCats Read Online Toni Aleo

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Sports Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 87368 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 437(@200wpm)___ 349(@250wpm)___ 291(@300wpm)

Yes, and Ingrid.

She squeals, jazz hands flying as she bounces. Will I have a room?

Her question catches me off guard. Audrina and I haven’t discussed where they’ll live. Both our parents live on rather large estates, right next to each other, about an hour from the rink. We could stay with either since there is no way I can bring them back to Audrina’s and my old place. Telly lives there now, in a room that would be Arwen’s. So, will Audrina stay with her parents and I stay with mine? Shit, we really need to discuss this. Maybe I can convince her to move in with me, and I’ll kick Telly out.

Do you want one? I sign, hoping to buy myself some time to figure out how to answer her.

Yes. I want a big room like Bluey.

That damn show. It’s all she watches and wears, apparently. Not going to lie, though, that little blue dog is a hoot. And Bandit, the dad? Yeah, he’s my idol. Then you’ll have it, malyshonuk.

Her brows pull in, and she mimics my sign for malyshonuk. I don’t know that word.

I smile widely at her before leaning in to kiss her forehead. While I know she doesn’t have her ears and she doesn’t read lips yet, I still speak as I sign to maybe help with the reading of lips. That’s how we did it with Ingrid. “It means ‘my little baby.’”

Her eyes light up. I’m your baby.

My one and only. My forever.

She preens for me, and I grin, chucking her chin. Go pack, so we can leave. We are going to go see a new doctor about your ears.

She gives me the sign for okay before heading to throw more toys into the box. I’m standing up when Audrina comes in with more boxes from downstairs. She’s wearing a little black jumpsuit that looks trendy and flowy on her body. She has on a long-sleeved white top underneath, her hair curled to perfection down over her shoulders. She only put on a bit of makeup, thankfully not enough to hide her freckles. She looks a little frazzled, overwhelmed, and I know I probably look the same. We had our virtual appointment this morning, and Arwen’s last name is now Orlov. Eli is on his way to get the birth certificate and other paperwork taken care of since we need to get on the road to get to South Carolina. He costs a fortune, but he’s worth every penny, just for his connections.

It’s a lot, but I know it’s going to be worth it. As I watch Audrina’s teeth come out to press into the cushion of her bottom lip, I want so badly to replace her teeth with mine. To suck her lip between mine and then kiss her until I’m drunk on everything that is Audrina. I want to drown myself in her body, feeling her skin against mine, and never let go. It’s so hard to be in a room with her and not touch her. I want her, but she’s not ready.

Hell, neither am I.

One touch is all I’ll need to ignore every wall she’s thrown up and devour her.

While it’s a great idea in theory, I’m pretty sure she’ll kick my ass.

She must feel me staring because she looks up, and I quickly look away, clearing my throat. “Hey. So, how invested are you in that car?”

“I’m not. Why?”

“I rented us a car with a trailer for the ride home,” I tell her, looking over to watch her load up her desk supplies. “I hope you’re good with that.”

She shrugs. “It’s fine. I’m not sure my car could pull a trailer.”

Or make it to South Carolina, not that I say that. “Yeah. And also, do you want to get a hotel tonight?”

“A hotel?”

“Yeah,” I say, assembling a box. “I figured we’d see the doctor tomorrow, then I’ll ask for everyone to meet us at my parents’, and we’ll show up.” She chews on her lip, and I can’t bring myself to look away. She’s visibly nervous at what I’ve said. “Figured get Arwen squared away before we bring Babas and Dedes into the mix.”

She nods slowly. I wish I could wrap my arms around her, feeling her sweet curves against me. She doesn’t speak, only continues to load her desk, and when I notice her hands start to shake, I can’t resist any longer. I close the distance between us, hovering over her but resisting touching her. I just need to be in her space; I need to smell her rosemary and mint scent. It’s as intoxicating as she is, and my eyes drift shut as I inhale her.

I feel her tense before she looks over her shoulder at me. Her eyes widen at how close I am, and she can fake the fact that she didn’t know I was this close all she wants. I know she did, and she didn’t stop me.


