The Teacher of Nothing Read Online K. Webster

Categories Genre: Forbidden, Insta-Love, Romance, Taboo, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 83221 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 416(@200wpm)___ 333(@250wpm)___ 277(@300wpm)

The bell finally rings. She’ll be in my classroom soon. I’ll have to put up with her annoying shit of a stepbrother too, but it’ll all be worth it seeing her again. I don’t have to wait long. She’s one of the first students to arrive.

“Hi, Mr. Park,” Willa greets, a wide, silly grin on her face.

I can’t help but match it. “Hello, Miss Reyes. I take it you had time to look over your notes from yesterday.”

Her face turns bright red and she darts her stare to her feet. “Uh, yeah. Looked at them late last night.”

“Why so late?” I can’t help but taunt her, even as more students file into the room.

She jerks her chin up, eyes round like saucers. “I was busy.”

“I see.” I smirk at her. “I hope it was worth it.’“


I discreetly check out her ass as she makes her way over to her desk. Once she’s seated, she sits up straight, eagerly awaiting the lesson. Her obedient nature makes my dick super fucking hard. Which, naturally, is a problem considering I’m sitting at my desk with a near-full classroom of teenagers.

My phone buzzes on the desk with an incoming text.

Willa: I wish this class were over already.

Me: Me too, sweetheart. You’re fucking hot today and it’s doing my head in.

She squirms in her seat, shooting me a small smile.

Willa: You think I’m hot?

Me: Is that a rhetorical question? Of course I do.

Willa: I think you’re hot too.

Me: Hotter than Spencer and Dempsey?

She smothers a laugh, which douses my spike of jealousy.

Willa: Umm, yeah. Have you seen yourself? I keep thinking I’m going to wake up and this will be a dream.

I could keep texting with her, but the bell rings and I’m forced to teach. I’m going to have to dig down deep and focus if I have any chance of making it through this class. It’s difficult, but I manage to turn off my emotions and my brain, instead tearing through a shit ton of notes for my lecture. No one is goofing around, which means they’re too busy trying to write down everything I’m barking out.

Finally, finally the bell rings.

These annoying bastards can’t leave fast enough for me.

Willa stalls, pretending to be reading back over her notes. I busy myself with my laptop, barely nodding at a few students who tell me bye. When Willa is the only student remaining, I walk over to my classroom door and close it.

“Come here,” I command, my voice a deep growl. “I don’t want you to be late for class.”

She tosses everything in her bag, pulls it on over her shoulders, and then walks over to me. Her pink lips are parted and her moss green eyes are hooded. I’m damn near salivating for a taste of her. It’s reckless to kiss her at school, but I’m unable to refrain. I will go insane if I don’t have her in my arms in the next three seconds.

When she’s near enough to me, I grab hold of her delicate face and tilt her head up as I step close to her. A small, satisfied sigh escapes her.

I dip down, crashing my lips to hers. Our kiss goes from tender to frantic in half a second. Her fingers grab hold of the lapels of my suit, drawing me as close as she can to her. My dick is stone between us and the urge to grind it against her is overwhelming. I pull a hand from her face to bring it to her ass and squeeze it hard enough she yelps.

“Sorry,” I growl, though I’m not exactly feeling remorseful. I nip at her swollen bottom lip and rock my hips against her. “Feel what you do to me, sweetheart? You make me so fucking hard.”

One of her hands leaves my chest, snaking its way up to my neck. Her fingernails find the nape of my neck, tugging at the short strands of hair there.

“There isn’t enough time,” she whines. “I want to stay in here with you all day.”

I reward her words with a deep kiss that makes her knees buckle.

“If you stay any longer, I’m going to do something regrettable. Something that could get me fired on the spot.” I devour the moan that escapes her. “I want inside you so damn bad I can’t stand it.”

“I want that too,” she breathes. “Just lock the door.”

“My good girl is so bad.” I tug at her bottom lip with my teeth. “You’re a bad influence on me.”


Pulling back, I stare into her pretty green eyes. “We can’t and you know it. This is crossing the line.”

She pouts and fuck if that doesn’t make me horny as hell. I grab her wrist, dragging it down to where my dick strains in my slacks.

“Feel this?”

Her tongue darts out, sweeping over her bottom lip and leaving a trail of wetness there. “Y-Yes.”


