The Teacher of Nothing Read Online K. Webster

Categories Genre: Forbidden, Insta-Love, Romance, Taboo, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 83221 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 416(@200wpm)___ 333(@250wpm)___ 277(@300wpm)

Dad smiles in a warm, fond way that irritates me. The twins, even Dempsey’s bad ass, have always been his favorites. Even over Hugo, which is quite a feat since my older brother literally does everything in his power to please Dad.

The waiter stops by to take our order and once he’s gone, Dad launches into campaign talk. I pretend to listen intently, but mostly, I think about Willa.

Sweet, sexy Willa.

Dad’s phone rings and he takes the call, voice slipping into something far more jovial than I’m accustomed to from him. He’s a master when it comes to schmoozing. I take the opportunity to check in with Willa.

Me: I miss you, sweetheart.

Willa: I miss you too. Having fun at dinner?

Me: I’d be having a lot more fun if I were at home with you in my bed.

Willa: Sounds like heaven.

Me: More fun than a sleepover with my sister?

Willa: You make me come, soooo, yeah.

Me: Filthy girl. You enjoy getting me riled up.

Willa: Makes me feel powerful.

Me: You’re the only woman who’s been able to make me lose my fucking mind. Use your power for good, babe, not evil.

Willa: So I shouldn’t tell you I’m not wearing any panties?

My cock stiffens. This fucking girl.

Me: You had some on earlier…

Willa: I took them off.

Me: Show me.

A few seconds later, she sends a selfie taken from an angle above her head that reveals her smooth, silky skin beneath the zipper of her jeans.

Me: Where’s my sister?

Willa: Putting on a movie for us. I’m taking a bathroom break.

I glance up as the server brings us our food. Dad is still yapping on the phone, so I smile at the server before turning my attention back to Willa.

Me: Pull your jeans down and let me see your sweet pussy.

My dick is straining in my slacks, but my napkin and the dark atmosphere hide it for the most part.

She sends me a picture that has my skin burning with need.

Me: More. Pull your lips apart and let me see your hole. I bet you’re dripping, baby.

Without hesitation, she obeys me, sending me my requested picture. Her lips are pink and slick. My mouth waters. I wish I were eating her for dinner instead of the filet right in front of me.

Willa: I should go back into my room. Gemma’s probably worried.

Me: Way to kill my boner.

Willa: You shouldn’t have one at dinner with your dad.

Me: Put your finger inside yourself.

“Something wrong with your steak?” Dad asks, his deep voice cutting through me and killing my erection completely.

I clear my throat and set my phone down in my lap before picking up my utensils. “Sorry. Work stuff.”

My phone buzzes against my cock, vibrating it back to life. I know a picture of Willa is waiting for me and it’s almost too tempting to ignore.

“Jamie wants to do something with the twins for spring break,” Dad says around a mouthful of steak. “It’s not an ideal time for us to leave, but you know I can’t tell that woman no.”

I bristle at the reminder. I’d always wondered who came onto whom. Exactly how my relationship with Jamie deteriorated to the point she was able to slip away and fuck my dad enough times to fall in love with him. Was she the one who pursued him? And he couldn’t tell her no?

Looking down into my lap, I flip my phone and find the picture waiting for me along with a voice message. Pink lips, glistening with arousal, seem to be wrapped around her finger. Like a kiss or a mouth around a dick.

Goddamn, she’s hot.

And mine.

No one’s going to be taking her away from me.

Not Dad. Not Levi. Not anyone.

I’m forced to pull my attention from the picture to listen to Dad discuss possible nearby vacation spots for them to go to.

“Of course the invitation always stands for you boys to join us. We’re a family.”

A family.

Because normal families have our fucked up dynamics.

Nice try, Dad.

“I’m sure you can convince Hugo and Spencer to go,” I murmur before lifting my phone to play the voicemail. “Excuse me.”

Dad’s lips purse together as though he’s annoyed with being blown off, but I don’t give a shit. I need to hear her voice.

“Hey.” A pause. “I have to go back in there, but I can’t wait to see you again.” A ragged breath. “We’re going to binge-watch Riverdale probably. I’ll call you later if I can after Gemma goes to sleep. Miss you.”

I replay the message just to hear her soft, breathy voice again. Tonight is going to be the longest night ever.

“More work stuff?”

“Work has really consumed me lately,” I admit.

“Shaping Park Mountain’s youth. Admirable career, Son.”

The sarcasm is thicker than my juicy filet. I know he hates my job, hence why I took it in the first place. Any jab against Dad I can sneak in, the better.


