The Teacher of Nothing Read Online K. Webster

Categories Genre: Forbidden, Insta-Love, Romance, Taboo, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 83221 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 416(@200wpm)___ 333(@250wpm)___ 277(@300wpm)


“Get out,” I hiss over the thunderous roar of my panicked heart.

He ignores me, shutting the door behind him. “Don’t be like that, Willa. You shouldn’t be mean to your only friend.”

His words grate on me. Lifting my chin, I affix him with a heated glare.

“I have friends.”

He sniggers. “Once Dad is done running the Park family’s name through the mud, those new friends of yours won’t want anything to do with you.”

I take several steps back when he prowls my way. My eyes flicker over to the window and then the door behind him, counting the distance to my exits. Before I can make my escape, he pounces. His large hands seize my face and he uses his body against mine to press me to the nearest wall. My head thuds against the sheetrock with a loud thunk.

And then his lips are on mine.

I freeze, a shriek of terror lodged in my throat. His mouth isn’t gentle as he groans and attempts to get his tongue past my lips. The whimper that escapes me gives him the access he needs. He shoves his tongue into my mouth, making me gag at how deep he goes. My brain catches up with my body and I grab at his T-shirt to push him away. This only seems to embolden him. He bites my bottom lip hard as he slides a hand to my throat, pinning me. His other hand slips down my front and crudely finds its way into my shorts

“Ahh,” I cry out, tears filling and spilling from my eyes. “Don’t! S-Stop!”

His finger is rough as it probes my pussy, seeking entrance inside me. The dry burn of his thick digit makes me sob as he forces it into my body.

“Fuck, yes,” Levi murmurs against my mouth. “So fucking tight.”

A door slams against the wall and before I can process what’s happening, Levi is being dragged from me, Darren’s grip on his ear leading him away. I collapse to the floor, gaping up at the two of them.

“Your mother better deal with your whore ass or I will,” Darren snarls at me. “And, Son, you’re in a fuck ton of trouble.”

The door slams shut behind them, rattling all the windows in the house along with my teeth. The chattering of my teeth doesn’t stop as I curl into a ball on my side on the carpet. Shivers ripple through me and I sob silently, both shocked and humiliated at what just happened.

Darren thinks I’m the whore?

His son is a monster. He doesn’t care. Mom doesn’t care. And Callum?

If he cared, he wouldn’t have so coldly shut me out last night without letting me explain myself. Levi was right. I’m all alone. I don’t have anyone.

Hours pass and I’m unable to move. I’ve fixated on my discarded shoe from last night that sits on its side a few feet in front of me. If I look at the shoe and focus on it, I won’t have to think about how I can still feel Levi’s finger inside me.

My eyes burn from being dried out. I cried all my tears earlier. Now all that’s left are the hiccups and ragged breathing.

I have to leave this place. I can’t stay here any longer because of my love for my mother when my own safety and happiness are at stake. I’m tired of living this way.

In a perfect world, Callum would have saved me from all this. I’d call him and tell him everything that happened. He would make me pack my things and move me into his home—into his bed.

But I live in an imperfect world.

My boyfriend was more of a passing moment than an actual relationship. It almost feels like a dream. A fantasy made real in my mind, but not reality.

Voices can be heard somewhere within the house. It doesn’t take long for them to become shouts. One of them is female. A door slams.


Mom’s voice is soft and motherly like I remember. A strangled sound crawls up my throat. I want my mom. I need her.

“Oh my God,” she cries out as she pads over to me and kneels. Her fingers slide into my matted hair. “My poor baby girl.”

At her words, the dam breaks again. I start to sob as my mother lies down on the floor beside me, curling her body around mine. She strokes my hair and kisses my head, murmuring quiet reassurances I desperately want to believe.

This will never happen again.

I’ll protect you from that monster.

I’m going to get you away from this mess.

I let my mother kiss away my worries and hold me tight. When we’ve both calmed, she leaves me to start a bath. And, like when I was a child, Mom helps me undress and bathes me while singing songs I’d long forgotten.

I needed my mom and now I finally have her.


