The Teacher of Nothing Read Online K. Webster

Categories Genre: Forbidden, Insta-Love, Romance, Taboo, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 83221 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 416(@200wpm)___ 333(@250wpm)___ 277(@300wpm)

Not until this is cleared up, though.

“We’ve just uncovered some damning evidence about Mr. Paulson and his corruption in this town. It’s clear to me and everyone involved that he’s actively finding ways to not only set me and my family up, but participating in other illegal activities that will need to be brought into the light. Of course, this all takes time.” He releases Harp’s shoulder and nods at Summers. “I appreciate all you’ve done here.”

Summers looks over at me. “It’s not against the law to date your student since she’s of legal age, but word is out, Mr. Park. I just want to warn you that your job might be on the line.”

“I understand and am fully prepared to deal with the consequence of my relationship.” I find Willa’s worried stare and give her a smile. “It’s worth any and all trouble.”

“I’ll walk you two out,” Hugo says, gesturing for them to go. “I’ll see you and your girlfriend at family dinner on Sunday, little brother.”

When the detectives turn away, I mouth a thanks to my brother. As soon as they’re gone, I flip the lock and then scoop Willa into my arms. Her blanket falls away, revealing all the silky skin on her breasts to my greedy eyes.

“What happens now?” Willa asks, her palm cupping my face.

“Whatever we want.”

“You might lose your job.” Her brows furl. “I don’t want that to happen because of me.”

When we reach my bedroom, I set her to her feet, tugging the blanket from her body and tossing it to the floor. Her fingers hook into the top of my pants and she peers up at me. I’m awestruck at how fucking perfect she is all the time.

“I don’t give a damn, sweetheart. All I care about is having you.”

“That’s a reckless way of thinking.”

“Everything about us is reckless and yet I’m still here.”

Her grin is infectious. “Promise me you’ll love me even when we’re poor and destitute because you lost your job.”

God, she’s so fucking sexy when she’s playful and teasing.

“We’ll never be poor and destitute.” I grab hold of her ass and lift her, her legs wrapping around my waist. “I’m a Park and we Parks have massive trust funds.”

“I thought teaching was your calling.”

“It was a job and one that led me to you. While I’ll be grateful for it, I don’t need it. Any more questions or can I eat your pretty pussy? I’m ready to celebrate.”

She giggles when I toss her onto the bed. “Celebrate what?”

“Us, sweetheart. I want to celebrate us.”


Dinner with my boyfriend’s family.

No big deal.

No. Big. Deal.

“You’re totally freaking out,” Gemma says, a wicked grin curling her lips. “You’re dating my brother and yet you’re worried about his family. You do realize Callum is the scary one, right?”

There’s nothing scary about Callum in my eyes, so maybe I can relax.


Okay, so, doubtful.

“What if they don’t like me?” My stomach bottoms at that thought. “What if—”

“I’ll stop you right there.” Gemma tugs on a strand of my hair that I spent too long flat ironing in hopes of being somewhat presentable tonight. “First of all, Dempsey and Spencer already like you. And of course, I love you.”

We both grin at our reflections in the bathroom mirror.

“Hugo likes everyone, or at least pretends to,” Gemma says with a smirk. “Likeability is a big part of his campaign.”

He was friendly enough when he saved us from the detectives, so that’s one less family member to stress out about.

Gemma turns to study me. “That leaves Jude, and well, he’s Jude. He doesn’t really like anyone, especially not himself. You won’t even land on his radar.”

“Why doesn’t he like himself?”

Her smile falls and she avoids contact. “You’ll see.”

“And your parents?”

“Mom will be happy that Callum’s finally happy,” Gemma says with a sad smile. “Their drama goes way back to high school.” She waves off the rest—thankfully, all of which Callum already told me—and huffs. “But Dad? He’s probably going to be annoyed and push Callum’s buttons. It’s kind of their thing. Every dinner, every gathering. There’s always this tension. We’re used to it, but it’ll probably be awkward as fuck for you.”

Heavy footsteps thud into the bedroom and then Callum appears in the bathroom doorway. He’s dressed down in dark jeans and a tan Henley, but it somehow makes him even more hot than usual. My mouth waters and my skin flushes.

“What’ll be awkward?” Callum asks, dark brow arched in question.

“Your face.” Gemma snorts out a laugh and then screeches when Callum launches at her. “Do not touch me, you freak!”

He manages to grab hold of her and tickles her. All her carefully applied mascara melts away as she cackles with laughter, while tears stream down her cheeks. Finally, he lets go of her, grin wide and eyes glimmering with satisfaction. My heart warms. This is how a sibling relationship should be. It’s what I always craved and never knew.


