The Two Week Stand (Sizzling Beach #1) Read Online Samantha Towle

Categories Genre: Erotic, Funny, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Sizzling Beach Series by Samantha Towle

Total pages in book: 92
Estimated words: 91820 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 459(@200wpm)___ 367(@250wpm)___ 306(@300wpm)

She’s fucking gorgeous. And it bugs me that she has no clue just how beautiful she is.

I’m also starting to realize that I’ll miss fucking her when I go home. But not just fucking her. I’ll miss hanging with her. She’s fun. And adorably weird. I even fucking like her competitiveness and inability to lose. It’s cute.

Totally out of character for me. I don’t know if it’s this place fucking with my head, filling it with hearts and flowers, or if it’s the dopamine in my brain from all the sex I’ve been having.

Don’t get me wrong; I have a lot of sex back home. I’ve never wanted for some ass. But I’ve never had as much sex in such a short period of time as I’ve been having with her.

There’s not a whole lot to do here but fuck, eat, drink, and sleep. But I honestly think, no matter where we were, I’d have a hard time keeping my dick out of her.

Dillon turns to face me, singing along to the song, some chick crooning about being “Drunk in Love.” She starts swaying her hips in time to the music, and I watch her for a while, but it gets to the point where I can’t not go over to her.

I walk into the water and stop a few feet away. Something raw and animalistic crawls inside me.

“Take your bikini off.”

She stops dancing. “What?”

“I said, take your bikini off.”


“Yes, now.”

She glances around, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip. I want that lip in my mouth. Then around my cock.

“What if someone sees?”

I chuckle darkly. “There is literally only you and me here. The only things that are gonna see you naked are the fish. Maybe the occasional bird.”

I wait a beat, watching her. I can see her chest starting to rise and fall with excitement. That telltale flush climbs up her chest. And I know she’s into this. I wouldn’t push it if she wasn’t.

She reaches back and unclasps the bikini top, freeing my favorite tits from their confines. Then, she hooks her fingers into her bikini bottoms and pushes them down her legs, stepping out of them.

I hold my hand out for her bikini. She tosses it over to me. I catch it and then throw it onto the beach.

I hook my fingers into my swim shorts and shove them down. Those get thrown to the beach too.

Her eyes go to my hard dick. I was hard the moment she started dancing in the water.

I’m always fucking hard around her. I feel like a teenager again, walking around with a permanent boner.

Her gaze comes back to me, and she arches her brow, as if to say, Now what?

“Touch your tits.”

There’s no question from her, and I fucking love that. She trusts herself with me, and that turns me on something fierce.

She cups her tits with those dainty hands and starts to play with her nipples. My dick starts to throb, so I wrap my hand around it and give it a firm squeeze.

I see Dillon’s eyes go straight to my hand, and then they lift to mine. Desire pools in her eyes.

“Touch your pussy,” I say to her. My voice sounds raw. “I want to see you fuck yourself with your fingers.”

There’s a little hesitation in her movement this time, and I wonder if this is the first time she’s done this in front of someone before.

I really fucking hope it is.

With her teeth digging into her bottom lip, she slides a hand down over her flat stomach and between her legs. She parts her legs a little and pushes a finger inside herself.

The throb in my dick is getting insistent. I slowly start to jack myself off, watching her finger herself.

“Fuck, that’s hot, Dillon. You’re fucking hot.”

Hazy eyes meet mine. Little hot gasps are coming from her mouth as she works herself up. “I need you, West. I need you to fuck me.”

Who am I to deny her?

Still working my dick with my hand, I walk across the space between us, stopping right in front of her.

Reaching out, I wrap my fingers around her wrist and lift her hand from her pussy to my mouth. Curling my hand around hers, I part my lips and wrap them around her fingers, sucking her juices off them.

Fuck, she tastes good.

Her eyes are wide and needy.

She needs my cock inside her now.

First things first though. Letting her hand fall from my mouth, I slide my hands around her hips and kiss her. Just because I fucking can.

You won’t be able to in three days. She’ll be back in England, and you’ll be home.

She loops her arms around my neck, pushing up onto her tiptoes, getting closer to me, and my mouth slants over hers. She tastes of the strawberries and syrup she had on her waffles at breakfast.


