The Two Week Stand (Sizzling Beach #1) Read Online Samantha Towle

Categories Genre: Erotic, Funny, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Sizzling Beach Series by Samantha Towle

Total pages in book: 92
Estimated words: 91820 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 459(@200wpm)___ 367(@250wpm)___ 306(@300wpm)

Taking her by the hand, I lead her out of the room filled with people and out into the large hallway. The Secret Service agents stationed in the hall acknowledge our presence.

“I’m taking my guest on a tour,” I tell them.

“No problem, sir.” One of them nods. “Enjoy your tour, miss.”

“I will. Thank you.”

We walk down the hallway. Her heels clicking on the floor. Just the sound of them … the thought of fucking her in those heels has my feet moving faster. She doesn’t complain though.

I stop at the first door I come to and open it up, checking inside. Empty. Perfect.

I lead her inside and shut the door behind us. The room is already lit by the lights in the glass display cases, so I don’t bother turning the light on.

I watch her walk into the room, looking at the items in the display case. I go and sit down on the round banquette bench in the middle of the room, just watching her.

She’s a fucking goddess.

I’ve known a lot of women in my time. None like her though. She is something else entirely. And I’m going to fuck her right here, right now.

She moves from one display case to the next, her fingertips pressing against the glass. “These look old.”

“They are.”

“Surely not as old as you?” She turns her head, resting her chin on her shoulder, and grins at me.

I raise a brow. “Just for that, I’m going to spank you.”

“That so?”


“And what if I don’t want to be spanked?”

“I’m sure you’ll be agreeable to it when you’re riding my cock.”

She turns to face me and leans back against the glass. “Such a dirty mouth.”

“Makes you wet though, doesn’t it? I bet your panties are already soaked, and I haven’t touched you.”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?”

“I’m going to know.” I spread my legs and beckon her with my finger. “Come here.”

She holds out on me for a few beats, but then she’s walking toward me. She stops between my legs and stares down at me, brow raised, as if to say, I’m here. Now, what are you going to do with me?

Oh, baby, I’m going to do a lot with you.

I slide my hand up her thigh, but my fingers don’t meet bare skin.

“You’re wearing pantyhose.” I frown.

“I was coming to the White House. I wasn’t coming here with bare legs.”

So proper yet so fucking dirty. Gripping the flimsy fabric, I rip it from her leg and then do the same to the other.

“Feel better?” She’s trying to act like she’s pissed off, but the flush on her chest tells me otherwise.


Then, I slip my hand between her legs and press my palm to her panties. “Soaked, like I thought.”

She leans forward and presses her hand against my cock. “Hard, like I thought.”

Fuck, she’s hot.

Her brow is raised. Both of our chests are rising and falling.

Then, we’re kissing. Hard and fast.

I grip the backs of her thighs and lift her onto my lap, so she’s straddling me.

“I’m gonna fuck you so hard.” I yank down the front of her dress and capture her nipple with my teeth.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” she pants.

“The best one I’ve ever had.”

“What if someone comes in?”

“No one’s coming.” Except for us. “Get my cock out.”

Fingers fumble with my belt and zipper while I suck on her tit. When her hand wraps around my dick, it’s like fucking heaven.

She starts jacking me off. I yank her panties to the side and plunge two fingers inside her.

I catch her moan with my mouth. I don’t think anyone will hear, but I’m also not willing to test that theory. I want to fuck my girl, and nothing is going to stop me.

My girl.

Well, that’s a new thought.

Dillon’s head falls back, and she starts riding my hand. “Jesus … West, keep doing that, and I’m gonna come.”

I pull my fingers from her pussy, and she lets out a moan of frustration. I get a possessive kind of satisfaction, knowing how much she wants me … needs me in this moment. Even if only to make her come.

“Why did you stop?” she huffs.

“Because I need to be inside you when you come.” I grip the elastic of her thong and snap it, tearing it from her body. Then, I shove the panties in the inside pocket of my jacket.

She raises a brow. “You’re keeping them?”

“Souvenir. Now, climb up on my dick.” I slap her ass. “And ride me hard.”

“So fucking bossy,” she mutters but does as I asked.

She rises up onto her knees. I hold out my dick, and she slides down on him. Her sweet, soaked pussy grips my dick like she owns him.

Maybe she does.

When she’s full of me, her ass pressed to my lap, she shudders over me.

Our eyes meet. Her blues so wide. So trusting. So needy. I cup her face with my hand and glide my thumb over her lips. Lips that are painted red. I want that lipstick all over my mouth. Grabbing a handful of her hair, I tug her mouth down to mine and kiss her.


