Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 72586 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 363(@200wpm)___ 290(@250wpm)___ 242(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 72586 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 363(@200wpm)___ 290(@250wpm)___ 242(@300wpm)
"So that's a yes." She leaned closer to her phone. "Your face is all flushed. Oh my god, did you just—"
"No! We just... kissed."
"Just kissed? Your lips are swollen. That was not 'just' kissing." Her words took on a British accent. “You just got propa’ ravaged, darlin’. You sure you aren’t pregnant already?”
I touched my mouth self-consciously. "It got a little... intense."
"Define intense. And why did it stop? Please tell me you're not still hung up on the Ireland thing."
"He explained about his wife—"
"Woah, woah. Back the train up. Rewind the tape. Wife???”
"Ex-wife. She cheated on him. With his brother."
"Holy shit."
"Yeah." I lowered my voice. "That's why he does what he does. Exposing cheaters and otherwise sneaky, undeserving people at weddings. He thinks it's better than letting people go through with the vows."
"Okay, that's... actually kind of noble? In a completely fucked up way? Also explains why he's so hot. Tragic backstory and hot guys go better together than peanut butter and jelly—and you know how much I respect the PB&J, so I don’t say that lightly."
"That's the problem. He makes sense when he explains it. And then he kisses me and I can't think at all."
"Sounds like you need to kiss him more. You know, for clarity."
"This isn't funny."
"It's a little funny. You're sharing a bed with the gorgeous guy who broke your heart, and now you're getting all hot and bothered about his tragic past. It's like a Hallmark movie but with more sexual tension." She paused. "How is the shared bed thing going? Have you guys had your ha ha, oops, did I just penetrate you moment yet?”
"Um, I’m pretty sure that’s not a thing. Although, I did kind of... mount him in my sleep once."
Maggie choked on whatever she was drinking. "I'm sorry, what?"
"I was asleep! And he was just... there. All warm and... there. I guess my body was acting out my dream or something. I can’t explain it, and I’ve never had something like this happen before."
"Please tell me there's video."
"I hate you. And of course there’s not video. Why would there be video?"
"No, you don't hate me. But seriously, Em. What are you going to do? You've got what, another week of sharing a room with him? Plus all those cute winter activities you planned..."
"Don't remind me. There's the sleigh ride tomorrow, and ice skating after that..."
"Ooh, lots of opportunities for him to wrap his arms around you. Show you how to balance..."
"I know how to ice skate."
"He doesn't need to know that."
The shower cut off. "I have to go."
"Use protection! Actually, why bother? It’s not every day you have a chance to get injected with premium, top-shelf genetic material. Think of the beautiful babies his batter would make. And Emma?"
"Maybe this time actually talk to him before jumping straight to the naked parts?"
"I'm hanging up now."
"Love you too. Call me after the next makeout session, or if you want to talk baby names!"
I ended the call just as the bathroom door opened. Steam billowed out around James as he emerged in just his sweats, water still beading on his chest and abs that were, fine, yes, still spectacular. A drop of water rolled down his stomach, disappearing into the waistband of his sweats, and I forced myself to look away before I did something stupid. Like lick it off.
Did hot guys not know how towels worked? Or was he just hoping the whole glistening wet body with rivulets of water draining down toward his waist would do dark things to my mind?
He glanced at me and I immediately snapped my eyes shut, doing an unconvincing job of pretending to already be asleep.
Why was I pretending to sleep?
Between the suddenness of what had happened and Maggie’s call, I hadn’t even had time to process what I really wanted.
Had I wanted… that to continue? My body certainly had. Hell, I could still feel a warm, pleasant pulsing between my legs and a tingling aura of arousal thumping just beneath my skin. But where did that moment lead? Would it mean taking us from pretend to real? And was I actually willing to put even a small piece of my heart in his hands again after how the last time played out?
Or were we planning to classify it as casual fun? I could do casual fun. In theory. Would I really be able to do things like that with James and not start getting confused, though?
My eyes were squeezed shut as I heard the tantalizing sound of his towel dropping to the ground. Despite my better judgment, I opened my eyes and turned to look.
And goodness… His ass was a thing of pure beauty. His back was broad and tapered. His legs were long and chiseled. He lifted one leg and stepped into a thin pair of gray boxer briefs, and then began to turn.