The Wicked in Me (Devil’s Cradle #1) Read Online Suzanne Wright

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Magic, Paranormal, Romance, Witches Tags Authors: Series: Devil's Cradle Series by Suzanne Wright

Total pages in book: 132
Estimated words: 125083 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 625(@200wpm)___ 500(@250wpm)___ 417(@300wpm)

Glancing out of the window, Xavier replied, “Uh, there’s a bunch of demons in the front yard. One of them looks seriously pissed, and I think he might be holding a fireball in his hand. Could be hellfire,” he mused, uncaring.

Her face solemn, Anabel sank further into the sofa and put a hand to her chest. “So this is how we die.”

Wynter rolled her eyes.

“Delilah, get out here now!” a voice from outside bellowed.

They all looked through the archway that led into the kitchen. Delilah was currently muttering to herself while peppering ingredients into the steaming cauldron.

“Del!” Wynter called out. “We need you in here!”

Delilah cursed but hurried into the room. “What’s wrong? Make it quick.”

“Did you get on the wrong side of any demons lately?”

“Not that I’m aware of. Why?”

A fist once more pounded on the door.

Wynter sighed. “Hattie, keep an eye on the cauldron.”

But the woman who was curled up in the armchair didn’t even look up from her book.

“I’ll do it,” volunteered Anabel.

Wynter pointed at Delilah. “You come with me.” She led the other witch to the front door and opened it wide, revealing eight males who were also local demons. The furious-looking one holding a fire ball had a bandage on his cheek.

“Is there a problem?” Wynter asked.

“Yeah.” He jabbed a finger in Delilah’s direction. “Her.”

Delilah put a hand on her hip. “What about me?”

“All I asked for was a potion to make my girl’s tits bigger,” he said, his nostrils flaring. “You told me to pour it on her breasts and lick off any excess liquid. I did. Only it didn’t work, and shit got fucked up.”

Delilah folded her arms. “I warned you there might be side effects.”

“Woman, I grew a third nipple. On my face.” He tore off the bandage and, yep, there it was.

“You can hardly notice it.”

Wynter glanced over her shoulder at a smirking Xavier. “Get me a reversal potion, please.”

“Sure thing,” he chuckled.

Wynter shot her an ‘I know I told you not to sell any karma potions’ look, but Delilah was too busy arguing with the demon to notice. It was a wonder she hadn’t gotten herself killed long before now.

Xavier reappeared, his eyes still bright with laughter. “Here.”

“Thanks.” Wynter took the vial and offered it to the demon. “Drink that. The nipple will vanish.”

He jerked back, his hands raised. “You think I’m gonna drink anything else she made?”

“Actually, this is one of Anabel’s brews. It’s just a reversal potion. Look, take it or don’t. The nipple will probably go away by itself in a few days anyway. So if you’re happy to wait that long …”

His lips thinning, he snatched the vial and downed the contents; the effect was pretty much immediate. He looked at his lair members. “Has it gone?”

They all nodded or answered in the affirmative.

He rounded on Delilah. “That shit was—”

“Unfortunate,” Wynter cut in. “I’m guessing you didn’t tell your girl what the potion was meant to do.”

He averted his gaze briefly. “Well, no.”

“And that right there is the problem. Performing such magick on someone without their knowledge can backfire. Delilah did warn you there could be a price, correct?”

“Yes, but she didn’t mention anything about third nipples.”

“No one ever really knows what the cost will be. Look, I get why you’re upset, but you’re not at all blameless here. The potion wouldn’t have backfired on you if you’d been honest with your girlfriend.”

He sighed. “You realize I’ll forever be known as the guy who once had a nipple on his face?”

“Another thing which is unfortunate,” she said, hoping her words overrode Xavier’s snicker. “In future, whether you purchase a potion like this from here or somewhere else, be upfront with the person you want the potion to work on. We said the same to a woman who was looking for a cock-lengthening brew—”

“You make cock-lengthening brews?” he asked, all his hostility slipping away.

“Me? No. But Delilah does.”

“They only work for a few hours,” Delilah told him. “It’s kind of like Viagra, only it changes the size of your dick as well as enhances your libido for a short period.”

He and his lair exchanged intrigued looks before he turned back to Delilah. “How much are these brews?”

Wynter inwardly snorted. Men. Figuring all was now well, she shot Delilah a ‘We’ll talk about this later’ look and then turned to Xavier. “I’ll leave you guys to handle this.”

“We got it,” he vowed, smiling. “You go see Cain.”

That was the plan. It had become a routine—she worked, she ate with her crew, and then she spent the night in Cain’s bed. Each time a voice in her head taunted that she was in danger of growing attached to the Ancient, Wynter pointedly ignored it.

Reaching the Keep, she greeted the aide at the entrance, who then escorted her upstairs to Cain’s chamber. She found him standing near the window, sipping amber liquid from a tumbler.


