Three Reckless Words – The Rory Brothers Read Online Nicole Snow

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 136
Estimated words: 137131 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 686(@200wpm)___ 549(@250wpm)___ 457(@300wpm)

Even though I almost died there, the thick trees still look beautiful from a distance, especially with gold leaves showering the ground.

“How does it feel to be back without freaky stalkers and endless stress?” Archer asks softly beside me.

I blink back tears. “So good. You have no idea.”

“I think I do,” he says gruffly, hiding a smile.

Together, hand in hand, we walk around the back of the house to the gardens next to the woods.

Everything feels so still, like the whole world is holding its breath. For the first time in a long while, I’m at peace.

My hand tightens on Archer’s fingers. I’m so grateful to be here, to be with him, I could practically fall over.

“What is it?” he whispers.

“Being here, with you… I’m happy.”

“Always what I love to hear.”

“It’s making me think… maybe I’ve never been happy before. Not like this.”

Archer pulls me closer until I’m in his arms, looking up at him, this bear of a man I’ve given my heart to, wholly and completely.

The feels are overwhelming.

I need to get them out so I can breathe again.

“I love you, Archer Rory,” I start, but my phone vibrates in my pocket, and I hesitate, the moment interrupted.

“I know you do. You should answer that, Winnie.” His blue eyes shine, impossibly soft and smiling as he looks down at me.

I shake my head, but when I flip the screen over to see who’s calling, my heart leaps into my throat. I actually squeak.

It’s the lab from the University of Missouri calling me back.

A few weeks ago, we sent them a sample of the honey and all the info I had about the bees. I thought maybe they could analyze it and see if there’s anything special, beyond the neon violet color.

“Oh my God, if that’s who I think it is…”

“Go on, pick up.” Archer chuckles when he sees the panicked look on my face.

I don’t need more encouragement.

As he wanders along the path where the bee boxes used to be, I swipe the screen and hold my phone against my ear.


“Is this Miss Winnie Emberly?”


“I hope you’re well, Miss Emberly. This is Tyler In-ho, an assistant to Dr. Mackay. We’re calling about the lab results of the honey you sent us a few weeks back.” The male voice pauses like he’s checking data. “The results came back yesterday and I wanted to follow up.”

“Okay, great. And?” I can hardly breathe.

“It turns out, the honey has remarkable anti-inflammatory properties, stronger than ordinary kinds by several orders of magnitude. I cross referenced the results with a few other researchers, and they say they’ve only seen this a couple times in samples from overseas. Never here in the United States,” he says cheerfully. “It’s early, of course, but it’s possible more bee colonies like this could serve the medical community very well.”

“For medicine?” I’m gobsmacked. This is like my greatest dream come true.

“Well, if the results hold up under more rigorous testing, yes. This could have significant impacts on treatments and therapies designed for mitigating severe inflammation.”

My breath stalls.

Am I dreaming?

Did I ever really make it out of the woods?

“Wow. So, um… what are the next steps?” I ask. “Can I see the data?”

“In its raw form?”

“Yes, whatever you have.”

“Certainly. I can have that emailed to you along with the report we promised, provided you sign an NDA. With your permission, Miss Emberly, we’d love to do further studies. Where did you say these hives were based again?”

For a second, I hesitate.

“Only if the bees won’t be disturbed too much. Assuming the honey comes back just as strong next year, I mean.”

We talk a little more about logistics while Archer waits patiently in the morning sun, looking back fondly every few minutes.

I love how he’s content to just be here while I have my moment.

And suddenly, the excitement hits full blast. I’m pumped about the bees and the honey and the unexpected miracle.

The details the researcher rattles off start to wash over me. I agree that the bees need to be studied, as long as they can be protected, and clear my throat.

“I’m sorry, but I have to go. Can you send over the data today?”


“Thanks for calling. I appreciate it.” I walk over to where Archer waits and beam up at him.

“No problem. Have a good day.”

I’m still smiling at Archer as I say, “I will.”

“Good news?” Archer takes the phone from my hand as I end the call. He tucks it into his pocket.

“Yes.” I cock an eyebrow. “Is there a reason you just took my phone?”

“Because I’m done with distractions, Sugarbee. Just you and me now.”

I smile. “Did you know the lab would call today?”

His fingers slide through mine as we walk toward the brand-new wall Archer had built around the property, roughly where the forest begins. His very own bee-protecting privacy wall with small nooks for hidden cameras.


