Truths and Lies Duet Read Online K. Webster, Nikki Ash

Categories Genre: Dark, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 164
Estimated words: 157003 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 785(@200wpm)___ 628(@250wpm)___ 523(@300wpm)

“Kostas!” I cry out, knowing it’s futile.

His hand freezes on the handle, and he turns. Did he hear me?

“Kostas!” I yell again, my palms smacking so hard against the window, they’re stinging. “Kostas! I’m here!”

His eyes assess the area before he opens the door and folds himself into his car. And then he’s gone. And as quickly as the light came, it’s now gone. Leaving me stumbling through the darkness alone.

A flood of tears gush down my cheeks as I watch my fucking husband’s headlights get farther and farther away until they’re completely gone.

One year and he’s never been here. And when he finally does show up, I’m locked in my fucking room. He must know something. That’s why he came here. He’s looking for me. I know he is.

Oh, Kostas, you’re so close. Don’t give up, please. I’m here, waiting for you.

Crawling back to my bed, I snuggle back up with Zoe. She’s awake now from me yelling, but as soon as I comfort her, she falls back asleep. Such a good girl. She deserves more than this. More than being held prisoner.

“It’s okay, cara mia, we’re going to be saved.”

“Wake up,” Aris barks. His voice startles Zoe and she lets out a loud cry. I glare daggers his way, but he doesn’t care. “It’s time to eat.”

“I’m not hungry. I’ll eat later.”

“You’ll eat now, or you won’t eat at all,” he threatens.

After changing Zoe’s diaper, I grab a bottle to bring out to the table. When I get out there, Selene and Aris are both at the table, already eating their dinner. Steak, broccoli, and potatoes au gratin. He must’ve brought it home because Selene can barely make grilled cheese without burning the shit out of it.

When I walk past the table, Aris’s hand lands on my thigh. “I’m going to grab a jar of food for Zoe.”

“I’ll get it,” he says. “Sit down.”

“Fine.” I set Zoe in her high chair and place a bib around her neck. She giggles her delight, slapping her tray in excitement.

Aris brings over a jar of sweet potatoes and a spoon and sets them in front of Zoe before sitting back down. Zoe grabs the spoon and bangs it against her tray. “Da-da-da,” she babbles. Aris’s eyes meet mine. “Da-da,” she continues. She’s too young to know what she’s saying. She’s just making random noises, but the thought that she’s calling him da-da has me feeling sick to my stomach.

I open the jar and begin feeding it to Zoe, when Aris finally speaks. “Until further notice, you will be locked in your room while I’m not home.”

“Are you seriously going to keep me and your daughter locked in a room for hours at a time?” I shoot him a glare.

“Or I can have Selene take care of her and just keep you locked up…” Aris smirks with a shrug.

Selene huffs, and when I look at her, the entire side of her face is black and blue. I can’t help the grin that splays across my face. That pan got her good.

“Fuck you,” she spits. “Hope it was worth it.”

“Oh, it was,” I volley. “Looks like you’re going to be needing another visit to the plastic surgeon. Probably for the best since they fucked up your face the first time around anyway.”

“Aris, haven’t you had enough of this bitch? Your brother was here today! He’s snooping around and he’s going to find her.”

My gaze swings over to Aris, whose eyes widen.

“Kostas was here?” he growls, venom in his tone. “Why the fuck didn’t you tell me?”

“I just did!” Selene screeches. “And he was asking questions. How long until he figures out you have his precious Talia? Just kill her already. We can take your baby and run.”

At her words, I snatch the steak knife off the table and dart around behind her, putting her into a headlock before she can even think about what to do. With the knife against her throat, I meet Aris’s gaze. “You let this woman touch my fucking baby and I will slice her throat.”

“Enough,” Aris stands. “Put the damn knife down.” He steps toward me and I press the blade against Selene’s throat.

“Aris!” she cries.

“Talia, calm down.” Aris’s eyes dart over to Zoe. When he steps toward her, I have no choice but to let go of Selene.

“Don’t you touch her.” With the knife still in my hand, I lift my daughter out of her high chair.

“She’s my daughter too,” Aris sneers. “And if I want to fucking touch her, I will.”

He steps toward me and I take a step back. When he doesn’t make another move, I continue backing up until I’m back in my room.

“We’ll deal with this tomorrow,” Aris says. “Clearly shit needs to change around here.”

Without saying another word to him, I slam the door in his face, and then I pray to God that Kostas comes back for me and Zoe. Because if he doesn’t, I’m not sure how much longer Aris is going to keep me alive.


