Tryst Six Venom Read Online Penelope Douglas

Categories Genre: GLBT, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 165
Estimated words: 159976 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 800(@200wpm)___ 640(@250wpm)___ 533(@300wpm)

“Clay…” I moan.

But her fist is in my hair, her hand palms my breast, and her mouth trails up and down my back, sucking, kissing, and biting like she’s starved.

I feel a flood of warmth between my legs as she presses into my ass.

“God, what are you doing?” The world tips sideways, and I close my eyes. “I’m so wet for you.”

“You’re never getting away from me,” she says again.

I know, baby. I know. God, what is she doing to me? Just when I think I’m in control, and I have a handle on her, she sweeps me away.

She rises, pulling me up with her, and whispers in my ear. “I love these.” She squeezes my breast, moving from one to the other as she kisses my shoulder. “They feel so good.”

I kiss her, tasting her with my tongue again and again.

But then I spot something on the floor, something she’d pushed off her desk. “You got film in that camera?” I ask.

She follows my gaze, seeing her vintage Edixa 35mm on the floor.

I got a video of her. Fair is fair, I guess.

“Take my picture,” I tell her.

A gleam hits her eyes, and she walks over and picks it up, blowing on the lens before adjusting the settings.

I lean over the desk again, propping myself up with my hands and leaving my skirt hiked up in the back where she left it. I push up on my tiptoes and let a little hair fall in my eyes as she starts some music, “Take Me to the River” playing. When she looks up again, her chest caves and she almost drops the camera.

“You okay?” I tease.

A lump moves up and down her throat as she takes in the sight of me, but slowly, she raises the camera to her face.

The camera clicks, and I almost smile at the thrill that runs through me. It feels like a touch, having your picture taken.

Tipping my chin down, I look at her as she snaps shot after shot, moving around my body and getting different angles. She gets a shot or two in the front and then moves behind me, diving in for a really naughty one I certainly hope she knows how to develop herself, because Walmart won’t touch these photos.

I peer at her over my shoulder as she snaps more shots, and then I turn around, scooting up onto the desktop, and slowly dragging my skirt up my thighs. I tease her as she watches and waits, knowing I don’t have anything on underneath as the camera falls away from her face and she’s captivated.

I don’t go all the way. I smile, pulling my skirt back down, but she drops the camera onto the carpet and rushes me all of a sudden. Gripping me under my arms and pulling me into her body, she kisses me hard. Her mouth moves over mine, and I hook an arm around her neck, pulling up her shirt with my other hand.

“Not yet,” she pants.

I kick off my shoes as she slips her hands underneath my skirt, locking her eyes onto mine as she touches me with her fingers.

“I’m dying to kiss it,” she murmurs, stroking me.

My eyelids flutter at her soft touch, loving how she touches. How she explores, because everything is new to her and with every touch, she learns who she is.

I love that I’m here for it.

The tip of her fingers play just inside me, teasing but not taking, and she pulls her hand back out, her fingertips glistening.

Her mouth falls open a little, watching herself rub her fingers together and rub me over her fingers, and I think she’ll lick it off, but she doesn’t. Instead, she slips it under her skirt and into her own underwear, rubbing me on herself. All over her.

“Clay…” My body shakes.

Pulling out her hand, she rolls her desk chair behind her and sits down, looking up at me. Spreading my legs, she hooks her arms around my thighs and yanks me down to her.

I whimper, startled as she pushes up my skirt and sinks her mouth between my legs.

“Don’t talk.” She bites my lip down there. “Just listen.”

I tip my head back. Oh, fuck.

My heart hammers, her tongue gliding up and down my pussy in slow, long strokes—taunting me, priming me—and I’m already so turned on, sitting here like her fucking meal.

Like her fingers, her tongue learns my body. Feeling its way over my flesh, stopping and playing when she feels my body respond, and it isn’t so much what she does but how she does it. The little moans that escape her when she covers my clit with her lips and sucks, patting it with her tongue to taste. How slowly she moves, taking her time and savoring. Mixing it up with light biting before she dips her tongue inside me, the tip making my blood turn to fire and my lungs shrink so small I can’t breathe.


