Tryst Six Venom Read Online Penelope Douglas

Categories Genre: GLBT, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 165
Estimated words: 159976 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 800(@200wpm)___ 640(@250wpm)___ 533(@300wpm)

Leaving my car behind, we run down the dark, dirt road, Liv removing her heels to keep up in her bare feet.

We stop, so she can unlock her front door.

“I need a bath, baby,” I whisper in her ear from behind.

The tequila has kicked in, and my body stirs. She opens the door, and I head straight up the stairs ahead of her, seeing the house dark.

“Macon!” she calls out.

There’s no answer.

The others are at Mariette’s, and I know she has a nephew around here somewhere. Must be with a babysitter.

She tails me as I head to the bathroom, and we both step in, locking the door behind us.

I drop my bag to the chair next to the tub and kick off my sandals. “Good first date?” I ask.

“Not bad.”

She starts the water, turning on the shower, and the room soon fills with steam. I sit on the edge, watching her bend over and check the water’s temperature.

It hurts to look at her. The perpetual red tint of her lips that makes them look like she was born that way. The glow of her olive skin, the ever-so-subtle blush of her cheeks. Her long legs and long hair and the sweat on her body and my mouth on her tits that would make Father McNealty rain down fire and brimstone during Sunday Mass, if he knew what we were doing.

Am I really letting Callum escort me to the ball? Am I really not taking her to prom?

I lower my eyes. I want everyone to know she’s mine. She has my heart, and it scares me that she may not want it as much as I want her to have it.

She still hasn’t acknowledged that I told her I loved her.

“I wanted to tell them so badly that it was your bed I was in,” I say quietly.

She looks over at me, and I rise, leading her into the shower, both of us slowly peeling off each other’s clothes and my eyes never leaving hers.

I unzip her skirt, letting it fall into the tub. The shower douses my back as she peels off my tank top and helps me strip off my jeans.

We dump our food-stained clothes into the sink to be washed out later, and she pushes me back under the spray, helping me clean my hair.

But I’ve barely tipped my head back, closing my eyes, before her mouth covers my nipple.

There’s something mentally wrong with people like Olivia Jaeger.

I shake with a laugh at Amy’s words today. Then there’s something wrong with me, too. I’m so hard for her already.

“What are you laughing at?” Liv asks.

I grab her face and bring it up to me. “Nothing, baby. You just make me shiver.” And I kiss her, swirling my tongue into her mouth and wrapping my arm around her, holding her tight against me as the warmth blankets us.

Spinning her around, I rinse her off, her hair and body, never taking my hands off her as her kisses on my neck seep down into my belly.

“You said you could do anything a man could do,” I taunt. “Prove it.”

“Or what?” She bites my lips. “You threatening to get from Callum what you can’t get from me?”

She licks my mouth, and we grind on each other faster.

I groan. “Start getting more possessive, and I won’t have to. Tell me I’m your girl.”

Tell me.

“You trying to start shit right now?”

“Yes.” And I kiss her deep and strong, covering her mouth like it’s my last meal.

She slides down the wall, squatting between my legs, and yanks my hips into her mouth. Oh, Jesus. Her tongue glides up my pussy over and over again, ending each time with a nibble or sucking.

Again and again.

My eyes roll into the back of my head, her lips tugging my clit and making me moan. I don’t care who’s here to hear. Let them hear.

I lift my leg, placing my foot on the edge of the tub behind her, fisting her hair with one hand and reaching up, gripping the windowsill with another.

“Fuck me, princess,” she says.

She bites me, and I let my head fall back, overcome. I roll my hips, thrusting into her mouth against the wall, and I peer down, taking in the view.

She kisses and tugs, sucking on my inner thighs and swirling her tongue over my slit. “Fuck.” I shake, grinding on her mouth faster. “More, Liv.”

She takes my ass in both hands, diving inside me with her tongue, and I cry out. Heat fills my stomach, and I throb as she thrusts into me and rubs her own clit between her legs.

She licks and tastes. “You’re so wet, baby.” And then she meets my eyes again. “But I’m dying to stretch you.”

I pause, my body aching to come and every inch of me hot. My pointed nipple hovers above her.


