Tryst Six Venom Read Online Penelope Douglas

Categories Genre: GLBT, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 165
Estimated words: 159976 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 800(@200wpm)___ 640(@250wpm)___ 533(@300wpm)


He advances on me slowly. “She has the power, Liv. This is how they think.”

I swallow.

“You are giving her your power.”

“What do you know?” I bite out.

“I know.”

I shake my head absently, dropping my eyes to the floor. I’m in control. She’s not running the show. Is that what he thinks? “I’m not in love with her,” I tell him.


I dart my eyes up, glaring at him. “You don’t know anything.”

“I know it will be over when she says, not you.”

My lungs empty, because I don’t want to believe that’s true, but I know it is. Everything relies on her. Where we show our faces. How we have to hide at school. The future. We get along in and out of the bedroom, and neither of us wants to be away from the other, but…

I’m out.

She’s not.

Everything comes down to what she’s going to do and how long it will take for her to own up.

But I don’t care. I’m not taking this relationship to college. I don’t know what Macon’s worried about. Yeah, I like her.

I don’t love her.

But my head swims the moment the words drift through my brain. I don’t love her.

Macon leaves, his words hanging in the air as he heads up the stairs, and after a moment, I follow. He disappears into his room, and I grab my doorknob, ready to escape into mine, but Iron’s bedroom door opens.

A redhead in ripped jeans and a pink cut-off T-shirt walks out, Dallas pulling on his jeans behind her, and Iron still passed out in the bed in the corner.

Amy pulls the door closed, but not before Dallas winks at me, a shit-eating grin on his face.

Ew, really? What the fuck? How did that happen? Goddammit. I guess things got more interesting after we left last night.

Amy adjusts her bra straps inside her shirt and looks up, freezing as she spots me.

Out-standing. This day started two minutes ago and sucks so badly already. Clay and I shouldn’t have left the bed.

Amy sighs, a blush crossing her cheeks as she makes her way over to me. I’m pissed, but I’m not exactly sure why.

Maybe because my brothers are sleeping their way through my teammates all of a sudden? Because Amy got off in this house? Because the Saints might be treating this house like a brothel? Take your pick.

She stops in front of me. “Can I please ask you to keep this quiet?”

What? The threesome you just had with two older men?

“And I’ll do the same about you and Clay?” she says matter-of-factly.

I narrow my eyes. She knows?

Fine, whatever. “Okay.”

Not like I’d gossip anyway. Amy having sex with my family members isn’t a bragging right for me.

But I hesitate. “Are you okay?” I ask, just making sure. They’re experienced. She’s not, and I don’t want her suddenly feeling guilty about whatever happened in there.

Not that I think Dallas and Iron would coerce her into a situation she wasn’t comfortable with, but it’s a lot.

But she simply breaks in a smile, zero regret evident. “Is Clay okay?” she teases.

I open my door and enter my room. “Fuck off, Amy.”

And I slam the door, happy to continue our silent hatred of each other.

• • •

“Do you ever feel like you’re living the same day over and over again?” Becks asks.

She tosses her carrot down on the lunch table, and I peel another string off my cheese stick, clicking out of the TikTok video.

“I used to,” I say.

To be honest, I never really considered it a bad thing, though. Just the waiting period I needed to go through before I got to college and started my real life.

“What changed?” she asks as Chloe takes a seat beside me with her tray. “I need advice.”

I smile to myself, but I keep Clay quiet. She’s what changed. I’m not bored, that’s for sure. I wish I could talk about her to someone.

“I’m getting out of here,” I tell her instead. “That’s what changed.”

“Dartmouth.” Chloe feigns a shiver. “It’s going to be cold.”

“Really?” I gasp. “Damn.”

People keep saying that as if I’m unaware I’ll see snow in New Hampshire.

“If you got into Dartmouth, you can get into Tulane,” Becks points out. “Come on.”

“Hmm…” I think, weighing the pros and cons in each hand. “Within driving distance to New York City, Boston, and Philadelphia, or more bugs the size of my fist and a hundred-degree humidity. Tough decision.”

Becks smiles, continuing to eat her carrot. I can always visit New Orleans. I’ve made my choice.

“I booked a limo for prom.” Chloe elbows my arm. “My treat.”

I glance at her, remembering. Prom. “Right.” I hesitate, searching for words. “I mean, in case we don’t have dates?”

In case I’m not going with Clay, and I know I’m not, because Macon is right, but it would be perfect to go with her. We still have a month. A lot can happen in a month.


