Tryst Six Venom Read Online Penelope Douglas

Categories Genre: GLBT, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 165
Estimated words: 159976 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 800(@200wpm)___ 640(@250wpm)___ 533(@300wpm)

I grip his shoulders, about to push away as we stop dancing.

“You’re afraid of the dirt, but you know it’s there.” His mouth trails a line across my temple. “And when you get it all over you, Clay, I want to be there.”

I gaze into his eyes, finally seeing something in him I didn’t before. I haven’t been in as much control as I thought.

And I’m not completely unexcited by that prospect.

He picks me up, cocking his head and surveying me like a snake. “Who’s giving it to you?” he asks. “I know you’re not a virgin anymore, and I know it was recently.”

Instead of getting nervous, though, I smile. It’s nice not to have the hard discussions. I’m glad he knows.

“I won’t tell,” he whispers. “I just want to hear about it. Where does he do it to you at?”

She does it to me in secret.

“In a car?” he presses. “In a cheap motel? One of the Jaeger boys, maybe?”

I warm between my thighs, thinking about the Jaeger girl and how much more I want to touch her. He’s got the wrong details, but he’s on the right path.

“I’m not jealous,” he assures before a gleam hits his eyes. “I’m hard.”

I don’t feel it, but I take his word for it. I try to push out of his hold, not liking the weight of hanging from his arms. A reminder that he can always overpower me.

“I’ll keep your secrets,” he says. “You keep mine, and what a team we’ll be.”

I study him, kind of hating him for trying to make this so easy on me. Like my grandmother, he’s absolutely fine with me having everything I want as long I shut up about it.

Maybe this is my future. The one way I get to keep Liv. How many husbands will be as understanding?

“That’s enough, you two,” Broderick snaps.

Thunder rolls across the sky, and I swear I can feel it vibrate through the room as Callum drops me to my feet. He laughs, because everyone’s heads are twisting around, trying to see what the hell we’re doing.

“All right!” the dance teacher claps. “That’s enough for today! Practice at home this weekend. Chin up.” She tilts her chin up, demonstrating. “Watch your footwork and feel free to join my group class this Sunday afternoon for a little extra practice!”

Everyone heads for their gear and to change back into their shoes, and Callum pulls me back into him, hugging my back. “I want to see you really dance now.”

I shove his hands away, spinning around and walking backward for the chairs. “All you do is talk.”

His eyebrow arches up, and I catch a smile before I spin around and get my gear.

I don’t change my clothes, simply slipping on my shoes and taking my bag before we jet down the stairs and out the door. We step onto the deserted sidewalk, wind kicking up debris and the palms on the trees flapping. My hair flies around me, and he tosses me a look over the hood of his car. I should take my own ride, but… It doesn’t get old. Fucking with her head. Forcing her hand. I climb in, tossing my duffel onto the floor.

Amy and a couple other girls pile into the back, giggling as the wind whips under their skirts, and Callum fires up the engine as Amy passes me a flask from the back seat.

I hesitate, feeling Callum’s eyes on me. Alcohol has a way of making you do shit you wouldn’t normally do, and I should keep a clear head around him.

But my head has never been clear. Ever. Screw it. I close my eyes, tears I didn’t realize were there gathering at the corners as I tip the flask back and swallow a mouthful. Then another. And one more.

“Hey!” Amy laughs, tapping my shoulder. “Save some for me.”

“Let’s go!” Callum calls out, shifting the car into gear, and laughter fills the back seat as he speeds off.

Where the hell is Krisjen? Meet you at lighthouse? I text her. I should give her a verbal kick in the ass for doing my job and bringing Liv to the away game without speaking to her captain, but I can’t be mad about how that night turned out. Despite the fact that we still lost.

I reach over the seat, snatching the flask out of Amy’s hand as I take another drink, finishing off the last of it. Already, the warmth of it starts to coat my veins like a nice, thick syrup, and I relax a little.

I don’t give a shit that Krisjen went over my head, or that Callum wants to watch me roll around in the mud like a pig for his entertainment.

I don’t care that I had sex for the first time last week and it was with a girl, and I don’t care that it keeps hurting every moment I realize that some part of me isn’t touching some part of her.


