Undone (Double D Ranch #1) Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors: Series: Double D Ranch Series by Jeanne St. James

Total pages in book: 94
Estimated words: 91288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 456(@200wpm)___ 365(@250wpm)___ 304(@300wpm)

Dylan must not have been mentally prepared to explain the situation sooner than expected. Now he had no choice.

“How long will that take to heat up, sis?”

“Longer than it will take you to go put on a shirt,” Dani quipped.

With a single nod to his sister, Dylan announced, “I think I’ll go put on a shirt,” and headed back toward his wing.

“Good idea,” echoed Ford and followed Dylan.

But, lord, did both men’s asses look spectacular in the sweatpants. Though, Dylan’s fit better, of course, and, unfortunately, covered the cut muscles at his hips and half of his own happy trail.

Dani called out, “Ford, if you want to remain shirtless, I won’t care. I’ll only puke if I have to sit across from my half-naked brother while I’m trying to eat.”

Ford hesitated in the doorway like he was considering it, but then he did a vanishing act through the opening when a hand grabbed his arm and jerked.

Apparently, someone decided that wasn’t an acceptable plan. Only, now Erin was left alone with his sister. “Maybe I should go put on some⁠—”

“Panties? Probably a good idea because you never know when our brother might come out here with the munchies. Not the brother running late-night, half-naked exercise classes. The other one.”

Erin glanced toward Dayne’s portion of the house before swinging her gaze back to Dani. With a nod and her holding the T-shirt’s hem down as she went, she also went to get dressed.

Dylan held the door open for Erin as they headed back into the kitchen. This time dressed. When she slammed on the brakes, Dylan bumped into her. That caused Ford to curse under his breath as he almost collided with Dylan.

He stared at the dining table that was now set and behind one of those place settings sat his twin.

He silently groaned. He knew they wouldn’t be able to keep this a secret from his siblings if Ford and Erin made this a regular thing, but he had not been prepared to explain it right after their first actual threesome and, worse, at two in the morning.

A sigh slipped from between his lips.

“I set the table.” Dayne announced his achievement with a grin, like he was five.

Dylan bit back, “Do you want a cookie?”

His brother waved a hand around the table. “Come. Have a seat.”

“The piccata needs ten more minutes to be thoroughly heated,” Danica added.

“I don’t mind eating it cold,” Dylan muttered as Erin was the first to head over to join his siblings. “Did we wake you, Dayne?”

“No, when I walked into the house, I could smell the food being warmed up.”

Dylan raised an eyebrow at him. “You were out?”

“Why are you surprised? I mean, if anyone should be surprised in this scenario, it should be me, brother.” Dayne jerked his chin at Ford and the lines at the corners of his eyes deepened. “Ford.”

“Dayne,” Ford returned the greeting.

“This an odd time to sit down for a family meal, isn’t it?” Dani asked, still amused at the situation.

“We’re only missing Mom,” Dayne pointed out. “Maybe we should call her.”

“Why the hell would you wake up Mom?” burst from Dylan as he approached the large wooden farm table.

“Maybe she’d be interested to see what her offspring were up to. Though, she’d probably be pleased we were sharing a family meal together.”

“So, do you think she wouldn’t care that you don’t roll in until two a.m.?”

Dayne pursed his lips and scrubbed a hand over his jawline. “I don’t think that’s what would catch her attention.” His gaze bounced from Ford to Erin and back to Dylan.

“It would be our sister’s delicious chicken piccata?”

With a smirk, Dayne answered, “Sure.”

“She’s already tried it,” Dani volunteered. “And she does think it’s super fucking awesome. As is everything else I make.”

“You direct the kitchen staff,” Dylan reminded her.

Dani shrugged. “Still my kitchen, my cooks and my choice of ingredients. Just think of me like a conductor of an orchestra. I might not be the one playing the individual instruments, but I guide the musicians.”

Dylan rolled his eyes.

“So, Ford… I’m assuming you won’t be late for work tomorrow morning since you’re already here?” Dayne, apparently already bored with the direction of the conversation, brought it right back to where Dylan preferred it didn’t go. Though, realistically, it would be impossible to avoid. He swore his twin didn’t even have a sliver of decorum.

“I’ll need to go home to change,” their facilities manager answered, pulling out a chair and settling in across from Dayne.

“You didn’t bring a change of clothing?”


“So, all of this,” Dayne waved his hand between Ford, Erin and Dylan, “was simply an impulse?”

Chapter Twenty-Six

Of course it hadn’t been an impulse. The only impulse decision was him asking them to stay the night. Dylan certainly wasn’t telling Dayne about the plan he and Ford came up with. It was none of his brother’s business, just like it wasn’t any of Dylan’s business who Dayne had hooked up with tonight. As long as there weren’t any guest complaints, it didn’t matter.


