Untamed Delights Read online Suzanne Wright (The Phoenix Pack #8)

Categories Genre: Action, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Phoenix Pack Series by Suzanne Wright

Total pages in book: 137
Estimated words: 129756 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 649(@200wpm)___ 519(@250wpm)___ 433(@300wpm)


“You don’t want soft and slow any more than I do. Take what you do want, Dominic. Fuck me how you really want to fuck me. Remind us both that I’m alive.”

His mouth set in a harsh slash, he fisted his hands. “Stay on your knees. Turn around. Grab the headboard.”

Well. Mila did as he ordered. Her pulse quickening, her nipples tightening, she waited to see what he’d do.

“Spread your thighs wider. That’s it.” Pressing his front to her back, Dominic dipped the head of his cock between her plump folds. So slick. “Just remember . . . you asked for this, baby.” He snapped his hand around her throat and rammed into her, groaning as her hot, soaking-wet pussy squeezed him tight. “Take all of me, Mila.” He slammed home again, burying himself balls-deep. “Fuck.”

Even as her quaking pussy burned in the best way and felt deliciously full, Mila hissed at his blatantly dominant hold. “Let go.”

Instead, Dominic flexed his grip on her neck, gritting his teeth as her pussy rippled around him. She liked him holding her this way, she just didn’t want to admit it. He caught her earlobe with his teeth and bit. “You told me to fuck you how I really want to. This is what I want. My hand collaring your throat while I take what belongs to me.”

His fingers digging into her hip, he fucked her hard. So hard he had to be hurting her, but he couldn’t stop, and she didn’t ask him to. “Mine.”

Gripping her shoulder with his teeth, Dominic slid his hand up from her hip to close around her breast, wanting to feel it bounce in his hand as he furiously pounded into his mate. He felt every moan, groan, and whimper all the way to his balls.

Mila wished she could say she wanted him to release his grip on her throat, but there was something heady about feeling all that dominance, strength, and power . . . and knowing he’d never use it to hurt her. With his teeth digging into her shoulder, one hand collaring her neck, another holding her breast in a proprietary grip, and his cock tunneling through her body again and again, she felt utterly possessed.

Mila swallowed as his hand released her breast and slipped down her body. One touch to her clit and she’d go off like a rocket.

He gave her inner thigh a sharp slap. Mila hissed at the sting, but the pain radiated up to her pussy and made it spasm.

“Fuck, you like that.”

She gasped as he did it again, but he spanked higher up her inner thigh this time. Again, the burn settled in her core.

As a rush of hot cream bathed his cock, Dominic swore under his breath and pounded harder, faster. Stuffed her full over and over. And he knew he’d never get enough of her. Of this.

His gaze landed on the little spot in the crook of her neck that he’d raked his teeth over more than once. Each time he’d looked at it, he’d thought it a good place for a claiming mark. And now, with his senses swamped by Mila, he had to grind his teeth against the primitive drive to bite down on her neck and claim her permanently as his own.

The urge just kept on taunting him, pushing him, tempting him. Eating at his control. It didn’t help that his wolf was pressing him to do that very thing.

When Dominic paused, panting, Mila frowned. “What’s wrong?”

Letting his hand slip from her throat, he cupped her hips as he rested his forehead on the back of her own head. “Just give me a sec.”

Hearing the strain in those words, Mila clipped, “I don’t need you to be in control.”

“Yes, you do. Or I’m going to claim you.”

Her heart slammed against her ribs. She heard the truth in that statement. Heard how badly he craved to claim her. Felt that same longing to permanently brand him as hers—a longing that was shared by her cat. Mila shrugged. “So do it.”

He groaned. “Shit, Mila, don’t say that unless you mean it. It’d kill me if you later regretted it.”

“I won’t. I want this.”

“Be sure,” he said, his voice unintentionally harsh. “Because there’ll be no going back after this. I don’t care that imprinting bonds can fade—for me, this will be irrevocable.” He dug his fingers into her hips. “You hear me, Mila? If I claim you right now, it’s for good. I won’t let you go.”

“Just fucking bite me.”

He sank his teeth down hard, tasted blood, and growled in victory. Ignoring how she tried to buck and squirm on his cock, he held her in place as he sucked and licked at the mark, making sure the permanent brand would never be mistaken for anything but a claiming mark. His wolf rumbled a dark sound that vibrated with pure satisfaction.


