Untamed Delights Read online Suzanne Wright (The Phoenix Pack #8)

Categories Genre: Action, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Phoenix Pack Series by Suzanne Wright

Total pages in book: 137
Estimated words: 129756 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 649(@200wpm)___ 519(@250wpm)___ 433(@300wpm)

There was a long beat of silence, and then Dante and Trey exchanged a look.

“Our boy’s growing up,” said Trey.

“About damn time,” muttered Dante, but he was smiling.


Mila wasn’t the least bit impressed to once again have a bunch of infuriated cats in her apartment. What made it even more irritating was that it wasn’t just a handful of people this time. No, most of the pride had gathered in her apartment—which was driving her very territorial cat crazy. Especially since two of them were Joel and Adele.

On first arriving, Joel had given Mila a tight hug and then spent a good fifteen minutes trying to convince her to move in with him and Adele for a short while so that she wouldn’t be alone. She’d declined of course, which almost led to a shouting match. But one look from Valentina had made him snap his mouth shut. Now he was standing on the other side of the room, seething, while Adele did her best to calm him.

Mila had anticipated his anger. He didn’t want her for himself, but some deep-seated part of him couldn’t stand the idea of her being unsafe—wanted to protect and watch over her. But since her cat viewed that as an imposition, she kept hissing and spitting at him.

Pulling her attention away from Joel, Mila gave the room a once-over. Her pride mates weren’t just pissed; they were shocked. They’d never felt unsafe in the building before. They’d always considered it impenetrable. Well, impenetrable by anyone other than a wolverine—there was no keeping a wolverine out of anywhere they didn’t want to be.

Speaking of wolverines . . . So far her mother hadn’t said a single word, which was bad. A quiet Valentina was a very dangerous Valentina. She was busying herself making everyone tea and serving them pastries—well, everyone except for Vinnie. She blamed him for the hole in security and had no problems indirectly communicating that. And it wouldn’t be long before she was communicating it directly.

From what Mila could tell, Vinnie also felt that the blame lay squarely with him. He, Tate, Luke, and the pride’s enforcers were currently talking among themselves, discussing various ways the snake shifter could have found his way inside the building.

After questioning the snake, they’d come to Mila’s apartment and given her what little information they had on the male. In sum, he was yet another asshole wanting to claim the bounty on her head. Awesome.

As her father tucked a blanket around her legs, Mila frowned. “I’m really okay.”

“Well, we’re not, so let us fuss over you a little.” James sat next to her on the sofa. “Need more tea?”

“No, thanks.” Despite the tea and pastries her mother had plied her with, Mila could still taste the chlorine. Could still smell it, even though she’d had a very long shower. Could still remember that moment when the water flooded her lungs and made her chest feel like it would burst.

If it weren’t for the pride’s healers, her airways would no doubt be burning, and the venom would probably still be affecting her. And if it weren’t for Tate’s intervention earlier, she’d be dead. Not a happy thought.

Valentina took her empty cup from her. “I called your uncles.”

Mila winced. “Mom—”

“They can help, Mila. They have . . . certain skills.” As in, they were excellent hunters and knew a thousand ways to kill a man. They also never left bodies to find—mostly because they ate them, teeth, bone, and all.

“They also make a point of poking at Dad and trying to convince you to leave him.” She loved her uncles, she truly did. She just preferred they stay away from James.

Valentina jutted out her chin. “Your father can handle my brothers.”

“It’s Skeletor I can’t stand,” said James with a lip curl.

Valentina’s nostrils flared. “James Devereaux, you will cease calling my mother ‘Skeletor.’”

“It’s just a little nickname,” he said, full of innocence. “Nicknames are a demonstration of affection.”

Hearing knuckles rapping on the front door, Valentina shot her mate a “we’re not done here” glare and then stormed off.

Feeling the beginnings of a headache coming on, Mila closed her eyes and rubbed at her temple. It made her a bitch, really, but she wanted everyone gone. She appreciated their concern and support, she just couldn’t deal with having so many people around her right then. And her cat couldn’t relax so long as Joel and Adele were in her private space and—

“Ah, Dominic,” Valentina greeted. “It is good to see you.”

Heart jumping in her chest, Mila snapped her eyes open. Her cat’s pacing came to an abrupt halt.

Seconds later, he came striding into the living area, and his eyes instantly sought her out. Then he was making a beeline for her as if they were the only two people there, not bothering to return any of the greetings he received. Her cat regarded him carefully, a little miffed with him for staying away.


