Untamed Delights Read online Suzanne Wright (The Phoenix Pack #8)

Categories Genre: Action, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Phoenix Pack Series by Suzanne Wright

Total pages in book: 137
Estimated words: 129756 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 649(@200wpm)___ 519(@250wpm)___ 433(@300wpm)

Shaking her head at his idiocy, she grabbed his beer. “Like I’ve said before: hopeless.”

“Hey, I’m here to fulfill your every fantasy. If what you want is to suck—” He cut off with a groan as she swirled her tongue around the neck of his bottle. “Ah, that’s not fair.”

“As my mother would say, ‘Fair? What is fair? I not know this word.’”

Jesus, his cock throbbed at her smoky voice speaking in that thick Russian accent. Dominic crushed her to him. “Say that again.”

Laughing, she nipped his ear. “I want to dance. You coming?”

“Coming? Later. Hopefully a couple of times.”

Rolling her eyes, she slid off his lap. “Always have sex on the brain, don’t you?”

“Around you, yeah.”

With his front pressed against her back and one arm looped around her, he steered her through the club. As they were nearing the dance floor, Mila picked up a flash of red in her peripheral vision just as someone called out in delight, “Dominic!”

He twisted quickly, keeping Mila in front of him so that she stood between him and the other female, who came to an abrupt halt. “Eden,” he greeted simply.

Mila felt her scalp prickle. The brunette didn’t even look at her in spite of the fact that he was wrapped around Mila like a freaking victory flag. No, Eden just eyed him like he was candy while smoothing a hand down her red dress. Going by her lustful, nostalgic smile, she knew him biblically. Ugh.

Intellectually, Mila understood why the female wasn’t deterred by her presence. It wasn’t disrespect on Eden’s part; it was that it would simply never occur to her that Dominic thought of Mila as more than tonight’s entertainment. Still, she was pissed. Dammit, he was hers. Her cat bared a fang, wanting to peel off the bitch’s flesh. “How are you?” Eden purred.

“Fine,” he said, his tone even. “Have you met my Mila?”

The brunette stilled, and then her brows shot up so high, they almost hit her hairline. “Your Mila?” Her gaze dropped to Mila, and her smile faltered. “No, I haven’t. Although you do look familiar.” Her gaze then cut to where Dominic’s fingertip was circling the bite on Mila’s neck. Lips parting in shock, Eden blinked at him. “So, wow, I did not see this coming. Like ever.” She moved closer, reaching out to touch his shoulder. “I mean—”

“Lower your fucking hand,” said Mila, her voice cold as frost. “Hey, I get it. Dominic didn’t do commitment before now. It’s hard to believe he’s suddenly changed. Hard to truly respect that mark on my neck when you’re not convinced it has any real meaning. Well, it has meaning to me. And unless you want me to jam a chair leg so far up your skinny ass that you’ll be forced to choke on your own shit, you need to back the fuck up . . . fast.”

Shuffling ever so slightly backward, Eden lowered her hand and swallowed nervously. “I remember you now. You’re the one who hurt my pride mate, Randal, a few weeks back at Enigma. You smashed a barstool so hard over his head, you fractured his skull. He’s doing okay now, in case you were wondering.”

“I wasn’t.” The male tiger had tried slipping a drug into Mila’s drink—he’d had it coming. “You can go now.”

Eden looked from Dominic to Mila. “Enjoy your evening.” She sashayed away, but Mila’s cat didn’t relax.

He put his mouth to her ear. “Did you really hit her pride mate over the head with a barstool?”

Her mouth quirked at the mix of pride and humor in his voice. “Twice,” she replied.

Chuckling, he patted her ass. “Get moving.”

On the dance floor, the mass of bodies bopped, gyrated, and swayed as they laughed, kissed, and hooted. He caught Mila’s nape and pulled her flush against him, splaying his free hand on her ass. His cock, hard and full, dug into her stomach, reminding her what it felt like to have him inside her.

She hooked her arms around his neck as they swayed. Writhed. Grinded. His mouth alternated between devouring hers and ravishing her neck. Each nip was like a whip of pleasure to her clit.

He thumbed her nipple as he sucked the hollow beneath her ear. “Are you wet for me?”

“You know I am.”

“Shame we’re not somewhere like Enigma right now.” The nightclub was exclusive to shifters and allowed full sexual contact—even on the dance floor itself. “I could take you in front of everybody, so they’d know who you belonged to.”

She slanted her head. “I wouldn’t have thought your wolf would like the idea of you making me come in front of other people.”

“He wouldn’t be too happy about that part, but he likes that others would get the message that you’re taken.”

She frowned. “I really don’t think that your fucking me on the dance floor would seem at all territorial.” She doubted he was new at that activity.


