Untamed Delights Read online Suzanne Wright (The Phoenix Pack #8)

Categories Genre: Action, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Phoenix Pack Series by Suzanne Wright

Total pages in book: 137
Estimated words: 129756 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 649(@200wpm)___ 519(@250wpm)___ 433(@300wpm)

Sensations swept him under—her throat contracting around him. Her tongue flicking the spot beneath the crown. Her free hand expertly cupping and rolling his balls. It wasn’t long before he felt the telling tingle at the base of his spine.

“I’m close, baby.” She purred around him, and Jesus, it vibrated all the way up his dick. Tightening his hold on her hair, Dominic pumped his hips and fucked her mouth. “Swallow it.” His balls drew up as wave after wave of pleasure burst through him, and he exploded into her mouth with a growl of her name.

Panting, Dominic shook his head. “Fuck, you’re lethal.” She sat up, and he flicked a look at her shorts. “Get them off.” While she shucked her shorts and thong, he took off his own clothes. Then he grabbed her waist and dragged her up the bed, positioning her glistening pussy above his face. His cock twitched back to life as the heady scent of her need poured into his lungs. “Slick for me already.”

One knee on either side of his head, Mila clutched the iron rungs of the headboard as the warm hands palming her ass held her in place. Her cat was a sucker for all that casual strength, loved the way he firmly and boldly held Mila exactly how he wanted her.

Her eyelids fluttered shut as he swiped his tongue through her folds and swirled it around her clit, leaving a trail of fire in his wake. Jesus, that felt good.

He let out one of his little snarls. “I fucking love eating this pussy.”

Goose bumps rose on Mila’s flesh as he sipped, teased, and drank from her. He was ruthless with that mouth. Used his tongue, teeth, and lips to build the friction inside her until a blinding need lashed at her heated skin.

She might have cupped her aching breasts and thumbed her painfully tight nipples if she’d dared let go of the headboard. It anchored her throughout the storm of sensation he subjected her to. Really, he gave her no reprieve—wrapped his lips around her clit, grazed her folds with his teeth, licked at her slit, dipped his tongue into her soaking-wet pussy. Tremors began to rack her body and—

She sucked in a gasp as he yanked her closer to his mouth, sinking his tongue deeper into her pussy. That ever-so-clever tongue expertly stabbed and swirled and teased. Her thighs quivered, and her pussy fluttered as her release came barreling toward her.

“Fuck.” She came hard, her spine arched, her head thrown back, her thighs shaking as an orgasm so powerful it was almost unbearable crashed into her. She rested her forehead on the iron rungs as she tried to catch her breath.

Unable to resist, and seeing no reason why he should, Dominic bit her inner thigh hard enough to leave a mark. His wolf rumbled a pleased growl.

“Was that like a ‘Dominic has been here’ thing?” she asked, panting.

He grinned. “No, it was a ‘this is my pussy’ thing.” He slid her down the bed, positioning her above his cock. “Ride me, Mila.” His dick, once more full and heavy, throbbed in her hand as she grabbed him by the root. “Considering I ate your pussy and you sucked me like a Hoover, we’ve both had the edge taken off. So . . . who do you think will come first?”

She arched a brow, sweeping the head of his cock between her folds, teasing them both. “Is that a challenge I hear?”

“I reckon I can hold out longer than you.”

“I seriously doubt that.”

“Yeah?” Dominic grabbed her hip and slammed her down on his cock, stuffing her full. He gritted his teeth as her inferno-hot pussy clamped around him. She was so fucking perfect. So fucking his. And so very, very irritated with him right then, he thought with an inner smile. “I think you’ll be the one coming first.”

Mila glared at him. “Really?” She squeezed her inner muscles tight around him in retaliation, smiling as he bit out a harsh expletive. “Doubtful.”

“I guess we’ll soon see who’s right.” Casually slipping his hands around the iron rungs of the headboard, Dominic said, “Fuck yourself, baby.”

He watched as she repeatedly slammed down on his cock, her face flushed, her breasts bouncing. Her pussy was so fucking tight and hot as it greedily sucked him back inside again and again. “Love seeing my dick all shiny with your cream.”

She locked her gaze with his, skewering him with a sex-crazed stare that tightened his balls. Punching up his hips to meet her downward thrusts, Dominic filled his hands with her breasts and squeezed them just right. “My cock in your pussy, my brands all over you, my come in your belly. Yeah, I’d say I own you.”

“Is that so?”

“It’s definitely fucking so.”

Mila rode him hard, loving the feel of his long, thick shaft slicing through her. He pinched her nipples, sending red-hot sparks of desperation shooting straight to her clit. Shit, she wouldn’t last if he kept that up. Determined that he come first, she raked her nails down his solid chest as she squeezed his dick tight with her inner muscles again, eliciting yet another harsh curse out of him.


